Is it possible to treat pinworms at home? What decoctions are useful in treating pinworms at home


Pinworms are parasites that infect the human body. They can cause such an unpleasant symptom as anal itching. This type of parasite is the safest, but still you should timely proceed to the treatment of pinworms at home.

Causes of pinworms

Absolutely all intestinal parasites enter the intestine through the mouth. Infection begins from this moment. Helminitis is often referred to as a disease of dirty hands. The main cause of the lesion is non-compliance with hand hygiene.

Parasites can live in:

• sandboxes;

• on children's toys;

• hospitals;

• public transport;

• vegetables and fruits;

• bedding and underwear;

• toilet seat.

It is children who are most affected by this ailment. At kids the scheme of hand hygiene is completely not adjusted. But an adult from the same child can easily become infected. In adults, enterobiosis can be transmitted sexually.

These pests do not cause severe pain, but deliver a lot of discomfort. Itching in the anus at night disrupts the patient’s sleep. At the first sign of damage, it is necessary to begin treatment for pests.

Pinworm treatment at home: enemas

It is important to know that pinworm treatment should only be comprehensive. Very often, patients are prescribed enemas. To get rid of parasites, they resort to garlic as enemas. There are several effective methods:

1. Boil a head of one garlic in 0.2 l of milk. Filter and cool to room temperature. For the procedure, use the whole cooked broth. Manipulate daily for a week.

2. This anti-parasite prescription is suitable for children and pregnant women. Peel the garlic head and pour a glass of hot milk. Wrap the resulting mixture well and leave for an hour. After this time, filter the composition. Children up to a year take 30 ml of decoction, after a year 40 ml of the composition and adults 100 ml of healing infusion. To cure parasites, do 3 to 5 procedures.

3. From the disease, a garlic enema with the addition of horseradish is effective. Take garlic and horseradish in equal proportions. A quarter cup of the mixture pour 0.55 liters of hot liquid and leave for 10 days. Shake broth daily. After expressing the whole mass and take it three times a day for a third of an hour before eating. The duration of therapy is 10 days.

4. To obtain a healing potion, you need 3 cloves of garlic and 0.25 liters of milk. Bring the milk product to a boil and add grated garlic to it. Thoroughly mix and filter the entire mass. Such a medicine is consumed for three days. With the same tool, it is necessary to wipe the anus. After the procedure, you need to wash and change underwear.

5. With this ailment, an herbal enema is effective. In equal parts, take celandine, tansy and wormwood. 2 large tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of liquid and put on fire for 5 minutes. Leave for half an hour and then filter. For a complete cure, you will need 10 procedures. Then take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course again.

6. The tansy will help get rid of pests. To prepare the product, take the head of garlic and rub it thoroughly. Pour the mass of 1.5 liters of milk and boil. Add 5 g of tansy flowers to the resulting mixture and boil again. Allow the broth to cool and then filter. Procedures should be carried out three times and preferably before bedtime.

Tansy has contraindications, so before using a prescription, you should consult your doctor.

Decoctions for the treatment of pinworms at home

Engage in folk remedies is possible only if there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract. You can make the therapy yourself with the help of decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs. Effective recipes are:

1. A decoction of tansy. 5 g of dried flowers of the plant pour boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Use half a glass three times a day. The duration of therapy is at least 7 days. After taking, use a remedy that has a laxative effect.

2. Oak bark and valerian root. Take both ingredients in the same proportion. Finely chop the components and pour 0.2 l of boiling water. Move to a thermos and wait 4 hours. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After taking, use 3 large spoons of vegetable oil and a clove of garlic. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

3. Mix dried centaury, caraway and tansy. Pour boiling water over 10 g of the collection and leave for an hour. Drink 10 ml three times a day.

4. Wormwood. 5 g of dried grass pour 0.4 l of boiling water and leave to cool. Take immediately before meals.

5. Infusion of onions. Finely chop the product and pour 0.3 l of boiling water. Cover the container and leave for 12 hours. After filtering and drinking 2 times. Do this medicine every day and consume only fresh infusion. The duration of treatment is 4 days.

6. Tincture of pumpkin seeds and wormwood. Both ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and poured with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 2. Put infused for a week. Shake the composition from time to time. Drink 50 ml at bedtime.

7. Brew 3 tablespoons of thyme in a thermos for several hours. After taking the funds received, drink a saline solution after a couple of hours.

The result will be noticeable only after completing the full course of therapy.

Pinworm treatment at home: vegetables from the garden to help

Healers believe that parasites can be removed using any vegetables from the garden. Recipes for pinworms are as follows:

1. The first and most effective vegetable is pumpkin. To treat the disease, you need 40 g of seeds. They should be mixed with honey. Use this remedy on an empty stomach. An hour after taking any laxative.

2. Watermelon seeds. To get the most positive effect, the patient needs to eat 4 tablespoons of raw seeds daily. At the same time, they must be chewed carefully. 40 minutes after use, drink a spoonful of castor oil. On the day of taking this remedy, you must adhere to a plant diet.

3. Garlic. This product must be consumed in its purest form. You can cook and a remedy. Peel and grate 2 cloves of garlic and dilute with water. Take before bedtime and drink plenty of fluids.

4. Carrot and beetroot juices. Drink them daily in half a glass after waking up and at night. The duration of treatment is 14 days. But it is important to remember that carrot juice is forbidden to drink with allergies, stomach ulcers, high acidity and diabetes. Beet juice should not be consumed with increased acidity, a tendency to diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Cucumber pickle and sauerkraut juice. The acidic flora in the body has a negative effect on any parasites. 25 minutes before eating, take 50 ml of brine.

6. Rice with spices. Soak 50 g of product overnight. Before cooking, drain the water from it and fill in a new one. Boil the porridge to a thick consistency. Mix cloves and ginger powder in a 1 to 2 ratio and add to the porridge. Use the drug in the morning. 2 hours after drinking, drink a cup of salted liquid.

Conventional foods that are consumed daily in food will help to quickly cope with parasites.

Pinworm treatment at home: important tips

Pinworms are not dangerous parasites as much as possible, but nevertheless, their treatment must be dealt with immediately after identification. There are a few tips to consider:

1. If, after passing the analysis, the presence of pests in the body was diagnosed, then saline can cope with nausea. Add a teaspoon of white powder to half a cup of liquid.

2. It is important to delete sweets and foods that have a large amount of carbohydrates from the diet. Such food contributes to the rapid multiplication of parasites.

3. You must eat as many fiber-rich foods as possible. These are bran, raisins, apples.

4. Thyme and black pepper must be added to each cooked dish. From such spices pinworms die.

5. For breakfast, it is recommended to use grated carrots mixed with pumpkin seeds. For a day you need to eat an onion and drink warmed milk with garlic.

How quickly you can cure parasites - it depends on the person. If you perform all the actions regularly, the result will be fast.


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