How to get rid of midges. All about the types and causes of midges, about various means of getting rid of midges, which are called fruit


By regularly cleaning our house, we often cannot understand where the midges come from in our home (they are also called Drosophila).

Often they can be found in the kitchen, since it is in it that it is easiest to find food.

Moshka prefers fruits and vegetables and likes to settle in flowerpots and greens on the windowsills, which very quickly begins to fade from such "guests."

In addition, midges can harm not only products or favorite flowerpots, but also humans, since their bite can provoke the development of allergies or other skin irritations.

Where do they come from and how to get rid of midges? - This issue does not lose its relevance to the present day among people who have had to deal with them.

Cats: causes and types

Before studying all the methods of getting rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to determine the main types of midges and the sources of their occurrence in the apartment.

Often they appear in places with a high level of dampness or in foods that have deteriorated, and the process of decay has begun in them. As we know, products spoil most quickly in the hot season, so do not forget to put them in the refrigerator. Drosophila are always in search of a favorable indoor environment, and fruits for them are always a good place of deployment, even unripe. As the fruit begins to sing, midges begin to breed in them.

Another of the favorite places of the settlement is garbage or a bucket of garbage. Therefore, throwing out the bin, pay attention to whether there is any moisture left at its bottom, since this is an excellent source of nutrition for Drosophila. Also, midges often occur in the sewer, if leftovers of food are stuck in it.

Quite often, Drosophila wind up in indoor plants. They gnaw at their roots, and the plants begin to rot. However, even if you carefully monitor the cleanliness in your home, midges can fly to you from neighboring apartments.

Types of indoor midges

Depending on the location of taste preferences, Drosophila are divided into several types.

1. Food. This type of Drosophila prefers to settle in products (cereals, vegetables, food garbage). They can be of different colors, most often you can find burgundy and black colors. It’s easiest to get rid of this type of midges, all that is needed is to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the room, that is, remove the bucket of garbage, crumbs from the table on time and so on. Often, after a general cleaning in an apartment, this type of midge disappears.

2. Paid. This type of Drosophila settles, as a rule, in stale things, and it can be not only ordinary clothes Drosophila, but also larvae. It is quite difficult to get rid of them, it is much easier to prevent their occurrence. To do this, put in a cabinet several tablets with the smell of lavender, dry nut leaves or special insect flavors sold in hardware stores.

3. Water. And the last type of midges appears mainly in places of accumulation of moisture (kitchen, bathroom, bathhouse). This is the most unpleasant type of Drosophila, since it is quite difficult to remove excess moisture from the above places, and it is in them that they feel as comfortable as possible. To make water fruit flies smaller, you need to monitor the humidity in the rooms, prevent damp corners and regularly air the rooms. To completely get rid of water midges you need to use effective folk remedies, which we will discuss in more detail below, or aerosols from insects.

How to get rid of midges: where to start

So, from the general information about Drosophila go directly to the process of getting rid of them. First of all, you need to inspect all kitchen cabinets and other places where food is stored. If there are products that you are not going to throw away, they must be thoroughly washed and dried. If there is a basement or a pantry in your home, then you need to clean them, because from there Drosophila can also fly into the house.

After carrying out a general cleaning in all of the above rooms, be sure to treat them with an aerosol for insects. As an alternative, you can use a special fumigator.

The use of a fumigant is very effective in combating indoor midges and can eliminate it within a few hours. If pets live in your apartment, their bowls also need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned of food debris. Contaminated dishes left in a sink or a wet rag is the environment in which Drosophila breed. And most importantly, do not leave foods open on the table, especially fruits and vegetables.

Another place where midges can start is a balcony. That this did not happen, you need to install a mosquito net on the windows that they did not fly from the street. If Drosophila still wound up on your balcony, first look at all the possible places of their favorable existence, then apply dichlorvos, acting strictly according to the instructions.

How to get rid of home midge folk remedies

Many people struggle with apartment midges with folk remedies. Let's look at the most popular tools.

1. Take a 0.5 liter jar and leave fruit with decay on its bottom. Then cover it with cling film, after making several holes in it. After some time, midges will fly off to the smell of spoiled fruit and climb inside. However, they will no longer be able to get out of it, since there will be cling film on the jar. After Drosophila in a jar is typed enough, just pour boiling water into it and drain into the toilet. Repeat the procedure until you catch all the midges.

2. Use an ordinary vacuum cleaner and catch Drosophila with it. After that, remove the container from it and shake it in a place far from home.

3. For this method we need ground camphor and a frying pan. Pour camphor into a heated pan and wait until steam appears. When it arises, remove the hot pan from the fire and slowly walk through all the rooms where fruit flies can be. The fact is that midges are afraid of this smell, but it will not do any harm to a person.

4. Take a glass with any pleasantly smelling liquid, it can be stewed fruit, jelly or wine. After that, add a few drops of detergent to it and place it in the place where Drosophila most often appears. A detergent will help reduce the surface tension of water, and insects will quickly drown in a glass.

Cats in flowers: how to get rid

One of the favorite places for indoor midges is indoor flowers. Of course, if you quickly determined the appearance of Drosophila in flowers, then you can solve this problem quite quickly. However, if insects have long settled and bred in your indoor plants, then prepare for a long and difficult fight against them.

All indoor plants need to be treated and processed at once, because Drosophila breed very quickly and could lay eggs in several flower pots. Below we give all the main means of dealing with indoor midges in flowers, but none of them is a panacea for all cases, so the necessary method must be selected for each individual case.

1. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and water with a small concentration in order to avoid combustion of flower roots. From time to time, water and spray the flower with such a solution, and you will soon notice how much less insects.

2. Take a soap or soda solution and treat it with window sills. This will create the necessary alkaline environment, which midges really do not like. You can also use a mild solution with laundry soap for watering flowers.

3. After watering, take a short pause so that the ground is completely dry from moisture.

4. Pour some ash into the ground. Besides killing insects, it will also help fertilize the soil.

5. Lay out a few freshly cut orange peels on the ground and sprinkle them a little on the ground.

6. Drosophila do not tolerate garlic odor. Cut a few cloves of cloves and lay them down on the substrate. In some cases, a more effective way is to use garlic infusion. It is prepared like this: take a head of garlic, chop it, and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 3 hours to insist. After that, from time to time, water and spray them with flowers.

7. Another fairly popular tool that helps get rid of midges in flowers, are matches. Take 4-5 matches and stick them in the ground gray down. After a while, take out matches if sulfur has disappeared on them.

Each of the above methods is aimed at combating larvae in flowers. However, there is no point in exterminating the larvae without combating adult midges. To do this, hang tape near flower pots. Citramone can also be used. Dissolve half a tablet in three liters of water and water the flowers with this mixture.

Another effective way to get rid of Drosophila is to remove the top layer of the substrate, which should be noticed on the sand layer with potassium. This will create such a protective layer that will not allow insects to get to the flower roots.

There is another way that has been actively used for many decades - the infusion of yarrow and tobacco, which need to water flowers with parasites.

However, all these methods are effective only in the initial stages of insect control. If the situation worsens, it is necessary to use "heavy artillery" - chemicals.

House midge: how to get rid of household cleaning products

If the folk methods described above were ineffective, use special chemicals that can quickly and effectively kill insects.

In shops selling flowers, you can find a whole list of chemicals aimed at combating Drosophila. Before making a choice, consult with sellers, they will help you choose the most effective tool.

Do not forget that when working with a chemical solution, follow all safety rules and precautions. To do this, before using them, you need to study the instructions well and be sure to use a dressing gown, goggles and a respirator. Also, keep away from the treatment area for children and pets.

After processing has been completed, open all windows and repeat the same procedure in the fresh air. In this case, you need to separate the infected from healthy plants, otherwise you will need to process all the flowers.

Basic preventive measures

The presence of Drosophila in the apartment is not a very pleasant phenomenon, which sometimes can be difficult to get rid of. Therefore, we bring to your attention several recommendations that will prevent the occurrence of these insects in your apartment:

  • clean spoiled foods on time, as the process of suppuration attracts midges;

  • Regularly clean the premises;

  • monitor the functioning of water taps in the room to avoid high humidity, which also attracts insects;

  • with the advent of summer, do not forget to install mosquito nets on the windows in a timely manner, which will not allow midges to freely enter the room;

  • regularly inspect indoor plants, transplant flowerpots on time, water the flowers in moderation to avoid increased humidity and drying out of the soil;

  • if your pet lives in your apartment, watch for its cleanliness, plate and the place where he rests.

Summing up, it should be noted that in order to avoid the appearance of midges in the apartment, regular cleaning should be done regularly, in time and completely get rid of debris and moisture at the bottom of the bin. Also, ventilate the room as often as possible so that damp and unpleasant odors do not appear in the room.


Watch the video: Get rid of FRUIT FLIES and GNATS and all small flying bugs, WATCH NOW. (June 2024).