Aralia - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Aralia - general description

Aralia, or more precisely Manchu Aralia, is a tree that can reach a height of 1.5 to 7 meters. Its roots penetrate radially to a depth of about 25 cm. There are numerous spikes on the leaf petioles and trunk. The size of the upper leaves is quite large, the shape is twice and thrice peritosophisticated, the edges of the leaves are serrate. The flowers of the plant have a creamy white hue, are located on the top of the trunk. Aralia blooms from July to August. The tree produces five-pitted berry-like fruits; ripening occurs from September to October.

Aralia is very rich in various vitamins, minerals and elements. It contains protein, essential oil, alkaloids. The roots are rich in triterpene saponins - aralosides A, B, C, which belong to oleanic acid glycosides.

Aralia - types and places of growth

The plant prefers the soil of forest glades, glades, edges of mixed and coniferous forests. Aralia's favorite habitat is logging and old burns, it is in these places that it forms simply impassable thickets.

As for the places of distribution of Aralia, this is only the Far East: the southeast of the Amur Region, the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Territory, the southern part of Sakhalin Island, as well as such southern Kuril Islands as Shikotane and Kunashir. It is grown in the gardens and parks of central Russia, including the Leningrad region.

In general, about seventy species that grow in North America, Asia, and the Far East are attributed to the genus Aralia.
In the Far East, there are three such species:
- Aralia is Manchurian or Aralia high, which is popularly called a thorn tree, a bloody tree, a bloody club.
- Aralia is heart-shaped, which is a herbaceous plant reaching a height of 1.5-2.0 m. A plant with small greenish or yellowish-white paniculate inflorescences.
- Aralia mainland is another herbaceous plant that is very similar to a heart-shaped aralia. Its height is about one meter, has long leaves, dense and branched inflorescences.

Aralia - healing properties

Aralia is very widely used for various diseases. It treats hypotension and asthenia, the initial stages of atherosclerosis, physical and mental fatigue, impotence. It also stimulates the central nervous system. Effectively copes with astheno-depressive state after traumatic brain injury. Aralia is also used to treat post-influenza arachnoiditis, such nervous and mental diseases as neurosis, neurasthenia, psychasthenia, schizophrenia. She copes with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, colds, toothaches, diseases of the liver and kidneys. It has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Aralia - dosage forms

As a medicinal raw material, roots with a diameter of about three centimeters, as well as leaves and bark of aralia, are used. It is worth noting that for the preparation of infusions, decoctions and tinctures from Aralia in folk medicine, only 5-15 year old raw materials are used.

Aralia - recipes

Aralia tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can also prepare therapeutic decoctions at home on your own.
To prepare a decoction effective for diseases such as diabetes mellitus, enuresis, colds, flu, kidney and liver diseases, toothache, pour 200 ml of hot water into 20 g of crushed roots. Hold the broth in a water bath for half an hour, cool at room temperature, strain. The broth is consumed one tablespoon three times a day.

Aralia - contraindications

Despite the low toxicity of aralia, it is necessary to be careful about its long-term use. This can provoke a feeling of discomfort in the heart, overexcite the nervous system, increase pressure and worsen overall well-being.


veniamin 05/14/2016
Aralia heart-shaped is consumed in food in the form of salads, and it is also fried with meat. There are recipes.

Naina 04/17/2016
It simply amazes me that all medicines, literally from all our diseases, grow in front of my nose. And you don’t have to buy anything! And everything is very natural, does not cripple other organs. Just need to delve into. what’s what, and be treated with folk, proven means.

Tamara 04/17/2016
And my aunt used this plant as a medicinal one in relation to the liver. And I was very glad that I tried. He says that she practically got rid of problems with the organs. At the same time, the kidney was healed, and now it does not bother her at all.

Ira 04/17/2016
Yes, I also know about the properties of Aralia, as about helping with various mental disorders. Even with schizophrenia, it is prescribed. I don’t know how much it helps, but if Aralia is so widely used, then it still makes sense.

Vella 04/17/2016
According to the photograph, I thought it was a young poplar))) I heard a lot about the healing qualities of Aralia, namely, in mental illness. My friend had a severe degree of neurogia, and she drank tincture from this plant.


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