Peeling skin on the hands: what to do?


Just a little over a hundred years ago, practically all over the world, well-groomed skin of hands was the privilege of women from the cream of society. Today the world has changed. But among all the achievements of modern women, there is still no magic elixir from such a problem as peeling of the skin of the hands. True, it can be solved with the help of folk recipes and simple rules.

 The origins of skin peeling are usually found in the following:

  • insufficient care for her, coupled with the negative impact of the external environment;
  • lack of vitamins / minerals, essential nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • tendency to skin diseases.

The last two problems should be consulted by a doctor.

The second reason requires a review of the daily diet towards a healthy diet, or at least the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes.

If the menu is still interesting, then it is useful to increase the content in it:

  • fatty cheeses;
  • salmon fish;
  • egg dishes;
  • carrots;
  • Pumpkins
  • peaches and apricots;
  • parsley and basil;
  • tomatoes.

But the first category is usually the cause of peeling, and is also divided into a thousand other diverse reasons and is most easily solved.

The fact is that the epidermis of the hands is practically devoid of sebaceous glands and contains less moisture compared to the skin, for example, of the face. Plus, it is worth considering that it is the hands that begin to age first of all - after 25 years.

 First of all, it is worth noting a number of rules regarding caring for pens, non-compliance with which is fraught with deterioration of their condition, including a tendency to peeling.

  1. In autumn, winter and spring, gloves must be worn, even if the cold seems tolerable - regular, albeit slight hypothermia plus wind exposure quickly weakens, destroys epidermal cells.
  2. Arriving home from the cold, it is unacceptable to immediately lower your hands under / in hot water - the temperature difference causes damage to cells and capillaries.
  3. In summer, hand creams with an SPF sunscreen are preferred. This is especially true of the season held on the coast, where the hands are constantly in contact with sand and salt water.
  4. For classes requiring manual contact with household chemicals, special household gloves should be purchased.
  5. Soap / gel for daily cleansing of the hands is often the main cause of skin dryness, coupled with chlorinated tap water. Therefore, it is worth choosing high-quality, moisturizing products with a maximum of natural ingredients.

Washed hands should not be rudely wiped, but gently and thoroughly pat with a towel - this will exclude small but daily skin injuries.

Pens, like the whole body, sometimes (every 7-10 days) require special cleansing - with peeling or scrub, due to the impact of which:

  • skin freed from dead particles fully absorbs nutrients from care products;
  • improves oxygen "breathing" of the epidermis;
  • collagen synthesis is stimulated;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the tone, smoothness and softness of the skin increase.

In a word, the pens begin to look and feel their owner well-groomed.

And yet, not stopping at cleansing, you should regularly perform such care:

  • steaming once a week (just in water or in a decoction of herbs, such as chamomile);
  • basic moisturizer - every evening;
  • mask / rubbing oils (almond, coconut are good) 2-4 times a week.

The application of creams and oils should be accompanied by a delicate massage that promotes blood circulation and the regenerative processes of the skin (it is recommended to move from the fingertips to the base of the brush).

Theoretically, this concern should be enough to forget about the problem in the title.

And here what recipes can be guided, at a choice of means.

Mix 1 tbsp. l pink clay (deeply cleanses, treats inflammation) with the same amount of fat sour cream and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply for 15 minutes, then wash your hands alternately with very warm and cool water.

In addition to getting rid of peeling, this mask also prevents the appearance of age spots.

Remarkably strengthen the skin and moisturize masks made of pumpkin or melon.

To prepare such a tool, grate finely fresh pulp and combine it in an amount of 1 tbsp. l with 1 tbsp. l cream and 1 tsp potato starch. Hold the applied mask for 20 minutes, then wash your hands with warm water.

To remove old skin particles, add in 1 tbsp. l coffee grounds a couple of pinches of powdered dry skin of an orange and 2 drops of essential oil of the same fruit (but in principle, replace the orange with any citrus fruit). Vigorously rub the mixture on your hands, leave for 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

It is useful to know that masks and creams without components with essential oils (home and store) may not rush off and leave on your hands at night if you put on cotton cosmetic gloves after applying them.

And another important clarification - no funds are recommended to be used if the skin is seriously damaged - not healing wounds, sores, cuts. At first - something healing, and when the skin recovers a little - it's time to think about leaving.

The fact is that untimely intervention with folk recipes and even store cosmetics can disrupt the natural processes of tissue regeneration.

But greasing hands in frost with goose fat to protect against peeling and cracks is a myth.

Even if you do not pay attention to the fact that this remedy is poorly absorbed for a long time and you still have to wash your hands, you should take into account the fact that poultry fat contains far from all nutrients valuable to human skin.

In addition, certain biologically active components of goose fat lead to an imbalance in the perception of the epidermis of vitamins E and A.

So instead of this ancient recipe, it is better to use special “winter” remedies that are abundantly presented on store shelves (those that contain cloudberry extract are very effective).


Watch the video: How to Get Rid of Hand Skin Peeling! Stop Dry Skin! (June 2024).