Bran: everything you wanted to know about them! Useful properties of various bran, caloric content and possible harm to bran for the body


It's no secret that bran is good for human health.

They contain dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Bran: composition, calorie, how to apply

Bran is called all that remains of the purification of grain: its skin, subcutaneous membrane, seed germs.

Bran is very rich in its chemical composition. They contain vitamins B, E, K; also vital microelements.

Depending on the type of grain calorie bran is different.

Per 100 gRice Wheat Rye Oatmeal
Kcal 316 296 221 110
Squirrels 13,4 15,1 11,2 8
Fat 20,9 3,8 3,2 4
Carbohydrates 28,9 53,6 32 10

Bran is actively used in cooking, dietetics, cosmetology, in clinical nutrition. Dishes with bran enrich the daily diet with fiber, so they are useful for weight loss. They can be added when kneading dough for buns or bread (for 50 pounds of flour, 50-100 g of bran).

They are breaded cutlets, fish, sprinkled with casseroles, salads. Bran is used as one of the components of facial scrub. Pour a few spoons of any bran with hot water, stir to a mushy state. Apply to wet skin, rinse with warm water in a quarter of an hour. Rinsing hair with bran decoction improves the quality of hair, gives it softness and shine.

Bran: what is the use for the body?

Bran of any kind in large quantities contain dietary fiber and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

• When eating bran, bowel work returns to normal.

• Improves the functioning of the digestive system

• Toxins are eliminated, cholesterol is reduced.

• Low blood sugar

• Weight controlled

• Maintains normal levels of hormones in the blood of men and women

Fiber, which is found in large quantities in bran, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal function: peristalsis is improved, microflora is normalized, the likelihood of constipation is reduced. When the bran enters the stomach, the formation of heat and mucus begins, which have a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder.

This product removes toxins from the body, controls blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol. They are successfully used for the purpose of losing weight. Dietary fibers, getting into the stomach, increase several times, because of what quickly there is a feeling of saturation. Useful vitamins and trace elements contained in bran support normal hormonal levels.

Bran: what is the harm to health?

No matter how useful a bran is, they can cause harm.

They can not be used in the case of:

• Acute gastritis or stomach ulcers

• Duodenal ulcer

• Pancreatic inflammation

• Colitis

• Formations of adhesions in the abdominal cavity

• Individual Intolerance

You can resume the use of food supplements when the acute period of the disease ends. Illiterate consumption of bran in food harms the body. They can lead to exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disrupt the work of the intestines, cause bloating, flatulence. Your doctor will help you find the right dosage. Need to start with a small amount. Steam a few spoons of bran in boiling water, drink plenty of water.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of bran

Pregnant women care should be taken to eat bran. Excessive use of them causes the active work of the intestine, which can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus.

In reasonable quantities bran benefit for future mothers.

• Helps cope with constipation

• Enrich a female organism with useful microelements,

• Lower blood sugar levels, remove cholesterol.

• B vitamins that make up the dietary supplement have a positive effect on the nervous system.

• Vitamins A and E help to maintain a healthy complexion, good for the eyes.

After the birth of the baby female body needs recovery. Bran can help nursing mom.

1. They eliminate constipation, which often bother women after childbirth.

2. The majority of new mothers during breastfeeding gain extra weight. Eating bran between meals satisfies hunger, saturation occurs more quickly. As a result, the woman is not so often drawn to the buns and sweets, which allows you to maintain normal weight.

3. Fatty acids and vitamin E control and restore hormonal balance.

4. During lactation, women can not take medication. In the case of a cold, you can drink bran broth.


200 g of bran (best wheat) pour one liter of hot water, put on a moderate heat and boil for about 15 minutes. Strain through a clean gauze napkin. In the broth add honey about two tablespoons. Drink before meals for half a cup.

Bran for children: useful or harmful

Many babies with constipation begin constipation. Bran bring great benefits to the children's body. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

• Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves intestinal motility

• Excretes toxins, allergens

• Help reduce excess weight

• Regulate metabolic processes in the body

• Strengthen immunity

• Fight dysbiosis

• A decoction of bran helps with colds, bronchitis

Children are encouraged to give bran courses, as their constant use can adversely affect the work of the intestine. If the course is designed for three weeks, then they should be started with a small dose, gradually increasing to the required amount by the second week, and gradually decrease closer to the third week. Before adding a dietary supplement to the diet of a child, you should consult with a pediatrician. From 10 months of age, bran is introduced as a decoction. After one year, you can add a half tsp to porridge and yogurt. To prevent childhood constipation, Komarovsky advises adding wheat bran to salads or offering bran bread to the babies. They should be given only after heat treatment (calcined in the oven for about 15 minutes).

Depending on the age, the dosage of the bran should be different.

• Until the year children give bran in the form of a decoction. For half a cup of hot water, one teaspoon of bran. Cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Cool, strain through gauze. During the day, crumb must drink all the broth.

• After a year up to three years, babies are also prepared with a decoction, also, for one cup of boiling water, one and a half teaspoons of bran. You can drink it all day or at one time.

• After three years, wheat bran is recommended to add to the dishes in a dry form for one day one and a half or two teaspoons. While taking bran, the amount of liquid should be increased.

Bran can cause harm to a child’s body if a child has:

• Gastritis

• Acute colitis

• aggravation of peptic ulcer or duodenal ulcer

• Abdominal adhesions

• Hepatitis

• Pancreatitis

• Allergy to protein of cereal plants

Bran has adsorbing properties, so they should not be given at the time of treatment of the baby. Since they absorb into themselves, and then they remove not only toxic substances from the body, but also medical preparations. After taking the drug, they can be consumed only after six hours.

Bran: good for slimming

Bran help to get rid of excess weight. They contain a large amount of vegetable fibers that swell when they enter the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. In the intestine, the bran fibrous substances are bound to slags, removing them from the body. Taking bran, you need to consume a large amount of liquid, it is best to ordinary water.

Nutritionists believe that poor diet is often the cause of overweight. The use of bran in food allows you to balance the daily menu, enrich it with fiber, which has a great effect on the intestines.

If there are no contraindications, then with the help of bran you can lose weight in several ways.

Method one

Perfect for weight loss after a festive meal. Within three days every 4 hours you need to drink one glass of kefir with one teaspoon of bran. Total per day to use 4 cups of kefir with bran. After a three-day course, switch to low-calorie food. Once a week you can arrange a fasting day on the same principle.

Second way

Five times a day, eat 40 grams of crunchy bran, washed down with non-carbonated water. The course is designed for 2 days. After such a diet smoothly go to a balanced diet.

Third way

For breakfast and dinner, use two tablespoons of bran with one cup of skimmed yogurt. During such a diet is not recommended to include in your diet sweet, fatty, fried, smoked, mayonnaise. In this way, you can gradually reduce your weight to the desired.

Most nutritionists advise starting to lose weight with the use of wheat bran, gradually switching to oatmeal. Which best bran to choose depends on individual preferences. In any case, you need to remember that in addition to slags, bran remove useful substances. Therefore, their constant use can harm the body, leading to a deficiency of certain vitamins.


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