Cheese souffle - a miracle on a plate! A selection of recipes for ordinary cheese soufflé, with chicken, vegetables and from Gordon Ramsay


Cheese souffle is a wonderful appetizer, a full-fledged dish and even an addition to tea. It can be submitted to any occasion, regardless of time of day or occasion. Moreover, it is prepared incredibly simply, it turns out delicious, does not require expensive or rare ingredients.

Cheese souffle - general principles of preparation

Souffle cheese is usually used solid if nothing else is specified in the recipe. Sometimes in one dish lay several varieties. For example, as Gordon Ramsay does, his cheese souffle is known all over the world. Below are two different recipes.

In addition to cheese, eggs are always added to the souffle. Most often, the whites are whipped separately and added to the rest of the ingredients at the very end. Cream, milk, various spices, flour can also be added to the dish. Interesting options with fish, chicken, vegetables. Souffle recipes are many, you can always choose according to your taste. The mass is laid out in small molds, baked in the oven.

Simple Cheese Souffle with Eggs

The recipe for the easiest cheese souffle to prepare, which can be easily prepared for breakfast or for a snack. Cheese is used in any hard varieties.


• 50 g of oil;

• 50 g flour;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 2 eggs;

• 250 ml of milk.

A little butter and flour for processing molds.


1. Forms need to be prepared immediately, so that later they will not be distracted. Lubricate from the inside, sprinkle with flour. Similarly, you can use crackers, but they should be white and not fried, only dried.

2. Put the oil in a saucepan, melt.

3. Add flour to the butter, fry for a minute.

4. Reduce the fire and pour in a thin stream of milk, quickly stir so that the pieces do not have time to grasp. We remove the thickening mass from the fire.

5. Cut the cheese into small cubes of cheese or grate it coarsely.

6. Throw one yolk in the cooked flour, and then cheese. At this stage, you need to quickly stir the mass so that the eggs do not cook.

7. Squirrels pour into a clean bowl, beat thoroughly.

8. Combine the bulk with protein foam, gently mix and immediately lay out in molds.

9. The oven by this moment should be warmed up to 180, the cheese souffle is baked for about twenty minutes. We focus on the color of the cap, it should become golden.

Cheese souffle (Gordon Ramsay recipe with spinach)

Gordon Ramsay is a famous presenter who loves to delight viewers with new dishes. He has his own view on products and a special approach. Gordon Ramsay’s cheese soufflé turns out to be unusually fragrant and tender.


• 450 g spinach;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• a cup of milk;

• one shallot;

• 0.25 cups flour;

• 4 eggs;

• salt pepper;

• 200 g of goat cheese;

• 2 tablespoons of parmesan;

• 3 l. olive oil;

• K. pepper.


1. Wash, dry the spinach leaves, put the olives in a pan with a spoon of oil, cover and simmer for several minutes under the lid. Greens should lose volume.

2. Grind the spinach with a blender or twist.

3. Pour the remaining oil into the pan, throw the shallots cut into small cubes, lightly fry.

4. Add red pepper and flour to the onion, fry together over low heat. Constantly stir so that the flour is not caught by lumps.

5. After a couple of minutes, add milk, pour in and stir quickly. Continue cooking until the mass thickens. Then pour into a bowl, throw the garlic.

6. Grind goat cheese, add parmesan and spinach to it, mix with milk sauce. Enter egg yolks one at a time. It is important to stir them thoroughly.

7. At the end, fill the souffle with salt, add black pepper.

8. Separately, whip the proteins. We make a strong foam. Combine with spinach dough from cheese. Stir with a spatula for a few seconds.

9. Now we lay out the mass in greased souffle containers, bake cheese products for 12-14 minutes at 200 degrees until the tubercles are browned.

Mustard Cheese Souffle

Incredibly fragrant and unusual recipe for cheese soufflé, which simply cannot fail. In addition to standard ingredients, dry mustard powder is added to the dough.


• 300 ml of milk;

• 30 g crackers;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• 50 g flour;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• salt, pepper as desired.


1. Immediately prepare the molds. Rub inside with any oil, sprinkle with crackers.

2. Melt the prescription oil over a fire, add the flour and start frying, immediately put the mustard powder. As soon as the mixture begins to brown, introduce milk. It should be a homogeneous gruel. Warm up a minute and remove from heat, let cool slightly.

3. While the flour is standing, we separate the egg yolks and rub the cheese.

4. First, add the cheese so that it cools the mass, stir and one at a time add the yolks.

5. The whites are thoroughly beaten. Sent in a souffle. At this stage, stir as carefully as possible so that the foam does not fall.

6. We decompose the air mass into previously prepared forms.

7. Put the souffle to bake. A cheese dish is prepared relatively quickly, enough 22-24 minutes at a temperature of 180.

Cheese souffle (Gordon Ramsay recipe with three types of cheese)

A variant of the amazing cheese souffle, Gordon Ramsay recipe with three types of cheese. It is advisable not to replace some varieties with others.


• 50 g flour;

• 1 tsp powdered sugar;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 220 ml of milk;

• 6 eggs;

• 70 g plums. cheese;

• 200 g of cottage cheese;

• 350 g Cheddar;

• 30 g of oil sl .;

• salt and pepper.


1. Mix all the dry soufflé ingredients. It is important to use fine salt so that large particles do not occur. If the cheeses are salty, then this also needs to be taken into account.

2. Grind all the cheeses.

3. Combine all the ingredients of the dough except egg whites. Stir thoroughly.

4. Beat whites to steep peaks, combine with the main souffle mixture.

5. We shift to the general form or lay out in small cups.

6. Bake a cheese treat at 200 degrees in the oven. Serve in warm form, supplemented with herbs and fresh tomatoes.

Cheese souffle with chicken

A variant of a healthy and completely dietary cheese souffle with chicken breast. You can use a turkey, it also works great with it.


• 100 g of cheese;

• 350 g chicken fillet;

• a spoon of sour cream;

• spices;

• a spoonful of milk;

• two eggs;

• a spoonful of flour.


1. We wash the fillet, chop in a combine or twist through a meat grinder.

2. Add sour cream and milk to the chicken, add a spoonful of flour and yolk. Stir.

3. Now you need to season the souffle with spices. The taste will greatly depend on them. Put salt, pepper, you can add garlic, a little dry herbs, ginger.

4. Grate cheese, mix with chicken.

5. Beat the protein until lush foam, mix with chicken and cheese.

6. Lubricate the molds. We spread the prepared mass, put the dish in the oven.

7. Cooking chicken souffle for 30 minutes at 190 degrees. Serve with herbs, tomato sauce or fresh tomatoes.

Cheese souffle with salmon

Fish version of cheese souffle. It uses salmon, but similarly you can take another fish.


• 150 g of cheese;

• 5 eggs;

• 50 ml of milk;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 100 g of salmon;

• spices;

• 3 tablespoons of crackers;

• 20 g of oil.


1. Lubricate the molds with butter, sprinkle with crackers. You can use crushed salted crackers or flour.

2. Beat the yolks, add milk, flour, mix thoroughly.

3. Cut the salmon into small cubes and add to a common bowl. We rub the cheese and pour it out too.

4. Season with salt, pepper, stir. You can add any seasonings and herbs, but they should not contradict the taste of red fish.

5. Beat raw proteins into the foam, add to the fish and cheese. Stir gently.

6. Spread in the molds, fill in two-thirds of the height.

7. We send to bake. Put the molds in a preheated oven. It is enough 18-20 minutes at a temperature of 200.

Cheese souffle with broccoli "Obsession"

Another option is useful, but at the same time tasty and easy to prepare soufflé. Prescription cream is used non-greasy, enough 6-9%. If there is no fresh broccoli, then you can take frozen inflorescences.


• 400 g broccoli;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 4 eggs;

• spices;

• 2 tablespoons of flour;

• butter;

• 150 ml cream.


1. We sort broccoli into inflorescences, put in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes. Pour into a colander, cool.

2. Beat the yolks with cream until smooth, add flour to them.

3. We rub the cheese, pour it into the souffle.

4. We lay the boiled broccoli inflorescences, stir. Bring to the desired taste with spices.

5. Beat whites, add in the souffle, stir.

6. We shift the mass into one large form or in small bowls. We put to bake in the oven for 15-16 minutes.

Microwave Cheese Souffle

A souffle option that can be cooked in 5 minutes. For baking, it is better to use silicone molds.


• 2 eggs;

• 80 g of cheese;

• 70 ml of milk;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 2 tablespoons of green peas.


1. Beat eggs with milk and other ingredients of the recipe, add grated cheese and flour.

2. Thoroughly stir everything, throw green peas. Seasonings and salt to taste.

3. Pour the souffle into 2 molds, put in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Cheese souffle - useful tips and tricks

• Cheese soufflé will turn out tastier and more aromatic if you add a little smoked meat, vegetables, sausages to it. But all products should be cut into small pieces and added in small quantities.

• If cheese for souffle is not enough, you can replace part of the product with cottage cheese. But it should not be liquid.

• To make the protein easily beat into a strong foam, it must be cold, salted, and the dishes are clean without a single drop of fat.
