Squids in a slow cooker - it turns out cool! Squid cooking in a slow cooker with sour cream, vegetables, mushrooms, rice, potatoes


Squid has long ceased to be a delicacy or an outlandish product.

Carcasses are sold in any store, tasty, healthy and very quickly cooked.

If you use a slow cooker, the process becomes even easier.

Check it out?

Squids in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

The main task in cooking squid is to cleanse the carcass. To quickly and easily remove the skin, you just need to lower the frozen product for several seconds in boiling water. Everything will separate perfectly. If the carcasses are thawed, then you can boil them for a minute. Also, the preparation consists in removing the chitin plate, which is easily removed from the carcass.

The secret to cooking seafood is cooking or frying. If you squeeze the squid, then it will become dry, hard, rubber. In a slow cooker, you can cook, fry, stew squid. They add oil, vegetables, a variety of sauces, mushrooms and cereals.

Recipe 1: Squids in a slow cooker with sour cream

Recipe for fast and juicy squid in a slow cooker. They need fat sour cream. The dish is prepared very quickly, suitable for vegetables and side dishes of rice.


• 2 onion heads;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 2 carcasses of squid;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• salt and pepper;

• 2 branches of dill.


1. Cut the onion into rings of the same thickness, lay in a slow cooker and fry until golden. We set the program for frying or baking.

2. We clean the squid, cut into ringlets, a little thicker than the onion.

3. Throw chopped carcasses into a slow cooker, fry for two minutes.

4. Season with salt, sprinkle with pepper a little.

5. Spread the sour cream and cook for another three minutes. Stir only once.

6. We immediately remove from the slow cooker so that the seafood does not become dry. We spread it simply on a plate or in addition to a side dish, salad or slices of fresh vegetables.

7. Dill cut very finely, sprinkle the finished dish.

Recipe 2: Squid in a slow cooker with soy sauce

Recipe fried squid in a slow cooker with amazing taste. Seafood is dark, juicy and incredibly fragrant. We prepare carcasses before cooking, as described above.


• 3 carcasses of squid;

• 2 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• 1 tsp honey;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 0.5 tsp mustard;

• pepper;

• parsley;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 onion;

• some flour.


1. Pour oil and install the “Baking” program on the multicooker. On it, this dish turns out best.

2. Cut the onion rings, sprinkle with flour and send it to fry.

3. Once the vegetable is almost ready, add the squid pieces to it. We cut the seafood into strips of medium thickness.

4. Fry a couple of minutes.

5. While squid is being prepared, mix soy sauce with garlic. Honey and mustard, add a pinch of black pepper. If desired, you can add a little grated zest or lemon juice, it will be delicious.

6. Pour the dressing into the dish, quickly stir and cook for another three minutes.

7. At this stage, stir the dish constantly, as soy sauce with chalk can burn.

8. Put it on a dish, decorate squid with sprigs of parsley.

Recipe 3: Squid in a slow cooker with vegetables

For a squid vegetable dish you will need tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. The dish is great for garnishes of rice and potatoes, but can be used independently.


• 3 squid;

• 2 onions;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 2 peppers;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• oil, seasoning.


1. Cut arbitrarily onion.

2. Pour a little oil into the bowl, turn on the frying mode and let it warm up a little. If you immediately add onions, then it will begin to absorb fat.

3. Add the onions to the already heated oil. Cook in this mode until the slices are transparent.

4. Add the sweet peppers, cut into pieces.

5. After a couple of minutes, tomatoes go. It is advisable to remove the skin from them. For this, tomatoes need to be dipped in boiling water, then in ice water. Cut the tomatoes into slices.

6. As soon as all the vegetables reach softness, we throw the squid. We wash the carcasses, clean and cut into large squares.

7. Salt and pepper, close the slow cooker and cook for three minutes.

8. Throw the garlic. Stir and turn off after a minute.

Recipe 4: Squid in a slow cooker with rice

A hearty and wholesome squid dish for which you can use absolutely any rice. To ensure that seafood does not become rubber and dry, you must strictly follow the technology.


• a glass of rice;

• 2-3 squids;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 pepper;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons butter, it is better to take butter;

• spices.


1. We throw the prescription oil into the slow cooker and set the baking program. Let the fat heat up for now.

2. We chop the onions and also the sweet pepper with thin half rings, all together we throw in the fry and cook for about ten minutes.

3. Add washed rice. Mix, pour two glasses of boiling water. Glasses are the same as measured rice. Water needs to be added immediately. You can add seasoning for seafood or other spices.

4. Cut the squid into large pieces, add the chopped garlic and mix.

5. Spread the squid on top of the rice.

6. Close the slow cooker and cook on pilaf mode for 30 minutes. So that the seafood does not become hard, you can not open and stir.

Recipe 5: Squid in a slow cooker with potatoes

A variant of a simple dish with a familiar taste that is simply impossible to spoil. Get four servings. We take potatoes of medium size.


• 0.6 kg squid;

• 7 potatoes;

• butter;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• dill, seasonings, cheese if desired.


1. Throw a little oil into the multicooker, set the quenching program.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, send to the oil.

3. Add sour cream, diluted with the same amount of water.

4. Close and simmer for half an hour. It may take longer; the potato should become soft.

5. While cooking potatoes, we do squid. Peeled carcasses cut into small pieces.

6. Add squid to the potato. Now salt the dish, add other seasonings.

7. Close and simmer another five minutes.

8. Grate the cheese and mix with chopped dill, you can add a clove of garlic.

9. We spread the cheese mass to the squid with potatoes, mix quickly.

10. Turn off the slow cooker, let the dish stand for a couple of minutes under the lid to reveal the flavor and melt the cheese.

Recipe 6: Squid in a slow cooker with mushrooms

Another option for cooking squid in a slow cooker. In addition to squid are champignons. And you can use fresh or pickled mushrooms. According to the recipe, fresh champignons.


• 0.3 kg of champignons;

• 2 onion heads;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• 2 squids;

• salt;

• 50 ml of oil;

• dill.


1. Pour oil, set the baking mode, heat.

2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into small pieces and send to fry. Cook about a quarter of an hour.

3. Once the moisture has evaporated, add the chopped onion heads to the mushrooms and fry them all together until tender.

4. We cut squids arbitrarily, add to the fried mushrooms, mix.

5. Sour cream mix with salt, pepper, add a little dill directly to it.

6. After two minutes, pour the sour cream sauce into the dish, stir well.

7. We cook everything together for a couple of minutes and turn it off. We give squid with mushrooms a little insist and soak in the sauce.

Recipe 7: Stuffed Squid in a Slow Cooker

Rice with vegetables is used to fill seafood, if desired, you can change the filling to your taste. You can also use ready-made frozen mixes, which can be purchased at the store.


• 3 squid;

• carrot;

• 0.5 cups of boiled rice;

• zucchini;

• salt pepper;

• onion;

• some oil.


1. Dice the onion into cubes, add the grated carrot to it. Fry in the appropriate mode until half-cooked.

2. Zucchini also cut into small cubes, add to vegetables and fry the filling.

3. At the end we put boiled rice, pray, and pepper. Stir and spread from the slow cooker. Let cool a bit.

4. While the rice with vegetables cools, we clean the squid carcasses, try not to damage it.

5. Fill the seafood with the prepared mixture.

6. Pour a spoonful of oil into the multicooker, set the mode to "Frying" again, but "Baking" is also suitable.

7. Spread the carcasses in the heated fat and fry on all sides until rosy.

8. Ready-made carcasses can be served warm or cold. Squids are cut into pieces at an angle, spread on a dish with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Squid in a slow cooker - useful tips and tricks

• What spices to add to squid? Actually enough salt and black pepper. If you want brighter tastes, then in the dish you can pour ready-made mixes for fish. They go well with seafood.

• The squids themselves are fat free and therefore quickly dry. If you need to cook a juicy and tender dish, then seafood is supplemented with butter, fat sour cream or cream.

• Good squids will never be glued together. Carcasses are frozen individually and only then packaged. If seafood is not separated from each other, it means that they have already thawed or there was a violation in the temperature regime during storage.

• When choosing carcasses, it is advisable to give preference to small specimens. Their meat will be much softer and softer than that of large squids.

• If suddenly a squid dish was overexposed and the product became dry, now there is nothing left to do but cook next. After keeping the seafood on fire for another half hour, it will certainly become soft. But it is worth preparing for the fact that we lose weight at least twice.


Watch the video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Fish Recipes (July 2024).