Slimming cocktails: recipes and tips


Dreams of a flat stomach and a thin waist can become a reality if you set a clear goal and take into account diet food. In the warm season, with its abundance of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits, and fresh air, the fairy tale will turn into reality much faster, you can only cope with the main enemy - increased appetite. It turns out that this problem can be successfully solved with the same power! The fact is that the satiety of many products is much higher than what our body needs. That is, we get more calories. To lose weight, you just need to solve the problem of satiety with a minimum of calories.

Cocktails for weight loss will help to cope with this - nutritious drinks that give satiety for a couple of hours. But it does not contribute to putting off excess calories on the body. It is necessary to replace one or two doses per day with such means, thus reducing the number of calories. These popular weight loss aids often contain lactic acid bacteria, fiber, pectin, and extract extracts. All harmful substances are removed from the body, fiber suppresses hunger, swelling in the intestines. The body, like a broom, sweeps up the slag accumulated over many years.

Slimming Cocktails - Pros and Cons

There are a lot of positive aspects. It is almost impossible to harm the body with such a tool - in their composition mainly useful natural ingredients. Fasting days with slimming cocktails are compared to a real mono-diet. If all the rules and conditions are met, they can be quite effective. But there are also disadvantages. Some women have problems with bowel movements.

It is quite difficult to adhere to such a diet for a long time, and if the diet is already high in calories, the additional use of protein shakes with a lot of sugar can lead to the opposite effect - the weight can increase. Yes, and simply not always the saturation effect can occur, and the problem of hunger is quite acute. When switching to a normal diet, these problems disappear.

Slimming cocktails - when is excess protein?

Please note that for an adult, 45-60 grams of protein per day is enough for normal life. A healthy, well-balanced diet when you add extra protein will get extra calories. In this case, protein shakes are not necessary. You can not abuse such products - this is similar to a deception of nature, the body will not forgive such an attitude and will respond by increasing weight.

How to make a slimming cocktail?

From simple ordinary products you can make great cocktails even in your kitchen. To do this, we need kefir, frozen or fresh berries, prepared fiber, natural yogurt, ice. What is ice for? Having cooled the mixture, you will burden your body with the need to heat it up for absorption using your own energy for digestion. As a result, more calories will be spent than it goes.

So, mix berries, ice, yogurt, fiber in a blender. Use it immediately and never procure this product for future use. You need to drink a slimming cocktail instead of breakfast, or instead of dinner. After two weeks, the result you get an explicit result.

Slimming Smoothies - Smoothies

The process of weight loss can be made more effective if you cook once a day smoothie - a vitamin drink made from juices or fresh vegetables and fruits. The basic rule is the lack of salt, cream, only fresh products. Caffeine-free teas are also suitable. If the smoothie is too saturated, dilute it with such tea, add ice as desired. This excellent summer dessert can also be used as a snack whenever you feel hungry.

Slimming Cocktails - Smoothie Recipes

Carrot Tomato Smoothie

This is an incredibly healthy drink with a high content of vitamin A, lycopene, which is very beneficial for the liver. Fats are quickly broken down and excreted from the body.
Ingredients: tomato (1 pc), Carrot (1 pc). Pass everything through a blender, mix with a small amount of milk or kefir. Add a pinch of ginger or red pepper. Try to drink two such cocktails daily, and the next morning you will notice a clear result.

Fresh celery apple

The miracle drink consists of a green apple and green celery (1: 2). Celery has special properties. With his help, excess fluid is removed from the body, fats are broken down precisely in the waist and abdomen. The drink itself is also delicious, cook and enjoy.

Kiwi Watermelon Smoothie

When the first watermelons appear, you can prepare a nutritionally valuable cocktail with a high content of vitamin B and fiber. Kiwi also contains a whole bunch of healthy substances. A delicious dessert will not allow calories to be deposited on the sides. Kiwi does not need to peel. It is enough to cut into cubes and add the flesh of watermelon, a slice of lemon - and in a blender! In hot weather, add ice, mix again - drink in small sips, take care of the throat. Such a fruit smoothie or any other you can eat for breakfast. Fiber and fructose will energize you for several hours.

Avocado and Raspberry Slimming Cocktail

In addition to fruit, we need oatmeal. You must have breakfast in the morning - a light fruit smoothie with oatmeal will be the best breakfast and a great alternative to traditional porridge or pancakes. Ingredients: oatmeal (3 tablespoons), avocado, raspberries (300 grams each), green tea (250 ml) - all in a blender, beat until smooth. You can drink through a straw.

Ginger - Citrus Juice

A cocktail of lemon, grapefruit and ginger is the best way to show your dietary properties. With the help of a cocktail, the body will be cleaned of toxins, glucose absorption will decrease, and appetite will decrease.
Ingredients: - grapefruit (1 small), half a lemon (1/2 pcs), ginger root (1 cm). Mix the squeezed juice with added ginger - and the drink is ready! This cocktail should be drunk after eating, and you will feel lightness in the whole body and an extraordinary burst of energy.

Slimming cocktails - milk milk

A drink based on milk and tea is slightly different from usual in the way of preparation. In this case, brew tea not with boiling water, but with boiling milk. You can add strong tea leaves to cold milk, it is better to do this with black varieties of tea. For half a liter of milk, take 1 teaspoon of tea leaves. It is best to use green varieties of tea, you can sweeten with a small amount of honey. This is an ideal tool for a fasting day. If you drink 2 liters of milk milk per day (200 grams every 2 hours), you can lose from 1, 5 to 3 kilograms. Of course, cow's milk needs to be selected low-fat. Watch your health, and in case of deterioration, complete the fasting day with a light dinner. You can drink milk milk cold or hot.

Slimming Cocktails - Diet Modifiers

In addition, there are entire programs developed with diet modifiers. The most notorious - a diet series of Wellness slimming cocktails from Oriflame, or Doctor Slim slimming cocktails. When buying a cocktail mixture for weight loss at a pharmacy, read the instructions carefully: 100 grams of a dry mixture should not contain more than 10 grams of fat, per gram of protein should be no more than 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrates. Remember that any “weight loss” program should include sports exercises and outdoor walks.


Assa23 03/25/2016
The article is very positive and carries a lot of information. I prefer cocktails instead of snacks, and drinking them all the time bothers me too.

Barbie 03/25/2016
What cocktail recipes are healthy. Thanks to the author of the article. Cheered up and a cocktail diet just for me. Moreover, my husband gave me a blender on March 8th.

Regina 03/25/2016
Losing weight with cocktails is a pleasure. It’s easy to cook them, but what a yummy !!! I agree to such a diet, run to the kitchen to make a cocktail :)))

mamaLena 03/25/2016
What cocktails are seductive in the photo. If you have a blender at home, some fruits or berries, plus fat-free yogurt, making a smoothie is easy.

Tigra 03/25/2016
Heard about Wellness Slimming Cocktails by Oriflame. I saw specific people who lost weight significantly by consuming them. But the Wellness system implies, along with cocktails, a healthy diet and physical activity.


Watch the video: This Drink Will Help You Lose Belly, Arm, and Leg Fat In 1 Week (June 2024).