Female opinion: 65% of women will start a new life in the new year


"The New Year is rushing to us ..." and before the holiday there are only a few days left. Some have already managed to dress up a Christmas tree and stock up on gifts, make a holiday menu or choose an original meeting place away from home. Happy New Year, people often associate dreams and grandiose plans to change their lives. It seems that you will tear off the last sheet of the calendar of the year that is leaving and throw it in the trash with all last year's failures and disappointments. And from the new year - a run in the morning, a change of work, a new love ... "Do you plan to start a new life with the New Year?" - Such was the New Year’s poll conducted by the Women's Opinion portal.

It turned out that a large majority (65%) of respondents are going to change something with the first of January.

22.8% associate future changes with health and lifestyle. They plan to go on a diet, quit smoking, start doing exercises in the mornings, go to a fitness club or pool, or some other pleasant and useful procedure.

18.8% think that something will change in their personal lives: to get a divorce or get married, or maybe just register on a dating site, taking the first step to happiness;

10.3% believe that the new year is the time to do something with work and career. It is very difficult to change your place of residence, people struggle to hold on to their unloved work, even if it does not bring pleasure. New Year's Eve is a wonderful occasion to gather your courage and put a letter of resignation on the table for the annoying authorities.

And 12.8% decided to start their whole life from scratch;

The rest (35.3%) of the respondents reported that the usual course of life is quite satisfactory and therefore they do not intend to change anything in it. "No. The old one is not over yet," they joke.

Useful advice: if you decide to change something in your life, get down to business since January. In February, enthusiasm often fades away, in March the future summer vacation distracts, and in the summer, the expectation of the next year begins and a new life is postponed again. It is allowed to spend New Year's holidays in the old way so as not to spoil your vacation. But with the first working day, it's time to take the bull by the horns (or the snake by the tail).

The survey involved women aged 20 to 45 years from 140 cities of Russia. A total of 3,510 people were interviewed.


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