You can increase hemoglobin at home! Diet and folk remedies will help raise hemoglobin at home


The problem of low hemoglobin levels is relevant.

According to statistics, the diagnosis of iron deficiency or anemia is put to every third inhabitant of the planet.

What is this disease and how to increase hemoglobin at home?

When anemia in the blood of a person decreases the concentration of hemoglobin.

This is due to the fact that the red bodies, erythrocytes, do not cope well with the function of transporting oxygen throughout the body. Few people think about the consequences that may arise against the background of low hemoglobin and very vain. After all, if we allow a critical decrease in the concentration of red particles in the blood, everything can end in death.

The problem is easier to prevent than to cure, but if the moment was missed, then you need to sort out in detail the question of how to increase hemoglobin at home with the help of traditional and medical means.

How to increase hemoglobin at home: lifestyle

Virtually any disease is treatable. Mandatory therapy should be comprehensive. It is impossible to recover by sitting only on certain medications, the patient must reconsider his lifestyle and make adjustments if it is wrong. Anemia is no exception. Most doctors recommend to carefully monitor their diet. But that's not all. It is equally important to make the right drinking regimen. If a person has hemoglobin low enough, you need to use only clean water, make the right diet and be in motion. This is the only way to finally overcome the problem.

As known, sport is a guarantee of health. When diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, it is extremely necessary. The fact is that in the process of performing physical exercises, a person breathes correctly: a full opening of the diaphragm occurs and the most correct conditions for ventilation of the lungs are created. The volume of oxygen produced increases and enters the blood, saturating it. After all, lack of oxygen in the blood is the first cause of anemia.

If the patient asks the doctor about how to increase hemoglobin at home, then he will most likely hear that need to properly drink water. Depending on the weight of the person, it is necessary to consume up to two liters throughout the day, that is, the whole volume should be divided into 8 receptions, which is considered to be the optimal scheme. The composition of the blood particles has water, and its deficiency in the body leads to a change in the natural structure of these elements.

Environmental factor also plays a decisive role in hemoglobin levels. Of course, not everyone can change their habitual place of residence and move to a clean area with fresh air (you can at least once a year go to a specialized sanatorium treatment). It is imperative to develop the correct circuit and power mode. Hemoglobin in the blood decreases due to the dominance in the diet of the wrong foods, and they are not always harmful. How to increase hemoglobin at home by stabilizing the diet should be discussed in more detail.

However strange it may seem, but the main enemy of normal hemoglobin is calcium. If a person consumes daily a large amount of milk, cottage cheese or sour cream, the absorption of iron by the body is minimized.

The same applies to lovers of strong coffee / tea and sugary cola-type carbonated beverages. In their composition there is tannin, impairing the absorption of iron. But fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, on the contrary, contribute to the rapid absorption of this element.

It is not necessary to completely eliminate their use, it is recommended to reduce, ideally by half, and not to combine with iron-containing products, for example, cottage cheese with apples.

How to increase hemoglobin at home: nutrition

Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. To produce them in the required amount, a person must consume products containing natural protein. The important point is that the protein must be not only vegetable, but also animal. To do this, eat foods such as:

• meat;

• cottage cheese;

• a fish;

• eggs;

• liver;

• seafood.

Perhaps some will think about how to increase hemoglobin at home, using cottage cheese, because above it was said that milk impairs the absorption of iron. The fact is that some products should be only 2/3 of the basic diet, these include:

• fatty meat (pork, beef, duck, goose);

• fat;

• fatty and smoked sausages.

The presence of these products in the diet will significantly reduce the level of hemoglobin due to the fact that the process of formation of red blood particles will slow down.

It is better to use such oils for cooking:

• olive;

• rapeseed;

• sesame;

• flaxseed.

They are full of vitamins that break down fats.

It will be correct to include in your diet nuts and fish dishes.

If you are thinking about how to increase hemoglobin at home by stabilizing the diet, the question may arise regarding the consumption of carbohydrates. Experts say that they must be present necessarily. If this element is absent, the body consumes and does not restore energy, some minerals and trace elements. Therefore, food should include the following foods:

• cereals from cereals;

• casseroles;

• pudding;

• compotes;

• jam;

• dried fruits;

• honey

In the absence of an adequate amount of carbohydrates, hemoglobin can not be raised.

It is necessary to use products that contain iron of rapid absorption, these include:

• dark meat of animals and poultry;

• beef liver;

• kidneys;

• buckwheat and oats;

• fruit (apples, persimmon, kiwi).

If we talk about trace elements, and they play not the last role in the formation of red blood cells, it is necessary to enrich the diet with enzymes. Thanks to them, the quality of cellular metabolism is enhanced. You need to search in such products:

• seaweed;

• seafood;

• legumes;

• greenery;

• White mushrooms.

In general, everything from where you can draw copper, selenium, zinc, manganese and other useful substances. Be sure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily, they are rich in micro and macro elements. Everything must be carefully thought out and balanced so that there is no dominant: one protein, or carbohydrates, or additional elements. You need to eat vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D, K, PP. They are contained in berries (strawberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries).

Every day, a person with a low hemoglobin index should consume about 120 g of protein, 90 g of fat, 500 g of carbohydrates, which in the complex will give 3000 kcal. Meals should be 5, and preferably 6 times a day.

You can also include the use of fresh juices and fresh juices, and if we talk about folk methods, then decoctions of herbs and berries are appropriate.

Now you know more about how to increase hemoglobin at home through balance in the diet. But do not forget about medicines and folk remedies.

How to increase hemoglobin at home: drugs and folk remedies

If we approach the issue of increasing hemoglobin by means of official medicine, then here the choice is simply enormous. A wide range of iron-containing drugs is presented in each pharmacy, and their cost ranges from hundreds to thousands of rubles. How to make the right choice and purchase a quality and suitable drug.

First you need to decide on a convenient form of release. Drugs of this group come in ampoules - intended for injection, and in tablets - for oral administration. Here it is necessary to focus not only on convenience, but also on the ability of iron in one form or another to be absorbed in the body.

Many people think that the body accepts liquid preparations (syrups, injections, tinctures) faster and better, but not iron. It is better to choose medicines in the form of tablets: it is more convenient to take and the speed of absorption is higher.

Dosage. Here everything is very individual and it is impossible to do without consulting a doctor, because different preparations contain from 80 to 160 mg of iron, and this is a very big difference. Independent selection of the drug can only exacerbate the situation, it is recommended to go to the doctor’s appointment.

Regarding the method of reception is simple, even a busy person can afford to drink pills during working hours. Iron is best absorbed after lunch, no later than an hour before meals.

If you are thinking about how to increase hemoglobin at home with the help of traditional or conventional medicine, then in neither case should we expect quick results. Indicators will begin to gradually rise no earlier than 30-45 days after the start of treatment.

Although the process is long, the result will be not only an increase in red blood cells, but also the saturation of blood with iron (in some cases even in excess), the color will be deeper.

Traditional medicine

If you do not want to drink pills, then you can use the recipes of grandmothers and great-grandmothers, they, like anyone else, know a lot about decoction and infusions.

Increase hemoglobin can be as follows:

1. Every day, eat about 200 g of boiled beets or drink 50 ml of freshly squeezed vegetable juice (course of 1-2 months);

2. Take dry rosehips (20 g), boil 200 ml of water and pour the fruit, insist 12 hours in a thermos. During the day you need to drink 1 cup of tincture;

3. Drink fresh juice from freshly squeezed rowan and 1 tablespoon 4 times a day;

4. Include in your diet a salad of fresh carrots (rub) with sour cream, eat at least 150 g;

5. Drink carrot juice every day (100 ml) twice a day;

6. Make an infusion of nettle (30 g of dry leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and insist 40 minutes), daily up to 4 times half a cup;

7. Every day, eat at least 100 grams of peeled walnuts, they are rich in iron, which the body does not have enough to increase hemoglobin, if there is no allergy, then you can mix it with honey;

8. You need to eat at least 500 g of fresh apples every day;

9. Sprouted wheat hemoglobin increases well, you need to start with the use of 1 teaspoon before a meal, over time increasing the portion to two spoons;

10. Vitamins help to defeat the disease: you need to mix walnuts, raisins, honey and dried apricots (can be crushed). Drink daily 1 time per day before breakfast and store in a cold place.

Increase hemoglobin at home: you can, just be careful!

Being engaged in increasing the concentration of iron and the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a person should be aware of the products that will interfere with it in this process. It is better to temporarily reduce the use of coffee, alcohol (it is generally contraindicated), milk and its products.

Before prescribing any drug, you should consult with a specialist. By the way, you need to go to the doctor to apply even if the decision on treatment with folk remedies was made. It is recommended to undergo a complete, comprehensive diagnosis and identify the root cause of the decrease in hemoglobin, perhaps this is the first sign of a serious illness.


Watch the video: Best treatment for iron deficiency anemia in children (July 2024).