Vegetarians are a third less likely to die from a heart attack


Scientists from the University of Oxford found that the risk of being in a hospital and dying from cardiovascular disease for people who eat fish and meat is 32% higher than for vegetarians. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. In England alone, almost 65 thousand people die every year.

“The difference in risks is explained by blood pressure and cholesterol, which clearly indicates the importance of nutrition for the prevention of heart pathologies,” says Dr. Francesca Crowe.

A large-scale study on heart disease and nutrition was attended by 45 thousand people, 34% of them were vegetarians. Participants in the experiment answered questions that related to health and lifestyle. He spoke in detail about physical activity and nutrition. 20 thousand test people donated blood for cholesterol and noted the level of blood pressure. Observations were conducted from 1990 to 2009.

The researchers calculated a 32% reduction in risk, taking into account the following factors: smoking, educational level, age, alcohol consumption, socioeconomic base, and physical activity.

“The results proved that vegetarians have a third lower risk of heart disease when compared with non-vegetarians,” said Tim Kay, director of the oncology department at Oxford University.


Watch the video: 40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? The Omega-3 and B12 Myth with Dr. Michael Greger (June 2024).