Pies with pumpkin in the oven on yeast, shortbread, puff pastry. How to make pumpkin stuffing for pies with fruits, vegetables, meat


Oven pumpkin pies are a tasty and satisfying snack, and in exceptional cases a substitute for dinner. Baked in the oven, they turn out not as greasy as when frying in a pan, have a delicious crust and a delicious aroma.

Pumpkin filling for pies is not only delicious, but also healthy. It can be made both sweet and salty, and there are dozens of cooking options. Pumpkin is combined with berries, dried fruits, citrus fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, meat, poultry, sour cream curd. You can cater to any eater: a sweet tooth, and a lover of a solid meat appetizer.

Oven pumpkin pies - general cooking principles

For the pies with pumpkin in the oven, any dough is suitable: steamed or gingerless yeast, shortbread on butter or margarine, quick on kefir or sour cream, homemade or purchased puff. Baking in any case will turn out gentle, light, very soft.

Products for the test will require the most common: flour, milk, yeast, kefir, vegetable oil or margarine. You can take any pumpkin in the pumpkin stuffing for pies: raw, baked, boiled, fried, frozen.

Most useful, of course, raw pumpkin. It has the most vitamins and substances useful for the body. Do not be afraid that the pumpkin will not bake. If you grate it on a fine grater, it will have time to steam in the oven, while the dough is baked.

Before cooking, you need to wash the pumpkin, peel and grate or cut into pieces and cook. Knead the finished pumpkin and use it in the filling.

As a rule, baked pies with pumpkin in the oven for 15 to 25-30 minutes. The baking temperature is from 180 ° to 200 ° C. A clean, dry baking sheet should be greased with butter (creamy or vegetable), place pies on it and send to the oven.

Sweet pumpkin pies in the oven on yeast dough

A simple recipe for yeast pies with sweet pumpkin filling - traditional for Russian cuisine. The dough prepared on a dough turns out to be tasty, remains soft for a long time. You can add citrus zest to the filling for flavor.


• four hundred grams of pumpkin;

• one and a half glasses of milk;

• bag of active yeast for 11g;

• two tablespoons of sugar in the dough, the same amount in the filling and syrup (a total of six tablespoons);

• three tablespoons of water for sugar syrup;

• four glasses of flour;

• two eggs;

• four tablespoons of sunflower oil;

• a pinch of salt;

• a bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar;

• a pinch of cinnamon or ginger powder (optional, optional).

Cooking method:

Prepare a dough for dough. To do this, warm the milk and dissolve the yeast in it.

Add two tablespoons of flour and a tablespoon of sugar, mix everything.

Leave the dough warm for half an hour, covering it with a napkin.

Finely grate the pumpkin, mix with sugar. You can add ginger or cinnamon.

Gently beat eggs into the dough.

Add salt, sugar residues, vanilla sugar or vanillin, three cups of flour and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Knead the dough first with a spatula, then with your hands.

Add another spoonful of oil and the rest of the flour, knead tender, non-sticky, soft dough.

Sprinkle the working surface with flour, cut the dough into small identical pieces.

Roll out the cakes, spread the filling in the center and pinch the seam. This must be done very carefully so that the juice does not leak out during baking and does not stick to the leaf.

Lubricate the baking sheet with the remaining oil, place the pies, leaving about 3 cm between them to make the dough fit.

The proofing time is fifteen minutes.

Bake until browning.

While baking pies, boil sugar syrup from water and two tablespoons of sugar. Boil the solution for no more than two minutes.

Put the prepared pies on a dish, grease each with syrup.

Pies with pumpkin and apples in the oven on custard dough

You can add a fragrant apple to the pumpkin filling for pies, and make the yeast dough faster, without dough, but in boiling water. Get a real treat for the sweet tooth.


• six hundred grams of pumpkin;

• a large apple of sweet and sour variety;

• six tablespoons of sugar (one to the dough, the rest to the filling);

• half a pack of butter;

• cinnamon and vanilla (optional);

• three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• three yolks;

• one and a half tablespoons of dry yeast;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• a glass of boiling water;

• half a glass of warm water;

• four glasses of flour.

Cooking method:

Make a quick yeast dough. To do this, combine in a cup three tablespoons of flour, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, pour boiling water.

Knead the choux dough, let it cool.

When the dough has cooled, pour half a glass of warm water, add the yolks and yeast.

Gradually add flour, kneading a thin dough that easily sticks off your fingers.

Leave it for half an hour or an hour under a napkin in a warm place.

Finely chop the pumpkin into cubes.

Cut apples in exactly the same way.

Dissolve the butter in a pan.

Stir in it pumpkin and apples, sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla.

Form pies as described above.

Bake pies in a preheated oven.

Pies with pumpkin and cottage cheese in the oven on short pastry

For lovers of friable, yeast-free pastries, this recipe will come in handy. Pumpkin filling for pies, cooked with cottage cheese, gives the dish a special taste and satiety. Soft boiled pumpkin is used.


• three hundred grams of pumpkin;

• three hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• a handful of dried apricots;

• half a glass of sugar in the filling;

• two eggs;

• half a glass of sour cream;

• five three tablespoons of sugar (per dough);

• 120 grams of butter or margarine;

• a pound of flour;

• a tablespoon of baking powder.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into pieces and cook until soft.

While boiling the pumpkin, pour the dried apricots with boiling water.

Cook the dough. Mix eggs with sugar.

Add soft butter or margarine, sour cream, mix everything thoroughly.

Combine the flour with the baking powder and gradually pour into the egg-oil mixture, kneading the dough. It should be soft.

To rest the dough, it must be kept in the refrigerator for half an hour or forty minutes.

While the dough is resting, dry the dried apricots and chop very finely.

Mash pumpkin.

Mix pumpkin, cottage cheese, dried apricots and sugar.

Form pies.

Bake until golden brown.

Kefir pies with pumpkin and prunes in the oven

Soft kefir dough is great for baking unsweetened pumpkin pies in the oven. Prepare the dough in minutes.


• an incomplete glass of kefir;

• two hundred grams of flour;

• three hundred gram slice of pumpkin;

• 150 grams of prunes;

• vegetable oil for the pan;

• a tablespoon of sugar;

• half a glass of sour cream;

• bag of baking powder;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Sift the flour gently into a cup.

Add salt and mix.

Pour kefir, add baking powder, mix again.

Pouring flour, knead the dough with your hands - not very tight, but not too soft.

Grate the pumpkin.

Cut prunes into very thin strips.

Mix prunes, pumpkin and sour cream with sugar.

Cut the dough into pieces, roll it very thinly.

Form pies as follows: put the filling on one circle of dough, cover with a second circle, carefully blind the edges.

Bake until a beautiful crust appears on the dough.

Unsweetened pies with pumpkin, potatoes and meat in the oven

A hearty and delicious version of savory pastries. These pies are similar to the Tatar samsa and may well replace the dinner. The recipe uses raw chicken, but if desired, it can be replaced with red boiled meat.


• two hundred grams of pumpkin;

• two hundred grams of chicken pulp;

• two hundred grams of peeled potatoes;

• large onion;

• vegetable oil (three tablespoons in the dough, two in the filling);

• pepper, salt to taste (to the filling);

• two glasses of flour;

• half a glass of milk;

• two sachets of yeast (22 grams);

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• half a teaspoon of salt (in the dough);

• 70 grams of butter (optional);

• egg for greasing pies.

Cooking method:

Heat milk, pour yeast and sugar into it, mix.

Salt, drain the vegetable oil, mix again.

Pouring flour, quickly knead the dough.

Put the dough in a bag or wrap in a film, put in the refrigerator for one and a half to two hours.

Cut potatoes, meat and pumpkin in the same small cubes.

Chop the onion.

Mix all the components of the filling, salt, sprinkle with pepper, mix again.

Roll out the dough into a flat cake.

Put the filling in the center of the cake, and a small piece of butter on top.

Sculpt triangular pies, leaving a small hole in the center.

Bake at 170 ° for approximately 45 minutes.

Pies with pumpkin and vegetables in the oven on puff pastry

Ready puff pastry allows you to cook hot pies with pumpkin in the oven very quickly. It turns out delicious, and you do not need to spend a lot of energy.


• two hundred grams of pumpkin;

• medium carrots;

• two hundred grams of zucchini or eggplant;

• three cloves of garlic;

• two tablespoons of sour cream;

• oil for a baking sheet;

• salt, a mixture of peppers.

Cooking method:

Cut vegetables into small cubes.

Chop the garlic with a knife or let it through the press.

Combine all the components of the filling, salt, season with pepper and sour cream.

Simmer the filling in a saucepan until cooked, about 15 minutes.

Roll out the thawed dough and cut into squares.

From each piece of dough and a spoonful of filling, form pies.

Bake until dough is ready.

Oven pumpkin pies - tricks and tips

The oven must be heated before baking. So the pies are baked evenly, and you don’t have to follow them for a long time.

Pumpkin pies are baked very quickly. If puff pastry is used, then, depending on the temperature in the oven, they can be ready in 15 minutes.

You can add cinnamon, vanillin, zest and pulp of citrus to the filling for sweet cakes with pumpkin in the oven. As additional components to pumpkin filling, you can use different dried fruits and berries, onions and celery, minced meat and garlic.

The simplest version of unsweetened, but very tasty pies is grated fresh pulp of pumpkin with fried onions.

Serving pumpkin pies is not only for tea. An excellent snack option is pies with kefir, milk, broth, sour cream.


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