The sunniest pies are with apricots in a slow cooker. Quickly prepare a bulk, sand, biscuit cake with apricots in a slow cooker


It’s not easy to spoil apricot pies, you really want to try it yourself and treat your loved ones with a treat with a pulp of sunny fruits.

Well, in a slow cooker, and this is noticed by many, the result is always stable. Specially selected variations of recipes will allow you to choose the one that you like more.

Apricot pie in a slow cooker - general principles of preparation

• All pies recipes use fresh, well-ripened apricots. But such fruit is not always available. Therefore, fresh apricots, if necessary, can be replaced with freshly frozen or canned in their own juice. Before use, fresh fruits should be washed well and the seeds removed.

• Apricots for pies are not used entirely. They are broken into halves, cut into slices or small pieces, sometimes frayed on a sieve or mashed in a blender. Shredded fruits are used to decorate pies, add to the dough or pour them. Often chopped apricots are used to make a pie filling or mix with curd.

• The dough is mainly prepared independently. It can be loose, liquid biscuit type or sand. For easier and faster baking, you can use frozen puff pastry.

• Apricot pies are not only a delicious dessert for an everyday cup of tea. Originally designed, they can replace the holiday cake.

Quick "bulk" cake with apricots in a slow cooker


• 300 gr. ripe apricots;

• 80 gr. frozen cream;

• 250 gr. sugar in the dough and 1.5 tbsp. l to the filling;

• 50 gr. baking flour;

• a small bag of vanilla powder;

• two small spoons of baking powder;

• 50 gr. decoys.

Cooking method:

1. To make the cake “successful,” the butter must be well-cured, even slightly frostbitten. Therefore, half an hour before cooking, put it in the freezer.

2. Transfer the flour into a wide bowl and mix it thoroughly with semolina.

3. Add regular refined sugar, vanilla, baking powder and mix well again.

4. Wash the apricots, remove the seeds and cut them into strips of the same size. Add a little sugar, stir well and divide the filling into three equal parts.

5. Lubricate the bottom and sides of the cooking container with softened oil or margarine and pour a quarter of the volume of loose dough. Put a third of the filler on it and fill it with part of the dough. Then put the filler back in and sprinkle it with dough again. Do this until the dough and the filler are over. The very last layer should be fruit.

6. After that, grate the frosted butter on top of the pie and bake the pie on the “Baking”. It will take 45 minutes.

Bulk cake with apricots in a slow cooker


• homemade butter - 100 g .;

• 150 gr. sugar

• 230 gr. white flour;

• three eggs;

• 50 ml of cow's milk;

• factory cultivator - 1 tsp;

• sweet apricots - 15 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. On a stove in a small saucepan, melt the butter and cool it well.

2. In a deep bowl, break the eggs and pour sugar in them, beat well with a mixer. Then add milk with melted butter and whisk again.

3. Pass the flour mixed with a cultivator through a sieve several times and pour the mixture into the egg mass.

4. Stir the dough until smooth with a spoon or a special silicone spatula. Do not use a mixer.

5. Slightly softened margarine thoroughly lubricate the sides and along the bottom of the cooking bowl. Sprinkle lightly with ground white breadcrumbs and shake off excess, turning the bowl upside down.

6. Then pour the dough into the cooking container and spread the fruit cut in half on its surface.

7. Close the multi-pan lid and program “Baking” for one hour, exactly.

8. Put the finished cake from the bowl onto the wire rack. Sprinkle with powdered sugar after it cools.

Apricot sponge cake in a slow cooker


• twelve ripe apricots;

• sugar refined - 100 gr.;

• half a teaspoon of factory cultivator for dough;

• high-quality wheat flour - 100 gr.;

• a pair of sprigs of fresh mint;

• eggs - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Take three tablespoons of sugar and set it aside. Pour the remaining sugar into a large bowl. Pour the eggs separately and whisk everything with a whisk until a lush white foam forms.

2. Combine the sifted flour with a cultivator and pour into a bowl with beaten eggs.

3. In order not to disturb the air structure, with gentle movements from the bottom up, whisk the flour and the foam mass with a whisk.

4. Turn on the slow cooker on the option "Frying" and pour in the bowl the previously set aside sugar. Without stopping stirring, wait until its grains are completely dissolved. Then dip in the syrup sprigs of mint and hold in it for about one and a half minutes.

5. Break the washed strong apricots in two, remove the seeds.

6. Put the mint from the syrup and lower the halves of the apricot, convex side up.

7. Pour fruit into the prepared dough and gently smooth it with a spoon or spatula.

8. Close the cooker lid and program “Baking”. Set the temperature mode to 180 degrees, and the timer to 45 minutes.

9. Remove the finished apricot pie from the bowl only after complete cooling.

Puff pastry with apricots in a slow cooker under jelly


• 300 gr. frozen puff pastry;

• a small banana;

• 400 gr. ripe apricots;

• 400 gr. 9% cottage cheese;

• 8 tbsp. l sugar

• 1 tbsp. l “fast” gelatin;

• three tablespoons of semolina;

• three eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Put the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, pour sugar with semolina, sliced ​​banana rings. Break eggs here. Stir well and beat with a blender until a homogeneous paste-like consistency is obtained.

2. Divide the previously thawed dough in two equal parts. Roll one slightly and cut a circle equal to the diameter of the bowl and shift it into it. From the remaining dough, form the sides about 6 cm high.

3. Fill the blank with cottage cheese and banana mass and bake on the option “Baking” for one hour. Then cool with the lid open and remove.

4. While the cake is cooling, cook the jelly. To do this, you need to take well ripened, even slightly overripe apricots. Rinse the fruits under the tap, dry well and remove the seeds. Rub apricot half on a metal sieve, discard the peel. Add two tablespoons of sugar and gelatin to the apricot puree. Mix well and place in a water bath for 20 minutes. Stir continuously throughout the entire time and ensure that the mixture does not boil.

5. Cut the remaining apricots into slices and arrange them on the surface of the cooled pie. Then fill the fruit with cooked jelly and refrigerate until it hardens.

Apricot poppy seed pie in a slow cooker with curd filling


• medium fat sour cream - 50 gr.;

• 100 gr. beet sugar;

• a teaspoon of poppy seeds;

• two eggs;

• 50 gr. 72% butter;

• 10 gr. factory baking powder;

• two multi-cups of baking flour (white);

• one gram of vanilla powder.

To the filling:

• two tablespoons of beet sugar;

• five ripe apricots;

• 180 gr. homemade or oily purchased cottage cheese;

• four tablespoons of sour cream;

• 1 gr. vanilla (powder).

Cooking method:

1. Beat the eggs and sugar until lush. Add sour cream, sliced ​​soft butter and beat well again.

2. Then introduce the flour, cultivated with a cultivator, poppy seeds and thoroughly stir the dough with a whisk. If it is not possible to break the flour that has clumped together, you can beat slightly.

3. Interrupt the curd with a blender. If not, twist in a meat grinder or grind on a sieve.

4. Enter vanilla, sour cream with sugar and mix well the curd mass.

5. Break the apricots in two and take out the seeds. Cut the pulp of two fruits into small slices and mix them with the curd mass.

6. Pour the dough into a multicooker cooking container greased with oil and sprinkled with semolina. On top of it, flatten the curd filling with a spoon.

7. Cut the remaining fruits into thin slices and arrange them in the form of a fan on top of the filling.

8. Run the “Baking” option on the multicooker, lasting 45 minutes.

Shortcake with apricots in a slow cooker - "Zebra"


• one egg;

• 300 gr. wheat flour v / s .;

• a tablespoon of 15% sour cream;

• three tablespoons of sugar;

• a small spoon of baking powder;

• 100 gr. 72% butter.

Curd filling:

• 100 gr. oily sour cream;

• egg;

• a spoon of potato starch;

• half a kilo of cottage cheese 9%;

• sugar - 2 tbsp. l

Apricot filling:

• 350 gr. ripened apricots (canned fruits are possible);

• two tablespoons of sugar;

• a spoonful of potato starch.

Cooking method:

1. Put the butter in a wide bowl and cut it into small pieces. Add flour and quickly grind everything with your hands into small crumbs, the smaller the better. Then add the whipped cream with sugar and egg. Knead and place the dough in a bag, keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Pour a glass of warm water into the cooking cup. Place a steam container on top of the bowl and place clean, seedless apricots in it, and steam for 10 minutes under a closed lid.

3. Smash the chilled fruits with a mashed blender or grind them through a rare metal sieve. Pour the same starch and sugar, mix thoroughly until pasty.

4. Grind the cottage cheese with a meat grinder or, like fruits, beat it with a blender. Enter sour cream, whipped with sugar, starch and mix thoroughly the curd filling.

5. Lubricate the cooking vessel with vegetable oil and put the chilled dough into it. Use your fingers to gently flatten it along the bottom, fashioning the sides.

6. In the center of the workpiece, lay out both fillings one at a time (2 tbsp. L.).

7. Then close the lid and turn on the “Baking” option for an hour. After stopping the program, do not open the lid and keep the cake in the slow cooker for another quarter of an hour.

8. After that, open and leave the cake without removing it until it cools completely.

Apricot pie in a slow cooker - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If you use frozen apricots in a pie, let the fruit thaw well in a colander, under which substitute the bowl. All excess liquid will drain during thawing and the apricots will dry well.

• Loaf pastry pie is especially tasty on the second day. Therefore, it is better to cook it in advance.

• Grease the cooking container well with grease. For safety, sprinkle a layer of butter or margarine with semolina or white ground crackers. The cake does not stick to the container, and you can easily take it out.

• If the cake is still not removed, do not rush to get it. Remove the cooking cup from the housing and place it on a wet towel. After a quarter of an hour, the bottom of the cake will become damp, and you can easily get it.


Watch the video: The Mill on the Floss Audiobook by George Eliot. Full Audiobook. Part 1 (June 2024).