Lenten soup with mushrooms - let it always be tasty! Different recipes for lean soups with mushrooms and cereals, noodles, vegetables


Who says lean meat is boring? He did not try wonderful mushroom soups!

They diversify the diet, make it tasty and healthy.

How and with what cook lean mushroom soups?

Lenten soup with mushrooms - general principles of preparation

It is believed that the most fragrant dishes are obtained from the gifts of the forest. Forest mushrooms can be used fresh, frozen or dried. A rich and aromatic broth is prepared from them. But, many still prefer to use more affordable and safe greenhouse mushrooms. These are champignons, oyster mushrooms.

What else can be present in a lean dish:

• various vegetables;

• pasta;

• cereals;

• legumes.

Vegetables can be not only fresh, but also frozen. Often in lean dishes combine products from several groups. Mushroom soups are made transparent or creamy. For taste, they add tomato paste, herbs, spices. When serving, offer sour cream, crackers.

Recipe 1: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Noodles

To prepare this hearty and lean soup with mushrooms, you can use not only vermicelli. With other pasta it will be no worse, but you will have to put them in a pan a little earlier, so that the products have time to cook.


• 150 grams of dried mushrooms;

• 4 potatoes;

• 3 tablespoons of races. oils;

• onion head;

• 1 carrot;

• 100 grams of noodles;

• herbs and spices.


1. Fill the mushrooms with cold water and leave at least an hour. You can do this the day before.

2. Pour this water, fill in a new one and boil for half an hour. We take it out of the liquid, allow all excess to drain.

3. Pour 1.5 liters of water and a glass of mushroom broth into a saucepan, put on a stove.

4. After boiling, we throw the chopped potatoes. Pieces can be of any shape and size.

5. In a frying pan, fry the onion, add the grated carrot to it, and brown.

6. Cut the boiled mushrooms into strips and put them in a frying pan, boil water and fry a little.

7. Put the contents of the pan to the cooked potatoes.

8. Salt the dish, cook for two minutes.

9. Add the noodles, let it boil.

10. Season with chopped herbs, spices and turn off.

Recipe 2: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Buckwheat

Who has never eaten buckwheat lean soup with mushrooms - he lost a lot! A fragrant and satisfying dish will surely take root in the kitchen and will delight not only during fasting. Mushrooms are used fresh forest.


• 300 grams of mushrooms;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 large potatoes;

• 80 grams of buckwheat;

• 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• onion head;

• dill and spices.


1. We wash the mushrooms, remove all excess and cut into cubes. Throw in a pot with two liters of boiling water, cook for twenty minutes.

2. Add potatoes to the soup. It can also be cut into cubes, like mushrooms.

3. Buckwheat groats must be sorted and washed. Then we send to the pan 10 minutes after the potatoes. Salt the soup.

4. In vegetable oil we pass the chopped onion head and grated carrots.

5. Once the potatoes are cooked, put the frying in the pan. In buckwheat, the readiness is not determined, since the cereal in any case is cooked while in a hot dish.

6. Fill a lean dish with chopped dill, you can put dry greens.

Recipe 3: Lean Soup Puree with Mushrooms and Rusks

Creamy soups with mushrooms are very nutritious and tender. They can be safely used not only for lunch, but also for dinner.


• 5 potatoes;

• 200 grams of champignons;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 liter of water;

• spices;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• 5 slices of loaf or white bread.


1. Cut the potatoes at random, boil in water with salt until tender. But it’s better to boil a little.

2. Shred the onions, pour them into a frying pan with vegetable oil and begin to fry.

3. After a minute, toss the shredded champignons. Fry until golden brown. Mushrooms can be cut into any size and shape.

4. Set aside a quarter of the mushrooms in a bowl, and send the rest to a pot with soup. Boil together for about another ten minutes.

5. Cool the dish a little and puree. Bring to taste with spices.

6. Cut the loaf into cubes, sprinkle with oil, lightly sprinkle with salt and fry in the oven or in a skillet.

7. Pour the soup into the plate, put the mushrooms set aside earlier, decorate with herbs and serve with fresh crackers.

Recipe 4: Lenten Soup with Mushrooms and Tomatoes

The recipe for an unusually bright and satisfying lean soup with mushrooms, for which you can take not only fresh, but also canned tomatoes. With salted barrel tomatoes, the dish is generally wonderful! But in this case, do not forget to reduce the number of spices.


• 200 grams of champignons;

• 3 potatoes;

• one onion;

• herbs and spices;

• 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• 5 tomatoes;

• 1 bell pepper;

• carrots.


1. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes, fill with water and cook for about seven minutes.

2. Salt and add chopped champignons. If you want to make the dish more fragrant, then you can lightly fry them before laying.

3. Passed on vegetable oil finely chopped onion head with grated carrots, at the end we add Bulgarian pepper.

4. Now you need to grate the tomatoes. If they are fresh, then cut in half and rub so that the skin remains in the hand. Pickled and barrel tomatoes are easier to peel, you can not rub them, but just finely chop.

5. We lay the tomato mass in a pan and simmer with vegetables for at least five minutes.

6. Transfer everything from the pan to the pan and boil for three minutes.

7. Add the greens, pour the spices that are missing to taste, turn off and let the soup stand on the stove for a quarter of an hour.

Recipe 5: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Barley

For pearl barley lean soup you will need fresh or frozen champignons. It is advisable to pour the cereal with water the day before so that it boils faster.


• 0.3 kg of mushrooms;

• 100 grams of pearl barley;

• 0.5 carrots;

• 1 piece of onion;

• some oil;

• herbs and spices;

• 4 potatoes;

• 1 spoon of tomato;

• water 1.5 liters.


1. Boiled barley is boiled in a separate saucepan with water for half an hour. We recline in a colander.

2. We shift the cereals into clean water according to the recipe, set to cook.

3. After five minutes, we throw mushrooms. If fresh champignons are used, then cut into cubes. We put frozen ones just as they are.

4. After four minutes, add chopped potatoes, cook the soup until it is ready, do not forget to salt for ten minutes before the end of cooking.

5. We prepare the usual sauté from chopped onions and grated carrots. At the end of frying vegetables, add a spoonful of tomato.

6. We shift the frying into the pan, let it boil for a minute.

7. We season with greens, bay leaf and can immediately be sent to the table.

Recipe 6: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Peas

Before preparing this lean soup with mushrooms, it is advisable to soak peas in water in advance so that it swells. You can fill it with water all night and leave it at room temperature. You can cook the dish with any mushrooms.


• a glass of dried peas;

• 2 small potatoes;

• mushrooms 200 g;

• large onion;

• greens and oil;

• one medium-sized carrot;

• spices, a little greens.


1. Swollen peas should be boiled in two and a half liters of water until almost soft.

2. We send potatoes to it, salt the soup.

3. Cut the medium-sized mushrooms into cubes, heat a spoonful of oil in a pan and fry. They need to be very browned, we add fire to the maximum. Then immediately transfer to the pan and cook with potatoes.

4. In the same pan, add a couple more tablespoons of oil and fry the vegetables. We cut onions into small cubes, carrots as well, but you can just grate them with chips.

5. Transfer the vegetables to the soup with already cooked potatoes.

6. For taste, we throw spices, chopped greens into a lean dish, you can add laurel, peppercorns. Pea soup with homemade crackers made of white bread is served.

Recipe 7: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Sauerkraut

The recipe for a saturated lean soup with mushrooms, which is prepared with sauerkraut. The dish is cooked with tomato, but you can exclude it if you wish.


• 250 grams of mushrooms;

• 4 potatoes;

• 400 grams of cabbage;

• onion head;

• vegetable oil;

• greenery;

• one bell pepper;

• 40 grams of tomato paste.


1. In two liters of boiling water, lay the chopped potatoes, cook for five minutes.

2. Lay the chopped mushrooms, cook further. Ten minutes later, salt.

3. In a frying pan, sauté sauerkraut squeezed from brine. Then add the soup ladle from the pan and simmer under the lid until soft.

4. In a second pan, fry finely chopped onion with sweet pepper, put tomato at the end and passé a couple of minutes.

5. In a pot with cooked potatoes, we shift the cabbage, cook for about two minutes.

6. Add vegetables with tomato and boil for another two minutes.

7. Lay the herbs, seasonings and turn off. Let the lean soup stand on a warm stove to reveal taste.

Recipe 8: Lean Soup with Mushrooms and Frozen Vegetable Mix

Frozen vegetable mixes are a great ingredient for lean soups, affordable and inexpensive. For this recipe, you can use any composition: with cabbage, peas, green beans, carrots, pepper.


• 0.3 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.5 kg of frozen mixture;

• 1 onion head;

• 2 potatoes;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• spices.


1. Cook the peeled and grated potatoes in 1.5 liters of water for about three minutes.

2. In a frying pan, fry the onion and finely chopped mushrooms, transfer to a pan with a potato broth, let it boil for about five minutes.

3. Salt the soup, add the vegetable mixture. It is not necessary to defrost.

4. Let it boil and cook until vegetables are soft. Time depends on the composition.

5. Fill with herbs, turn off.

6. Serve with sour cream, you can add fresh garlic.

Lenten soup with mushrooms - tips and tricks

• Regardless of the type of lean soup and incoming ingredients, the dish will turn out tastier if you cook it on a pre-cooked broth from vegetables and roots.

• To complement the taste of lean soup and make the dish saturated, you need to add different seasonings and spices to it. Their quantity and appearance are limited only by their own taste.

• Homemade crackers - a wonderful supplement that will decorate even the most boring soup. Rusks can be cooked with various spices, garlic, fried in oil or just dried in the oven.

• Soy meat is a product that can be consumed in fasting and added to mushroom soups. And you can buy it in diet stores.

• Remained mushroom broth? Pour it into small containers and put it in the freezer. It is useful for cooking other lean dishes: sauces, cereals, side dishes, stewed vegetables.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. July 7, 2019 (June 2024).