Karma of infertility: what to do if conception does not occur? Pregnancy “freezes” - this is also karma


Infertility is a terrible diagnosis that affects thousands of families every year. Is there a connection between infertility in the family and its negative karma? Let's figure it out.

Infertility Karma - How to Recognize It?

It is important to understand that the karma of infertility is understood not only as the inability to conceive a child, but also to bear it. This is a rather complicated topic for many families and thousands of people cannot understand the reasons why, having full health, they cannot bear and give birth to a child.

So how do you understand that infertility in your family is a karmic restriction on procreation?

If in your clan none of the youngest representatives of the clan can conceive and give birth to heirs, then the clan has a karmic attitude toward completion.

At the same time, there will be no visible reasons and medical indicators for not carrying. In some cases, women of the clan will not want to have children, they will have some kind of internal aversion to the clan, they will only reckon with their interests, and the lack of desire to give birth to heirs will be justified by the total employment and lack of necessary conditions for the children to live.

Most likely, in this situation, the karmic restriction of the genus simply works. It could have been gained by them if one of the ancestors abandoned his child, had an abortion, and killed another child. In each case, there will be a reason. In any case, if the race is interrupted, it is important to be aware of it and to realize the consequences of it.

Do not be afraid of this, you just need to untie the karmic knot. Very often, male infertility is associated with the karmic debt of a man’s mother. She is not destined to become a grandmother, because she takes care of her son too much, she replaced them with the role of a man in her life. As soon as the mother blesses her son for procreation and begins to actively dream of grandchildren, a solution to the problem of infertility will become possible.

There are not rare cases when people in a couple cannot conceive and give birth to a child, and after a break in relations, each of the former partners has children without any problems. What is the matter here?

In karmic hostility between births. We do not know, but science has proved that we all have a common origin and our ancestors could be familiar, even live in the same family. In order to dig so deep into the subconscious, psychologists use a regression technique.

But how to understand that a couple needs to disperse in order to conceive children? Everything is simple. If their relationship is tied to a goal - pregnancy, then they should abandon it for a while and see if they have other goals and interests. Often, they do not and just after a while quietly disperse.

If a woman constantly becomes pregnant in the early stages of pregnancy, then this means that her ancestors did direct harm with their actions and words without innocent people. A woman herself can carry a huge amount of pain, resentment and evil, and because of this, the child does not appear in the family, where they are not ready for him, not ready to open his soul to him.

But if we talk about the impossibility of conceiving a child without apparent medical reasons, then it is a woman’s lack of security. She does not feel safe, subconsciously afraid of childbirth and responsibility, afraid that in her life she will not be the only and main one.

If we talk about infertility, which is accompanied by multiple health problems, then there is a very difficult karmic situation when a woman herself or a man in the family earlier, in their previous incarnations, abandoned children, had abortions, and did not help ill children. This karmic knot is untied for a very long time and is very difficult. But it is possible to do so.

Infertility Karma - How to Get Rid of It

Many families diagnosed with infertility begin to visit holy places and pray to saints for conceiving a healthy baby. This approach is very true, since remorse and spiritual pleas purify the soul. But not always a person prays for his ancestors, for children who once died in his family, very often a person asks for a child. On this his spiritual growth ends.

Just asking is not enough. You can work out the heavy karma of infertility in the family only by helping children in need of care. It is not always about adoption. But, very often - about helping children from boarding schools and orphanages. About helping children of relatives who cannot provide them themselves, about helping sick children, those who lack love and care, even if they live in full-fledged families.

How to understand that helping those who need it will be useful for your kind? Do not wait for the result. To help from a pure heart with an open soul and then help will be timely and complete. Do not wait for someone to ask, but act on their own.

If desire does not arise, then you can try to work out the problematic, blocking aspects through meditation. For example, you can choose the technique for working out relationships with the father or mother. You can master the technique of meditation-forgiveness. But, if all of the above options do not suit you, and you persistently continue to be offended and angry at the world, at injustice, if you do not recognize the patterns that occur in your life, in the end you will come to only one thing, to ask for help from a loved one .

Yes, if the karmic problem is traced by the nature of the wife, the husband can help her in working out such karma.

He himself can establish relations with her relatives, he can do good deeds for the sake of other children, he can help his wife in realizing the importance of accepting the situation and humility.

In this case, the absence of negative attitudes towards oneself and others will help a woman to realize all the possibilities that are open before her to resolve a karmic problem.

If a woman undergoes a complex course of treatment for infertility, and perhaps not the first, then the support of her closest people will push her to understand the problem, to solve it as soon as possible. And then what happens is what people call a miracle, although in reality, a person simply paid his karmic debts, he freed himself and his kind from them.


Watch the video: Could Your Struggle with Infertility Have its Origins in a Past Lifetime - Psychic Ainslie MacLeod (July 2024).