Itching of a child’s butt - why does itching occur? Itching the baby’s butt, what should I do?


What should parents do if a child suddenly has his comb combed? The clinical condition always brings discomfort, not only to the baby, but to the whole household.

The baby’s appetite sharply disappears, he sleeps restlessly, and sometimes complains of severe pain in the tummy. Itch of the child’s butt, what to do in this situation? What does itching mean and should I go to the hospital?

Itch of a child’s butt: why

The skin acts as a protector, from the penetration of harmful bacteria and other infections into the body of the child. Itching always indicates that a disease is developing. Many parents notice that their child scratches the ass, and do not know what to do.

Itching does not always manifest as a rash. It also happens that the child scratches the ass, and there is not even a speck on the skin. In order to understand this problem, you need to know the main reasons why a child has an itchy butt.

To understand that the priest is itching in children, based on what you see, because the baby can not hide his feelings, and he will clearly demonstrate the problem. You can highlight the main reasons why a child’s butt can be scratched:

1. The most important problem in which the priest begins to itch is pinworms. A variety of such worms in children is increasingly common, especially recently. You can pick up such an infection anywhere. If you suddenly observe that a child is scratching his butt, be sure to take his feces to the laboratory, because worms can be well seen in him. Externally, pinworms are white strings that constantly twist. If the child has really worms, then in the evening and at night the itching will be more severe, because it is at this time that the parasites begin to creep out and lay their eggs.

2. Another provocateur of itching - bowel disease. But fortunately for babies this problem is much less common than for adults.

3. Diaper dermatitis - it is because of this that the butt in young children can itch. If the child spends a lot of time in diapers, diapers, or other warm clothes, then spots will appear on the pope that will itch and hurt.

4. With insufficient personal hygiene, fungal development may occur.

5. Often after antibiotic treatment, the baby may experience anal itching, the whole thing is intestinal dysbiosis.

6. Do not forget about allergies. In many young children, it manifests itself precisely on the pope, thereby causing itching and burning.

Regardless of what caused the itching, immediately after you notice that it is, visit a medical institution.

Itching of a child’s butt: what to do

Immediately after the cause of itching in the priest is clarified, it is necessary to proceed with its elimination. Parents must provide the child with complete therapy, which will begin immediately after the examination is completed, all tests are passed, and the doctor will be examined. The treatment and elimination of itching will depend only on what caused this condition. In no case do you need to rely on a simple coincidence and prescribe medications to your child yourself, or listen to the advice of friends and relatives. Not all diseases can be treated with folk remedies, and even if it is possible, it is done only after approval from the doctor is received.

If the doctor, after examining the baby, prescribed him to take a course of antibiotics, then this must be followed, just like the rest of the recommendations:

• Many doctors pay special attention to the identification and disposal of children from worms. Always listen to the doctor’s advice, as they say that if pinworms in the child were triggered by the pinworms, then all family members should undergo treatment with drugs. Parents, not even suspecting this, can long ago become carriers of worms.

• In addition to medicines, it is necessary to carefully treat personal hygiene, cut your nails as short as possible, because it is under it that the worm eggs are located.

Experts insist that you need to change your underwear two or three times a day. Wash things at a high temperature, and then iron everything with a steam iron. It is believed that under the influence of such high temperatures, the parasites will die.

Despite the fact that it was the cause of itching in the priest, you need not only to take medicines, conduct hygienic procedures, but also treat the baby's ass with powder or sanitary napkins. Such a recommendation is very relevant both for combating parasites, and in case of an allergic reaction.

If you have completed the full course of therapy, but the child still complains that his ass is itching, you can use soda baths. Dissolve a small amount of soda in warm water and put the child in a basin. Thanks to this, you can get rid of constant itching and discomfort.

To help the child in the situation that arises is necessary, regardless of why the itching occurred. Indeed, if you do not provide medical care on time, then the disease can be significantly aggravated and lead to undesirable consequences.

Itch of a child’s butt: what to do and how to get rid of itching with folk remedies

Many diseases that cause itching on the pope in a child can be cured by simple folk remedies. For a while, the symptoms will recede and stop disturbing, and parents will have to take their child to a medical facility:

1. Medicinal decoctions of herbs. In order to prepare a decoction, it is necessary to take a small amount of medicinal herb (calendula, chamomile, or a string), then fill it with water and put on fire. After the water begins to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Put the tincture of the herb for 30-40 minutes. Pour water into a bathtub for bathing and add a solution to it, buy a child for 10-20 minutes. Wipe well with a towel, repeat this procedure several times a week.

2. Potassium permanganate. Boil the right amount of water in the kettle, then pour into a glass, pour a few crystals of potassium permanganate. Wait until everything dissolves in boiling water, then take a spoon and stir. The resulting color should be purple, but no less black, as many have. Add the finished solution to the baby's bath and bathe it. Such procedures can be done not only to eliminate itching, but also as a preventative measure.

3. Baby powder or talcum powder. If skin irritation occurs along with itching, then it is necessary to sprinkle the baby’s ass with a special powder in order to get rid of excess moisture. A similar procedure should be done when a fungus occurs.

4. Pumpkin seeds. If your child is already allowed to eat such food, and during the examination, worms were found in him, then he is allowed to give him pumpkin seeds to eat. The substance contained in them kills parasites.

Any folk remedy can be used only after the cause of itching has been identified. Various bathtubs are completely safe and they certainly will not do any harm.

Itching the baby’s butt: prevention

The main prevention in the fight against skin diseases is the observance of personal hygiene rules. And parents in this case should become a real example for their children. After all, starting from a young age, children repeat almost everything after their parents, and therefore begin to accustom them to cleanliness as early as possible: wash your hands, offer to brush your teeth every morning and evening, take water procedures before going to bed, and so on.

There is also a list of specific preventative measures that must be followed:

1. Every day use baby creams. Thanks to them, it will be possible not only to relieve itching and irritation, but also to prevent the development of allergies.

2. Wash your baby only with special products for baby skin. If you wash your baby with plain water, then it must be boiled in advance or passed through a filter.

3. Do not bathe the child solely in the bath; sometimes it is recommended to alternate such procedures with a shower, as this is beneficial for the skin.

4. Try to avoid rubbing towels on baby skin. After bathing, gently pat your baby’s skin.

5. Iron all items after washing, never borrow them from friends or relatives.

Adhering to the simple rules of prevention can prevent the development of many unpleasant diseases.


Watch the video: Itching in Anal area in children - Why does it happen & how to treat? (July 2024).