Folk remedies for temperature - use reasonably. What are the most popular folk remedies at temperature?


I dare to assert that everyone knows the normal indicators of human body temperature.

If you see numbers above 36.6 on a thermometer, then naturally you begin to worry and think that health is not all right.

However, elevated body temperature does not always indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. The fact is that temperature fluctuations for many people occur for no particular reason.

Body temperature can rise:

• in women during menstruation

• after slight overheating

• after prolonged stress

If the problem persists for several days, despite the fact that you measured the temperature with the same thermometer and at the same time, it is time to think about the reasons for its high rates.

Without a doubt, only a specialist is able to understand why your body temperature is elevated. Therefore, in order not to start the disease in a timely manner, consult a doctor.

At home, to alleviate the condition and reduce the temperature, you can use simple methods that traditional medicine offers.

Folk remedies for temperature - herbal teas

1. Ginger tea. Throw some black tea into the teapot, add the crushed slice (the size of a nut) of the ginger root and brew the mixture with boiling water. Cover the dishes with a lid and let the medium brew for 5-10 minutes.

Ginger is a unique plant that contains substances that have a destructive effect on pathogens.

In addition, ginger is an excellent immunostimulant. It has diaphoretic, expectorant, and analgesic properties.

Tea, which includes ginger relieves chills, helps to eliminate toxins from the sweat, clears the bronchi during inflammation of the respiratory organs.

Ginger is not recommended for ulcerative colitis, stomach ulcers, reflux, gallstones, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as in the last months of pregnancy.

2. Tea with mint. Throw black tea into the teapot (or directly into the cup) and add a pinch of crushed mint leaves or lemon balm. Insist the mixture for several minutes and consume at elevated temperatures.

Peppermint is an excellent pain reliever and vasodilator. It has a mass of beneficial properties and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

3. Linden tea. Pour dry linden flowers (2 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and let it brew a healing drug for at least 20 minutes. Drink at an elevated body temperature twice a day.

Lipa has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Used in the composition of tea or broth flowers, reduce pain, remove toxins through sweat. Lipa relieves fever, relieves the body of toxins, treats colds.

The plant has the only contraindication - linden can not be used for a long time. Otherwise, you can get a side effect such as blurred vision. Therefore, drink healing infusion of lime blossom for a short time.

3. Tea from the leaves of black currant. Crush the curative leaves and, taking 2 tablespoons of raw materials, fill them with half a liter of boiling water. Give the agent a good brew for at least half an hour.

Use tea from the leaves of black currant several times a day in the form of heat. For more effect, add a teaspoon of honey to the drink.

Black currant has a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfecting action. In its composition, the leaves of the plant contain phytoncides that do an excellent job with colds.

The plant has a diaphoretic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect on the body.

4. Chamomile tea. Brew in the usual way a tablespoon of chamomile with boiling water. To improve the taste and smell, add a couple of mint leaves to the chamomile. From this tool will only be more effective. Cover the dishes with a lid and leave for a brief infusion. Drink healthy tea on the temperature several times a day.

Chamomile is a well-known universal anti-inflammatory agent. In combination with mint, it relieves headaches, promotes profuse sweating, reduces body temperature.

If you add a spoon of oregano to this composition, you get an effective cough remedy.

Folk remedies for temperature - raspberry

Raspberries - not just a tasty berry. This is an extremely useful product, coping with a cold. Raspberry-based tea removes toxins from the body, promotes active excretion of sweat, reduces body temperature naturally.

1. In a cup of brewing your favorite tea, add a couple of spoons raspberry jam or product ground with sugar.

Drink this tea several times a day. After each cup, go to bed and wrap yourself in a blanket.

2. Take dried raspberries (2 tablespoons) and a pinch of black tea. Throw everything in the teapot and fill with half a liter of boiling water. Let the agent infuse for at least 15 minutes. Eat with honey before you go to bed.

3. Grind dry raspberry leaves. Pour a couple of tablespoons of raw material with boiling water (1-2 cups) and let it brew for quite a long time (1-2 hours). Before use, add sugar to taste, and even better - honey, which is indispensable for colds.

With all its beneficial properties, raspberry has some contraindications. It is not recommended to use a large number of berries for people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, patients with urolithiasis, gout, bronchial asthma, with polyps in the nose.

Folk remedies for temperature - compresses

The most simple and effective way to reduce body temperature is a cool compress. To prepare it, type in the container not too much. cold water Dampen a towel or cloth in it, slightly squeeze it and apply it to your wrists, temples, forehead. Change the compress often (every 10 minutes).

To enhance the effect instead of water you can use decoction of yarrow or mint. To prepare it is quite simple: chop the medicinal plant. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and pour with plain water (1 cup). Place the container with the drug in a water bath and heat, stirring for at least 15 minutes.

The result is a healing mixture, which must be allowed to cool, then strain and use for a compress.

Folk remedies for temperature - enemas

Enema not only cleanses the intestines, but also contributes to a decrease in body temperature. Prepare the decoction: pour the chamomile flowers (4 tablespoons) with a glass of boiling water, and then heat it in a water bath.

After cooling, strain the broth, dilute with water (200 ml of the product should turn out) and add vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Use the composition for the enema.

Folk remedies for temperature - wiping

With the enormous popularity of this method of reducing the temperature, it is still necessary to know about its negative consequences, especially for children.

Many mothers, after reading often contradictory information, as they say, put experiments on their children: at high body temperature, the baby’s skin is cooled with an alcohol-water solution.

Besides the fact that the sick baby is experiencing a rather unpleasant feeling with this method of treatment, he, with a general intoxication of the body, also receives toxic substances through the skin.

Want to bring down the temperature without harm to health? It is enough to lubricate the palms and feet of the baby, thereby warming it and affecting the bioactive points.

General recommendations for high body temperature

1. Plentiful drink allows to give out heat better. Therefore, at high temperatures, drink as much tea as possible, herbal tea, or hips, etc.

2. Create in the room where you are the air temperature not exceeding 18 * C. Be warmly dressed.

3. Do not overcool. When freezing occurs vasospasm of the skin, and this, in turn, leads to slower blood flow, less sweat, less heat.

4. To reduce body temperature, it is not recommended to use hot water bottles with ice, wet sheets, which are advised to wrap the child or wrap yourself.

5. A popular method - rubbing with alcohol or vinegar raises great doubts. Especially for children.

6. The more you sweat, the more you need to eat healthy warm drinks, which will not allow blood to thicken.

7. Drink decoctions and infusions of the same temperature as your body temperature.

8. Get rid of the problem gradually. Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations. Do not strive to ensure that the indicators immediately become normal. Suffice it to quite a bit to reduce the temperature (0.5 degrees).

Any method presented in this article should be applied reasonably. It happens that a high body temperature is poorly tolerated, the patient has diseases of the nervous system, or the temperature exceeds dangerous 39C and lasts a long time. In this case, it is necessary to use medical drugs, the most effective and harmless of which is Paracetamol.

By the way, pharmaceuticals do not cure the disease itself, but only reduce the severity of its symptom - temperature. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is still necessary.


Watch the video: How Fever in Early Pregnancy Might Cause Heart, Facial Birth Defects (July 2024).