7 available products for youthful skin


The most effective products that rejuvenate the skin, along with those in which a full set of vitamins, trace elements and beneficial acids, are recognized products containing phytoestrogens.

They make up for the lack of female hormone - estrogen and have a similar effect on the body. With a sufficient level of hormone, the skin remains elastic, elastic, the aging process slows down.

Products - Estrogen Sources

In the list of leading "hormone-replenishing" products, everyone knows:

  • soybeans;
  • legumes (peas, beans)
  • garlic;
  • mushrooms;
  • White cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • dairy products.

The inclusion in the daily diet of soy cutlets, goulash, sauce for dressing cereals will be an excellent portion of estrogen for rejuvenation.

Salad, garnish with green peas, fried mushrooms with sour cream, sauerkraut, fresh and stewed cabbage and broccoli - simple and affordable dishes will provide the skin with a young and healthy look. One glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidoc or yogurt per day will ensure a healthy complexion and regeneration of skin cells. Just one clove of garlic per day (product intake rate) contains up to 60 micrograms of the hormone necessary to prevent skin aging.

For youthful skin and not only

Seven popular youth skin products are sold at any supermarket at an affordable price. They are excellent anti-age agents. They have a low calorie content, are easily digested, strengthen the cardiovascular system and excrete cholesterol.

We think this is good news. Given the rich content of minerals, vitamins and acids in the listed “hormone products”, the beneficial effect on the skin from their intake is significantly increased. The daily presence of such products on the menu will preserve the youthfulness of the skin and the entire body as a whole.


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