Kubyshka - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Kubyshka - general description

The egg capsule is an aquatic perennial plant in the pitcher family. It has a poisonous yellow-green, and in the section - white, rhizome with cord-shaped root processes. Large leaves of the egg capsule are divided into two types: underwater and surface (floating). The first ones are tender, soft to the touch, the second ones are quite rigid, notched at the base, whole-round.

Yellow flowers, concentrated on long underwater pedicels, are very fragrant, solitary. The heads themselves develop above the surface of the water. Blossom, as a rule, throughout the summer. Box-shaped green fruits ripen in September.

Kubyshka - types and places of growth

The capsule is conditionally divided into 8 varieties: the capsule is small, the capsule is Japanese, the arrowhead leaf, etc. However, many botanists claim that all species are monotypic and are integral components of a polymorphic variety - egg capsules yellow, by the way, the most common among its other relatives.

The capsule is yellow, like the water lily, is widespread in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. On the territory of our country it is found almost everywhere, except for the Far East and the Arctic regions. Its habitats are lakes, overgrown ponds, elders, shallow waters and banks of slow-flowing rivers.

A very similar species - the small egg capsule - grows mainly in Europe, and also occupies forest strips and the shores of some Russian lakes. It is listed in the Red Book of many regions and republics, as its number in recent years has fallen to a critical level.

Egg capsule - healing properties

In folk medicine, a yellow capsule is used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-febrile, and hemostatic agent. The rhizomes of the capsule, due to the content of alkaloids in the nufarin group in them, have a detrimental effect on the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the body, destroying many strains of candida, trichomonads and other harmful agents. Therefore, the question of its use is especially relevant for people suffering from immunodeficiency due to AIDS, organ transplant surgery or chemotherapy.

Tincture of the egg capsule is also used for rheumatism, gastritis and bleeding, a decoction for pneumonia, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis and cystitis, and flowers and leaves are applied to the affected areas of the skin. In homeopathy, the yellow capsule is used as a means of causing sexual desire on a par with marine aphrodisiacs.

Pill - dosage forms

As noted above, the medicinal elements of the yellow capsule are rhizome, flowers and leaves. Rhizome is better to harvest in early spring, before leafing, or in early autumn, after the formation of fruits. It is cleaned of sludge, cut into pieces and dried, spreading in a thin layer, with good lighting and ventilation. Well-dried raw materials due to mechanical stress should break with a bang, without deforming. Roots must be stored for 2 years.

Flowers and leaves are harvested as they bloom, that is, throughout the summer. Dried in the oven, stirring occasionally, at 60 degrees. Store the finished extract in a cloth container for no more than 1 year.

Kubyshka - recipes of traditional medicine

Decoction: add four tablespoons of chopped rhizomes to a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for several minutes (5-7). Next, the broth needs to be cooled, filtered and taken three times a day on the table. spoon before meals (20-40 minutes). It is advisable to apply for pulmonary and genitourinary diseases.

Tincture to maintain immunity: for its preparation, it is better to use fresh roots, but in case of urgent need you can also dry. Pour a glass of crushed raw materials into a glass container, pour a glass of vodka and insist for 10-14 days. Then squeeze, and add 350 ml of vodka to the resulting tincture and shake. The first 7 days, tincture is consumed in 10 drops. Diluted to the table. spoon of water, the second - drink 20 drops., and so bring to 50 drops. The course is quite long and varies from 2 to 6-8 months.

Capsule - contraindications

Rhizomes of the capsule are poisonous, therefore, drugs based on them should not be used in children and pregnant women. Exceeding the allowable dosage is also prohibited, since an overdose can provoke severe poisoning up to death.


Tina 04/26/2016
I was talking about this plant, I only knew that with its help you can perfectly strengthen your immunity. But this is very important. In practice, the most important thing is good immunity, it will not allow any diseases to come to you. Neither viruses nor just a bad mood are scary.

Antonina 04/26/2016
A very necessary plant with such medicinal properties. Indeed, indeed, many diseases are dangerous because they cannot even catch a cold. And with the help of the egg capsule, the spread of various bacteria can be avoided. Thus, extending your life.

Valentina 04/26/2016
Wow! Even with marine aphrodisiacs it can be compared in its effect on sexual desires and opportunities! Moreover, it grows almost everywhere. Again, since the plant is poisonous, you should not take it inside yourself.

Lily 04/26/2016
Again a dangerous, poisonous plant. But what diseases does it cure !! I understand that with AIDS it must be taken in order to kill all possible bacteria. And this with such a serious disease, it is very important, the life expectancy of the patient depends on it.

Tom 04/26/2016
What an interesting, unusual plant. Although it is written that it grows almost everywhere in Russia, I have never seen such a small egg. Such a bright yellow color of a flower, I would definitely remember. And the name is not familiar to me.
