What is the dream of the carpet for? The main interpretation: what is the dream of the carpet and actions with it (embroider, buy, clean)


Dreams are a special world that we plunge into every night.

But far from always we can remember what appeared to us in a dream.

If the dream was colorful and memorable - it is worth knowing its interpretation.

What the carpet is for - basic interpretation

Any acquisition in a dream, whether it be a gift, or a purchase promises acquisitions and positive events in reality. Even if in a dream the purchase did not bring proper joy - you should not be upset, in reality you will still benefit in any case, even if it seems to you that everything is lost and everything is lost - in reality you will gain everything you need.

Since the carpet is a part of household goods, taking care of it in a dream, or acquiring a new one, necessarily indicates that in reality you will be engaged in arranging your life. Do not waste time on minor chores and worries. It is worth channeling all the energy to major matters, to the improvement of life.

If you embroider a carpet with your own hands in a dream, and you really like the pattern - everything you bought now will come in handy. All your agreements are being implemented. But do not sit still in one place - if you do not take any action - positive changes will not enter your life.

It is worth noting, that any cleaning is interpreted by the dream book as global changes. If in a dream you dreamed of a carpet you were cleaning and you couldn’t do it for a long time - in reality you would carefully try to hide your sins. Your problems will not give you rest. You are in the literal sense of the word and your actions will be put on display.

Carefully monitor everything you have said, how you evaluate the people around you and the events taking place in life. If you are hard at discussing someone yourself, stop doing it. Just take care of your home and resolve your issues, otherwise the dream in which you clean your carpet will turn into your total exposure.

If a carpet shimmers with beautiful colors in a dream, then your waking life will also be bright and colorful. You should not waste time on despondency and if even now everything in your life is not going well, everything will normalize soon, you will become easier to relate to those things that previously bothered you so much.

To cover the floor with a fluffy carpet and carefully walk along it - to the need to have ground under your feet, to the need for protection, to the desire to get your own home. It’s worth considering what you’ll not get in life. Weasels, cares, attention?

Perhaps you do not have enough of your own space in the house where you live and it appeared to you in a dream how you are arranging your own housing, covering the floor with a carpet in it? You need to understand the current situation, you need to change something in life to get what you want. What to change - the dream will also tell about it.

It is important to interpret all its symbols and hidden clues. If in a dream you give a carpet from your house to an outsider, it means that you will entrust secrets to the wrong people. You should pay more attention to secret knowledge, the hidden meaning of your actions. You should not talk to everyone about what is happening in your life. Most will not understand, and it will also condemn. If you present a carpet to a friend or a loved one - that means he needs help. Think about how you can help him. Ask the person directly. If you are presented with a huge fluffy carpet - get ready to meet guests. The meeting will be warm, and it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, since the house will be really full of people.

Why dream of a carpet according to Freud’s dream book

What is the dream of the carpet for? In the dream book of Freud, it is said that the carpet in a dream symbolizes the hearth and life together. If it is soft and fluffy and you see how you, together with your soulmate, step on the carpet in a dream - in reality you will decide a lot together.

If a young girl dreams about how she wipes a carpet from dirt and she doesn’t succeed, her partner does not believe her, does not believe in their relationship. Soon, any bonds may break. It is worth seriously thinking about what the relationship lacks, what the partner asks her all the time, but she does not do this. Perhaps it’s worth it now to give in and do as your loved one asks, then to reap the fruits of your pride.

Why dream of a carpet by Grishina’s dream book

In the dream book, Grishina says that the carpet is a dream as a symbol of a long and happy family life. If, shortly before bedtime, it seemed to people that they had lost everything, that they would never see happiness again, then such a dream promises to establish relations. They will wake up together on the path of reconciliation. It is also worth considering those actions that occur with a carpet in a dream. Often they are repeated in reality.

If you dream of someone stealing a carpet from your house, in reality you will lose your family happiness. The reason for this will be the intervention of a third party. It is not necessary that the husband has a lover; such a dream may indicate that the wife can also have a lover. In this case, you should carefully look at the plot of the dream, perhaps in it you will find tips on how to avoid breaking the relationship, how to save the family.

If in a dream you dream of how a dirty carpet suddenly and suddenly becomes clean - in reality the relationship will be renewed, your relationship will become clean from quarrels and disagreements, they will simply shine with purity and spiritual beauty. But this moment is worth feeling and not missing, because if you allow a bit of weakness and remember the old quarrels and grievances during the renewal of relations, you can no longer get such a wonderful chance to establish relations.

If you suddenly find a carpet in the hallway in a dream, then a holiday will come into your life and this will be a joyful occasion.

• If the carpet depicts a pattern in the form of flowers, a whole garden - it means that prosperity, success, happiness will reign in the house;

• If on the carpet various figures of people and children are depicted, it is possible that you will soon acquire offspring;

• If there are enough vegetables and fruits on the carpet, there will be plenty in the house, full of bins of wealth.

If the picture on the carpet is overwritten, then it means you should carefully hide something. It is worth paying attention to the requirements of loved ones and not injuring them with bad news, it is better to solve all the problems yourself and not to involve loved ones in it.

It is also said in the dream book that the carpet should dream of prosperity, of great profit. This means that you will have generous friends who will improve your life and help you change a lot in it. If you dream about how you walk on a soft carpet, in reality your road in life will also become pleasant, and you will easily overcome everything on it.

The dream book also says that buying a carpet may indicate the acquisition of patronage. If you sell a carpet in a dream, you will go on a long journey in reality. To a young girl to see a carpet in a dream - to purchase her own housing.

What is the dream of the carpet for other dream books

In a gypsy dream book it is said that a beautifully embroidered and rich carpet dreams of a luxurious life in abundance, but an old and shabby carpet - to poverty and misfortune. If in a dream the carpet before your eyes is transformed, your life will also be transformed.

If you do not lay the carpet on the floor in a dream, but hang it on the wall - in reality you should strengthen your position in the business, because they can stagger. In a Chinese dream book it is said that the process of laying carpet in a waking dream promises the strengthening of domestic well-being.

In the eastern female dream book It is said that the carpet clearly promises profit. It is friends with wealth who will help to get additional income.

• If in a dream you step on the carpet - in reality you will become a successful and wealthy person;

• If you buy several carpets at once, you will get a good profit;

• If a young woman saw in a dream carpets that are weighed on the street - she should beware of gossip and rumors and not make dirty linen in public;

• If you are bargaining for a carpet in a dream, it means that happiness will not be received by you right away, you will have to fight for it.

In the dream book of Tsvetkov it is said that buying a carpet in a dream holds money in reality. If you walk freely on the carpet - in reality, glory awaits you. In order for it to illuminate your life path for a long time - you should now take care of your reputation.

It is worth notingthat any dream about a carpet tells a person that he really needs to do his home improvement, reviewing his priorities. If the dream is clearly negative - the reasons for this should also be sought within. Perhaps you behaved incorrectly with loved ones or did not appreciate what you had - it's time to change it before it is too late.


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