Stars who died a mysterious death at the zenith of fame


The unexpected death of an idol in the prime of life is shocking to millions of fans. In history, there are many cases where the death of a star is surrounded by a veil of secrecy, the investigation drags on for many decades.

Marilyn Monroe (1926 - 1962)

On August 5, 1962, the famous Hollywood blonde was found dead in her home. In conclusion, doctors indicated the cause of death is suicide, poisoning with barbiturates. The evidence was not in favor of the official version: body position, time between death and a call to the police (more than 4 hours), evasive testimony of the housekeeper.

More than half a century after these events, one of the probable causes of the death of Monroe is called a connection with the Kennedy brothers. After breaking off relations with the White House owner, Marilyn, according to her friends, intended to hold a press conference and disclose to journalists the details of the affair with the president. The actress's house was auditioned by security services.

Beverly Hills police officer Lin Franklin was on duty on the night of the alleged murder. He claimed that he stopped after midnight a car in which Robert Kennedy sat with brother-in-law and psychotherapist actress Greenson. But official records indicate that the Attorney General was absent at that time in Los Angeles. The investigation was not instituted, evidence (containers with samples of tissues of the stomach, intestines) disappeared.

Bruce Lee (1940 - 1973)

According to the official conclusion, the legendary martial artist died at 32 from a brain hemorrhage. Death was caused by an allergic reaction to an anesthetic. Traces of drugs were found in the actor’s stomach. But their concentration was negligible. Some doctors saw the cause of premature star death in taking cortisone. This hormone could cause malfunctioning of the adrenal glands.

Fans did not believe in the natural death of a human legend. His death was associated with the Chinese mafia and even a curse. The story had a tragic continuation. The son of Bruce Lee Brandon died on the set of the film "Raven" in 1993. The actor was shot with a pistol, the bullet was mistakenly mistaken.

Natalie Wood (1938 - 1981)

The daughter of Russian emigrants Natalia Zakharenko, known under the pseudonym Natalie Wood, was not inferior in popularity to Elizabeth Taylor in the 50s. In 1981, the West Side Story star was found dead in the ocean off Santa Catalina off the coast of California. The day before, she and her husband and actor Christopher Walken were resting on board a yacht.

The relationship between the actress and her husband Robert Wagner was not easy. They married for the first time in 1956. The reason for the divorce was Natalie's popularity and, probably, her betrayal. The second time they tied the knot in marriage in 1972. But even after the birth of a daughter, scandals on the basis of jealousy in the family did not abate.

On the last weekend of November 1981, a quarrel arose between the spouses on board the yacht. At night, the coast guard received a message about the mysterious disappearance of Wood. Officially announced that Natalie drowned. The case was hushed up.

In 2009, the captain of the yacht D. Devvern admitted that he withheld the facts under pressure from lawyers. New details of the tragic night surfaced:

  • people on neighboring yachts heard female screams;
  • witnesses saw bruises and abrasions on the body of the deceased;
  • the husband was the last to see the actress alive.

In 2011, the case was resumed. Wagner (87 years old) refuses to cooperate with the investigation.

Igor Talkov (1956 - 1991)

The most high-profile murder in the domestic show business occurred in St. Petersburg on October 6, 1991. Igor Talkov was shot dead by his own dressing room. The investigation established that Aziz, her former director Igor Malakhov, Valery Shlyafman, were involved in the death of the singer.

The conflict between the musicians, allegedly, arose due to the order of entry onto the stage. Oleg Blinov, who was in charge of the murder case, claimed that Shlyafman made the fatal shot. But the former director Talkova left Russia for permanent residence in Israel. Relatives of the singer are sure that this was not accidental, but contract killings for political reasons.

Kurt Cobain (1967 - 1994)

The body of the leader of the Nirvana group was discovered on April 8, 1994, on the third day after his death. The state of drug intoxication, the threat of Cobain to commit suicide served as the basis for the police to announce the suicide of the musician. But there are many inconsistencies in this matter.

Private investigator Tom Grant, whom Courtney Love hired, wrote a book based on his investigation. In support of the version of the murder, he cited the following arguments.

  1. From missing payment cards, attempts were made to withdraw money until the announcement of the death of Kurt.
  2. At Remington, no clear prints were found, only smeared marks.
  3. The dying letter is probably written by different people.
  4. A sleeping bag and traces of strangers were found in the house.

According to Grant, Courtney Love herself hired a killer to eliminate her husband and take her husband’s hands ($ 30 million and the right to music). The motive was Kurt’s intention to stop the concert activity, to start the divorce proceedings. Suspicion was also caused by the fact that Courtney provoked a drive to the police station in order to secure an alibi on the evening of her husband's death.

Brittany Murphy (1977 - 2009)

Winner of the Young Hollywood, Teen Choice Awards American star Britney Murphy died December 20, 2009 in the bathroom of her own home. She was 32 years old. For her short life, she starred in 60 films (8 miles, “Newlyweds,” “Sin City”).

The official version of death "from pneumonia, anemia, intoxication" has generated a wave of rumors. Under suspicion came the husband of Britney screenwriter Simon Monjack. Before the wedding with Murphy, he was involved in fraud and fraud with the accounts. May 23, 2010 Monjack died suddenly. The cause of death was identical - pneumonia.

A new version appeared: the famous couple died from toxic mold in the house. An investigation was conducted, but the results were not made public. Britney's father Angelo Bertolotti blamed his ex-wife for the death of her daughter (the actress's parents divorced when she was 2 years old). According to him, as a result of a toxicological examination, traces of heavy metals were found in Brittany's hair.

Bertolotti also linked the death of his daughter with the work of special services. But the death of the spouses is closed. It remains one of the most mysterious in the history of Hollywood.


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