Effective masks for shine hair: recipes. How to prepare and apply masks for shine at home


Almost every woman dreams of luxurious locks of flowing hair shimmering in the sun with bright highlights. After visiting the hairdresser, you can achieve this effect, but everyone knows the result - a brilliant, healthy shade of lush hair is short-lived, and it takes a lot of money for styling in a beauty salon. How to save on the coveted?

The main causes and effects of dull hair color

1. Genetic abnormalities. A common cause of a lifeless hairline. However, this is not a reason to be upset - daily use of natural masks for a certain type of hair will fill the hair follicles with vitamins.

2. Environmental conditions. The ultraviolet radiation of the sun and a sharp change in temperature cause dry and brittle hair.

3. Exposure to hot temperature. Aggressive hair care products, frequent use of hot appliances causes irreparable damage to the integrity of the hair.

4. Nutrition. A uniform diet spoils curls. To maintain a healthy shine for hair, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E. are necessary.

5. Constant stress and hormonal failure. Control of inner calm, compliance with a full sleep and rest regimen in combination with shine masks will preserve a healthy, well-groomed look of hair for a long time.

6. Cosmetic procedures. Improper hair shampooing is caused by improperly selected shampoo.

7. Perm. The substances contained in the fixative agent strongly dehydrate and bleach the hair.

The use of masks for shine hair - simple rules

• The effectiveness of the selected mask will be favorably emphasized by the simultaneous use of vitamin balm for shine.

• To achieve maximum results, minimize the frequent use of hot appliances; wash your hair only with warm water.

• Before making a mask, take an allergic reaction test. Carefully study the contraindications of each of the components of the mixture.

• Prepare the mask with a blender, since scrupulous mixing of the components will prevent clumps from sticking to your hair.

• Apply the mask evenly, with light movements of the comb from the forehead to the main hair length. The movement from the root to the ends will ensure the application of the mixture on the entire surface of the hair.

• Do not wash off the applied mask immediately. Put the plastic bag on your head to keep it warm so that the mask does not dry quickly, walk around the time as instructed.

• Rinse off with warm water. You can fix the desired effect of the mask with chamomile broth for blond hair, and nettle broth for dark hair.

• After using the mask, drying with a hairdryer is contraindicated.

• In advance, observing the reaction of the hair, determine the frequency of use of the masks. Too frequent use may result in the opposite effect.

Natural components of hair shine masks

1. Yogurt. Sour-milk bacteria of the product internally nourish the hair with the necessary vitamins, moisturize the follicles. In cosmetology, use pure yogurt without flavors and extraneous additives. For the mask, you can use another dairy product - yogurt, whey, sour cream.

2. The banana. In the composition with the sour-milk component it gives shine, softness, promotes active growth.

3. Honey. Improves the growth of hair.

4. The yolk of chicken eggs. Composed with honey enhances the effect of radiance, accelerates the growth rate.

5. Beer unfiltered. When interacting with the yolks, it fights against baldness, activating dormant hair follicles, accelerates growth, gives shine and elasticity.

6. Chicken egg. It has a general strengthening effect.

7. Orange. Strengthens the integrity of the hair follicle, normalizes the level of water balance, is effective against dandruff.

8. Lemon. Actively regulate the sebaceous glands, provides radiance.

9. Olive oil. Preserves the natural shade of the hair, enhances shine, gives softness, has a restoring property of the hair root.

10. Cognac. Tones up a hair bulb, strengthens and activates growth.

11. Onions. Gives volume, removes dullness. Provides shine to hair.

12. Coffee. Strengthens the hair follicle, maintains a natural shade, activates the healthy shine of dark hair, aromatizes.

13. Mayonnaise. Helps to give hair elasticity, improves growth, maintains a matte shine.

14. Burdock oil. Preserves the integrity of the hair, preventing brittleness and cross-section.

15. Castor oil. Adds radiance to bleached and fair hair, increases volume.

16. Gelatin. The content of natural collagen in it will give the hair a rich shine and silk softness.

Recipes for hair shine masks according to the type of hair

For dark strands

1. 20 ml of burdock oil, 20 ml of cognac, 30 ml of honey. Mix the components with a blender, having previously melted honey in a water bath. Keep warm under a hat for about an hour. Removes hair brittleness, enhances the color of dark hair.

2. 20 grams of finely ground coffee, 50 ml of boiling water. Brew, filter. Rinse dark hair after shampooing.

3. 40 grams of cocoa powder, fat-free kefir, an egg. Beat with a blender until smooth. Apply on the hairline in stages until completely dry, keep under a hat for about 30 minutes.

For light strands

1. 40 ml of kefir, egg, a spoonful of olive oil. Thoroughly mix the gruel in the strands, leave under the film for 20 minutes.

2. In equal proportions castor and olive oil. Heat castor oil, add olive oil. Rub into hair strands, starting from the roots.

For dry

1.100 ml of olive oil, 40 ml of calendula oil. Easy to beat with a whisk, apply from the roots to the ends of the hair. Ideal for dry and brittle strands. Use at least once a week.

2. A slice of garlic and 40 ml of mayonnaise. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Removes dandruff, effectively moisturizes, activates recovery processes. Keep under the film for half an hour. Wash off with warm water. After the mask, treat the head with balm. The mixture may be allergenic, it is recommended to pass a test before use.

3. Yolk and natural orange juice. Keep the mixture on your head all night. Suitable for dry curls. Orange juice has a slight irritating effect, so it is recommended to use the mask no more than once a week. To prevent foci of irritation, time can be shortened.

For fat

1. 20 ml of orange juice, 40 grams of sour cream (or fermented milk product). Rub the composition into the hair, wrap with polyethylene for half an hour. Effectively against excessive fat, smoothes curls.

2. 20 ml of lemon juice and banana. Porridge eliminates oily sheen, gives elasticity and volumetric effect. The composition has a slight tingling effect.

For stained

1. Banana, 40 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of honey, yolk. Apply evenly, wrap with polyethylene for an hour. Rinse thoroughly. Ideal for colored strands.

2. Egg, cottage cheese and honey. Apply only on curls, wrap your head in a film for half an hour.

Simple homemade hair shine masks

• 100 ml of water, 40 grams of gelatin, castor oil. Melt gelatin in a water bath, mix until smooth. Apply, keep under the film for half an hour. The mixture visually gives bulk by enveloping the hairs with gelatin. However, such a mass should be carefully applied to the hair, since the gelatin constituent tends to curl quickly, which subsequently makes it difficult to comb the strands.

• 40 ml of olive oil, two yolks, 50 ml of water. Mix the ingredients until smooth, apply with massage movements. Keep under polyethylene for about half an hour.

• 30 ml of olive oil, 20 ml of honey, 20 ml of onion juice or broth. With a massaging motion, smear under the hair follicles. Wash off using shampoo. The composition includes an irritating component - onions, so use a light broth.

• 20 ml of brandy and egg. Tonic composition suitable for all types of hair.

Moderate use of the constituent components of the masks to achieve a beautiful and healthy appearance of luxurious curls is quite realistic without much effort. We are so used to paying money for artificial beauty that we completely forgot about natural grace and splendor.


Watch the video: Get Super Glossy And Silky Hair In One Day. Hair Mask And Deep Conditioner DIY (July 2024).