Diet for cholecystitis - a description and useful tips. Nutrition rules for cholecystitis and examples of the menu.


Holicystitis is a big problem in the modern world. Inflammation of the gallbladder affects today 10% of the world's population, most often, strangely enough, residents of quite prosperous countries suffer from this ailment.

Hardened bile, turning into stones, causes a lot of trouble. The formation of stones is negatively affected by malnutrition, smoking, overeating, foci of chronic infection, physical inactivity, alcohol abuse, impaired immune status and many other factors. First, there is a violation of the outflow of bile, and then the ducts are slagged, sand or stones are formed the size of a buckwheat. Women and overweight people are more susceptible to the disease.

What to do if the diagnosis of cholecystitis? You have to constantly adhere to a diet, you can’t change anything here. During the period of remission, you can slightly expand the number of permitted products, but nevertheless, you will have to deny yourself a lot. If the disease is not started, in many cases, diet and herbal medicine (decoctions of herbs) help to improve well-being without the use of medications.

Diet for cholecystitis - description and general principles

With cholecystitis, it is recommended to eat food in small portions, as often as possible, at least 4-5 times a day. It is strongly recommended that you create a diet with a constant meal time. It is very important that the bile does not stagnate. The very arrival of food into the body by the clock can be considered as a choleretic agent, especially since it is natural for a weakened gastrointestinal system. Three traditional meals entail more hearty breakfasts; lunch and dinner; and two intermediate meals - lunch and afternoon snack. Overeating, abuse of confectionery are excluded. Breakfast and afternoon snack are a snack, you can use fruits, sandwiches, weak tea or compotes. Toning drinks will have to be excluded so as not to affect the nervous system and not introduce an imbalance in the production of hormones by the body. Overeating can cause spasm of the biliary tract, which will increase pain.

Diet for cholecystitis - what foods can be consumed

In the diet with cholecystitis, preference should be given to foods that lower cholesterol. First of all, it is cereals, vegetable oil (preferably olive), fish, nuts. A paradox, but alcohol is not considered in this case the worst enemy - a glass of dry red wine can significantly lower cholesterol, so it can also be included in the diet. Little is known that one of the eastern spices - turmeric is able to stop the inflammation of the gallbladder. With its help, the progress of bile is enhanced, as there is stimulation of the contraction of the walls of the gallbladder.

Allowed Products:
-meat and poultry (nonfat), eggs (2 pcs per week),
- sweet fruits and berries;
- stale products are recommended from flour products;
- vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant;
- you can add vegetable oil to the finished dish,
- butter (15-20 g per day), sour cream and cream in small quantities;
- sugar (50-70 g per day, together with added to dishes).

Diet for cholecystitis - which foods should not be consumed

With this disease, it is strictly forbidden to eat a large amount of saturated fat, so there can be no talk of hamburgers, french fries, fried meat and other fried foods, as well as smoked meats. This food increases cholesterol in the body, therefore, it can cause an exacerbation of the disease. Nobody wants such a development of events, so you should look at the recommendations.

- Legumes (beans, peas), as well as sorrel, spinach, onion, garlic, radish. In general, substances containing a large amount of essential oils that irritate the walls of the stomach. Mushroom pickers will have to forget about this product, as mushrooms also become a prohibited product.
- Fatty pork, lamb, goose, duck, fish of fatty varieties, kidneys, liver.
- Chocolate, cocoa products, pastry.
Please note: unlike other options, this diet prohibits spices and various rich broths: meat, mushroom, fish.

Diet for cholecystitis - examples of the menu

In acute cholecystitis, the menu will be significantly different. In the early days, the diet should minimize the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is only allowed to drink drinks: fruit or berry decoctions or compote from rose hips. In the next two days there are only mashed cereals. The subsequent diet is very similar to diet No. 5c, after 10 days the patient is transferred to diet 5a, then to treatment table 5.
Menus for chronic cholecystitis should be very gentle for the liver and contribute to the secretion of bile. Instead of sugar, sweets and sweets, fruits are consumed, unloading diets are shown - for example, watermelon or kefir. Drinking plenty of water (2-2, 5 liters) and small portions, fractional nutrition - these are the basic principles of nutrition at this stage.

Sparing menu:
Breakfast: steam omelet from proteins (110 gr), semolina milk porridge (half-portion), tea.
Optional breakfast: cottage cheese (100 gr), rosehip broth.
Lunch: oatmeal soup with vegetable broth, chopped steamed boiled meat, can be in the form of soufflé (100 grams), mashed potatoes (half portion), fruit jelly.
Snack: baked apples (2 pcs).
Dinner: mashed potatoes (half-portion), tea.
At night: kissel, kefir.
During the day, distribute 200 grams of white bread from high-quality flour, sugar (30 grams).

Diet for cholecystitis - useful tips and reviews

- The daily diet should include 3.5 kg of food, such a volume is obtained, including a large amount of fluid consumed. Dishes are recommended boiled.
- Pears give a good positive effect for the treatment of the disease, they need to be eaten several times a day. The chemical composition of pears promotes healing, so they should be consumed in unlimited quantities.
- Chicory has a beneficial effect on the gallbladder, chicory drinks are very useful, you can drink them along with tea or compote.


Diana R. 11/17/2016
Thank you for reminding me of chicory. Chicory is Health!

Huba 03/24/2016
Cholecystitis is an unpleasant disease. It is all the more joyful that dieticians have not forgotten about people with this diagnosis. Female opinion is just a super storehouse of useful information! Everyone here !!!

Ekaterina Sergeevna 03.24.2016
Spring is coming! Dear ladies, take on the figure. We forget all the troubles, proceed to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. The diagnosis, of course, cannot be thrown out. But there are diets for all occasions, so do not despair!

Veselaia 03/24/2016
Diet for cholecystitis is a special diet that is needed every day. It is great that with its help you can improve your well-being without medications. Sample menu - very tasty written !!!

Emma 03/24/2016
When there is such a disease, then there is nowhere to go. You will eat only what the doctor allowed, so as not to aggravate your situation. You will extend both life and its quality.


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