Scientists have called the most useful fruit for the heart


Chinese researchers have tested several types of fruits for their effects on the body. As a result, it turned out that the most useful is apricot. Apricots guarantee protection against malignant tumors and have a positive effect on the heart.

These fruits most effectively support the functionality of the heart muscle and help the body cope with infections. Apricots have a lot of potassium, which is considered an indispensable mineral that preserves and improves the general condition of blood vessels. Potassium normalizes pressure and removes toxins.

Dried apricots, rich in potassium and iron, are extremely useful for people with a diagnosis of anemia and for expectant mothers. Mineral salts contained in apricots keep bone tissue from decay and prevent metabolic disorders. Doctors advise eating apricot pulp, especially saturated with potassium salts, to people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies. Dried apricots successfully helps with arrhythmias, myasthenia gravis, myocardial infarction and poor circulation.

Apricots are champions not only in minerals. They also contain vitamins of groups C, A, B, which increase immunity, which allows the body to defeat infectious diseases easier and faster. Beta-carotene, as a natural antioxidant, effectively prevents the oncology and heart diseases. In addition, apricots help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and remove water from the body.


Watch the video: KIWI FRUIT: THE ONE TRUE SUPERFOOD. Kiwi Nutritional Science Explained (June 2024).