Scientists: coffee can protect against ringing in the ears


Canadian scientists have established: it turned out that drinking three cups of coffee can reduce the risk of tinnitus by 15%. A little earlier it was believed that coffee, on the contrary, is capable of enhancing this unpleasant phenomenon.

Tinnitus occurs after damage to the nerves in the inner ear, which is a consequence of exposure to loud music, hypothermia, and various infections. Thus, the brain receives impulses that transform into a constant presence of sound.

Very often this is a fairly long-term problem. Especially among young people, whose representatives regularly listen to music with headphones.

To date, there is no way to deal with this problem. The only thing that experts can offer is to switch attention to something else.

The positive role of coffee in the fight with tinnitus is confirmed by significant statistics. The reason for the healing role of coffee is most likely that caffeine stimulates the hair cells of the inner ear.


Watch the video: TINNITUS: TCM & Natural Remedies (July 2024).