Mango: good and harm, composition and calorie content. When a fruit can benefit the body, and when it hurts


Increasingly, mangoes began to appear on the table with connoisseurs of all exotic things.

His homeland is considered to be India.

According to ancient legend, mango - the gift of the supreme Indian god Shivawhich he gave to his wife as a sign of his eternal love for her.

Since that time, and began to grow mangoes in India.

This aromatic, juicy and sweet fruit has gained its popularity due to its savory taste and many beneficial properties.

Mango: composition, how to apply

Mango contains a lot of substances with a deficiency of which the full activity of the body is impossible. Healthy substances are found not only in its flesh. They are enough in the skin and leaves. The usefulness and value of the fruit can be easily determined by its composition.

It contains:

• Vitamins: A (0.4 mg), C (28 mg), B1 (0.06 mg), B2 (0.02 mg), PP (0.6 mg), B5 (0.16 mg), B9 (14 mg), B6 ​​( 0.13 mg), E (1.12 mg).

• Minerals: calcium (10mg), potassium (156mg), phosphorus (11mg), sodium (2mg), magnesium (10mg), iron (0.13mg), zinc (40mg), copper (110mg), manganese (27mg), selenium (0.6 mg).

• Starch.

• Flavonoids.

• Polyphenols.

• Sugar (glucose, maltose, xylose, sucrose).

• Organic acids.

The composition of immature fruits is slightly different from mature. So, in the immature ones there is much more starch, which, as the fruit ripens, turns into carbohydrates: sucrose, maltose, glucose. More pectin and organic acids. In addition to citric, grape, ascorbic and malic acids contain oxalic, succinic. These acids in the human body are not produced, but the work of many organs largely depends on them. The timely and sufficient supply of organic acids with food affects the health of a person.

100g of mango pulp contains:

• water - 82gr;

• protein - 0.5 g;

• carbohydrates - 14.9 g;

• fat - 0.4g;

• ash - 0.5 g;

• cellulose - 14,8gr.

The degree of maturity of the fetus affects its calorie content. Mango is a high-calorie fruit, because 100gr contains from 63 Kcal to 70 Kcal. In its nectar calories are much less: only 40 Kcal per 100g. A high calorific value is provided by the sugars in the composition.

Useful properties of the mango made it possible to apply its pulp, extracts from leaves and seeds in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Use in medicine. For the prevention of many diseases and in their treatment, mango is an indispensable assistant. Preparations based on mango extracts have antioxidant, immunomodulatory, sedative effects.

Mango in cosmetology. Cosmetology, this fruit is not bypassed. Cosmetics made on the basis of the extract from the fruit help to eliminate a lot of problems with the skin of the face: improve color, tighten and rejuvenate, reduce inflammation, get rid of black spots. Creams based on it soften the skin, nourish it, smooth, cleanse and tone up.

Popularity is gaining lotions, tonics, shower gels, shampoos, masks with mango extract. Fruit seed oil is widely used. It is used in the care of the skin of hands, body, face, hair, is effective in combating skin pigmentation, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Use in cooking. Mango popularity is gaining in the kitchen. Apply both in fresh form, and in canned. Exotic fruit is used fresh in salads, desserts. Cocktails, drinks, smoothies, juices, liqueurs and yogurts based on its juice and pulp are popular. In Oriental cuisine, fish and meat dishes are often combined with mango. It is believed that the fruit improves the digestion of fatty and heavy foods. Cold snacks, ice cream, jams and even soups are made from the mango.

Mango: what is the benefit for the body

The beneficial properties of mango are due to the rich mineral and vitamin composition. Its tonic and fortifying action, the ability to protect people from infections and diseases has long been known. But in recent years, scientists have investigated the effect of mangoes on certain systems of human organs and on the treatment of a number of diseases.

Digestive system. The pulp is rich in fiber and helps to cope with constipation, to establish a chair. Enzymes reduce acidity in the gastric juice, help the breakdown and rapid absorption of proteins.

The benefits of mango for the nervous system. The fruit is able to relieve prolonged nervous tension, improve mood, helps to quickly cope with stress.

Circulatory system. The effect of mango on blood composition has been proven, and the ability to increase hemoglobin has been established.

The benefits of mango with diabetes. Despite significant amounts of sugar, the fruit has a low glycemic index, which makes it possible to use it with this disease.

Benefits for the heart and blood vessels. In a heart attack, a small piece of fruit on the tongue in 6-8 minutes helps reduce pain, normalize heart rhythm. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the manifestation of varicose veins.

Eye diseases. The use of mango is the presence in it of flavonoids, vitamin A, beta cryptoxanthin. Substances are helpful in the treatment of certain eye diseases: "night blindness", burning, itching of the mucous membrane, retinal detachment of the organ.

Cancer Prevention. Due to the presence of a large number of antioxidants, the fruit successfully fights against the reproduction of cancer cells. The ability of mango to stop the development of malignant tumors at the initial stage in the mammary glands, lungs, oral cavity, the thick and direct intestine, the uterus, the prostate gland, and the stomach has been established.

The benefits of mango in the fight against excess weight. Fruit is often included in the diet of those who are trying to lose weight or restrains it in the aisle of the norm. The reason lies in the presence of substances that stimulate the synthesis of the hormone leptin, which can suppress appetite.

An introduction to the diet of an exotic fetus will help eliminate most of the health problems, preserve youth and beauty.

Mango: what is the harm to health

We must always remember that there are several reasons for abandoning mango consumption:

• it is impossible to regale this fruit after drinking any of the alcoholic beverages;

• with mucosal inflammation or high sensitivity, the fruit is an undesirable fruit in the diet;

• if its intolerance is revealed or an allergic reaction in the form of a rash and itching, swelling of the face appears;

• an immature fetus can cause colic, irritation of the intestinal mucosa, stomach, respiratory tract;

• overeating causes constipation, fever, indigestion.

Do not forget the famous popular saying "Excess brings only harm." This also applies to eating mango. Harm to the body the fetus causes only with increased use. Nutritionists and doctors say that a safe and healthy amount of mango should not exceed two fruits.

Mango for children: good or bad

Often parents introduce mangoes to the nutrition of their children. This action can be called correct. High content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids will help:

• develop the baby properly;

• improve health;

• normalize sleep and emotional state;

• improve the performance of the stomach, intestines, liver;

• cope with vitamin deficiency.

There are some minor limitations, in which mango is not recommended for babies:

• susceptibility to allergies;

• age up to 6 months.

Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend with caution and in small portions to introduce the fruit into the diet of the child. If even a minor feed after feeding has appeared, it is better to refuse further feeding attempts.

If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, then from 6 months of age you can safely enter the mango into the diet in the form of mashed potatoes and juice. After a year, the child is allowed to eat ½ of the fruit per day without health consequences.

There are parents who prefer to cook mango delicacies to their children on their own rather than buy ready-made. Children's dishes from this fruit are prepared quickly and easily.

• Mango puree. For its preparation it is important to choose the right fruit: it should not be hard and have a yellow - red color. Mashed potatoes can be prepared in two versions: processed with temperature or raw. For a child under one year is better to do braised mango.

You will need: 2ST liters of water and 1mango. The fruit is peeled from the skin, the bone is removed, cut into pieces and laid out in a blender container. Next, water is added and everything is mixed in a blender until smooth. Then mashed potatoes are shifted to a small saucepan, stewed on the stove for 3-4 minutes. After such a heat treatment, the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties.

• Mango mousse. This sweet, juicy and fragrant dish is recommended to give children from 2 years. To prepare you need: 1 fruit, 1 lemon, 1 egg white, 1 liter of honey and 0.5 cups of syvok (preferably fat).

Mango is cleared, the bone is removed, cut into cubes. Juice is squeezed out of a lemon, and cream and proteins are whipped into a fluffy and stable mass. In a blender mixed mango, honey, lemon juice in a homogeneous mass. Then added protein and cream. The finished mousse is laid out in the ice-cream bowls and put in the fridge for 2 hours. Top mousse can be decorated with fruit or cream.

Introduction to the diet of any new product, including mango, it is important to always discuss with a pediatrician. It will help parents determine the start time and type of complementary foods in accordance with the general condition of the baby.

When consuming mango, one should not forget that it cannot independently cure the existing disease, even despite a significant amount of useful properties. Its use in the treatment will have a good effect only in combination with traditional medicines.


Watch the video: Top 10 Mango Health Benefits and Side Effects. Mango Nutrition. Health Tips (June 2024).