Characteristics of bee milk, health benefits for adults and children. The use of royal jelly in medicine: recipes


Royal jelly is a product created by insects to feed the bee larvae. Such a unique product has long been highly appreciated due to its many beneficial properties. It was even called "royal jelly" because of the high cost and inaccessibility to the general population.

Royal jelly - benefits and features of the composition of the product

And today the value of royal jelly of bees is at a high level. It will not work to use this product with spoons, but there is no shortage and sky-high cost for it.

Bee milk is not obtained in the same way as it does in mammals. Bees collect flower pollen, transfer it on their feet to the hive, then they dust the dust and turn it into bee bread. After this, the insects begin to chew on honey and bee bread, resulting in a substance similar to jelly, which has a delicate cream color. This final product is called royal jelly. Wax cells fill the workers with this substance, so that the larva of the uterus can eat and grow.

By its usefulness, the milk of bees is equated with the nutritional milk of mammals. Yes, and in appearance they are also similar: approximately a creamy shade, familiar delicate aroma. The bee product includes:

• proteins - albumin, globulins;

• carbohydrates - sucrose, fructose, glucose;

• amino acids;

• hormones;

• lipids;

• enzymes;

• vitamins A, D, C, PP, group B;

• micro and macro elements: iron, magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, copper and others;

• fatty acid.

The full composition of royal jelly is still under study, but one thing is known for sure that it contains water in a volume of 65%.

The composition is distinguished by a substance with unique properties - germicidin. This component is a potent natural antibiotic that inhibits the processes of spread and reproduction of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. It is this element that is responsible for the safety over the long term of royal jelly.

But the taste of royal jelly can hardly be called similar to a conventional product. His taste is very unusual, slightly acidic, burns his tongue, oral cavity and has absolutely nothing to do with honey.

The healing properties of royal jelly and the benefits of components for the body

The usefulness of royal jelly is explained by its rich composition, which can vary depending on the species of bees, the time of collection of the product. But any natural product of bee processing inevitably triggers two main processes in the human body: rejuvenation and regeneration. Among the other useful properties of bee milk stand out:

• the beekeeping product has an antiviral, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Due to its special composition, the product copes with viruses and other pathogens of diseases, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, bacteria of typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery;

• useful healing mass for the digestive system due to the constituent substance magnesium and organic acids. Once in the body, the beekeeping product improves intestinal motility, promotes the healing of damage to the mucous membranes, ulcers;

• positive effect on the liver, endowment of the body with protective properties;

• increase body endurance, participation in the processes of building muscle mass, reducing the amount of fat reserves;

• stabilization and maintenance of blood sugar in patients with diabetes;

• normalization of the hemoglobin level in the blood;

• a return to the optimal figures for unstable pressure: hypertensive patients are shown to use small doses of royal jelly, and hypotensive patients, on the contrary, have significant doses;

• equalization of hormonal levels, adjustment of the functioning of the sexual glands, increased sexual desire, reduction of unpleasant symptoms of menopause in women and improvement of their general condition of the body;

• adjustment of the endocrine system, a positive effect on the work of the adrenal glands;

• active regeneration of damaged organs and tissues, accelerated wound healing;

• there is an improvement in external beauty - the state of nails, hair and skin when using bee milk every day;

• expansion of the bronchi, relieving pain and cramping in them;

• A great way to fight cancer. Oxydecinic acid is able to act on the DNA of cancer cells, destroying them;

• daily use of the product leads to an improvement in the functioning of the ocular apparatus, sharpness of vision;

• beneficial effects on brain function and memory function;

• eliminates problems with sleep, problems with the nervous system, such as apathy, depression, stress.

Ways to use royal jelly in home treatment: harm and benefit of the product

Nature itself, or rather, bees, has already prepared for the human body the best medicine in the form of royal jelly. As an independent drug, take the product in accordance with certain rules:

1. There are two variations of the finished royal jelly: native or fresh milk only from the hive and powder (tablets, capsules). The first option when consumed should be mixed with honey to improve palatability.

2. To consume on average per day is necessary from 20 to 100 mg of the drug for one month. Then a break of the same duration is needed, and if desired, preventive measures or treatment can be resumed.

3. When mixing milk with honey, it is necessary to observe a ratio of 1: 100, respectively. A small ball of the mixture must be put under the tongue and absorbed, the procedure should be repeated twice a day.

4. For a child’s body, royal jelly is allowed almost from the very moment a baby is born due to the low probability of allergies.

5. When mixing in equal amounts of milk and water with the prepared product, you can wipe the healing wounds, abscesses and abscesses, make lotions and compresses from it.

6. To eliminate sore throat and runny nose, you need to prepare a solution of honey, water and milk, with a 50% content of the last component.

Royal jelly side effects and harm from the use of the product

The effectiveness of royal jelly is huge for the human body at any age. However, the product may be harmful to health. This occurs in two cases: when the amount of milk allowed for use is exceeded and if there are contraindications, among which:

• individual intolerance to components or the presence of an allergy to honey;

• Addison's disease and adrenal gland diseases;

• serious oncological diseases.

When exceeding the permissible doses in the use of the product, such natural reactions of the body as diarrhea, increased irritability, dry mouth, various rashes can occur.


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