National signs, myths and beliefs associated with critical days


The so-called “critical days” are nothing more than a feature of female physiology. Modern people understand this. But a century ago, such a woman was cautious, menstrual blood itself was often used for the purpose of love spell. On such days, rumor was considered a woman special, endowed with mythical properties.

            There were magical customs, they were supposed to protect the girl herself, who first encountered critical days. All such rituals were performed by the girl’s mother.

One of them consisted in the fact that the mother had to wash the girl’s bloodied linen and pour out the water on a grand scale to the lower part of the hut.

By doing this, women believed that their daughter's menstruation would last no longer than three days.

A bad omen was the death of the mother during the period of the first menstruation of the girl.

It was believed that she takes away the blush of her daughter. The fact is that there was a custom, it is to some extent carried out in our days.

During the first menstruation, the mother had to hit her daughter hard in the face so that her cheek turned red.

Blush was considered an indicator of health. But in addition, the ancestors believed that the mother, hitting her daughter in the face, rewards her with this pain, but at the same time relieves the pain associated with critical days.

The girl herself had to keep secret and not tell anyone about the onset of her first menstruation.

Otherwise, they believed that menstruation would occur on the day of her wedding, so the wedding would have to be postponed, since it was strictly forbidden to attend church in this state.

The people there are a huge number of signs and beliefs associated with menstruation. So if the girl’s critical days began quite early, it was believed that she was destined to become a mother of many children.

You can also learn a lot from what day of the week menstruation begins.

  • Monday It is considered a difficult day for any undertakings, and as the first day of menstruation, it can promise troubles. Although not always troubles will be negative. They may be related to preparing for a celebration.
  • The next changes in life may promise a period that has begun on Tuesday. You can also safely take for the implementation of plans in life.
  • If your period begins on Wednesday, a woman should be careful with others, especially those whom she does not know well. Excessive trust can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Guests begin days on Thursday. Perhaps you yourself will become a guest.
  • News to be expected for those who meet menstruation on Friday. Moreover, they can be both good and bad.
  • But Saturday - A good day to start critical days. Whatever you wish must come true. The only thing that is required of you is to believe in it yourself.
  • No less good is Sunday like the first day of menstruation. For the whole month you are guaranteed a good mood, joy and fun.

You can also learn something from the near future, based on the time of day when the menstruation began.

A good sign if they started before dawn. In this case, until the next month, you will be guaranteed happiness in your personal or married life, a truce with relatives or just a pleasant pastime with friends.

A good period is the beginning of menstruation from noon to sunset. The month in this case will be filled with positive emotions, misunderstandings and quarrels will recede into the background.

Monthly started in the eveningPromise boredom and longing. And the closer to midnight the trouble happened, the more dull and unpleasant this week and the next will be.

Critical days, started at midnightportend separation and loneliness. In order not to suffer from the consequences of troubles, you should try to prevent them. Focus more on your loved one, friends and work will wait.

In Russia, a woman during menstruation was tried to remove from the majority of matters significant for a prosperous family.

Such a girl did not sit without work, she did some insignificant work, being at that time in the female half.

The Slavs explained this by the fact that during menstruation a woman is faced with powerful energy that can harm an outsider, especially when it comes to the representative of the stronger sex.

In addition, the lady herself during menstruation was considered less protected from the influence of evil spirits, so she should be extremely careful.

And yet, no matter how ridiculous these customs looked, wise ancestors did the right thing when they gave their friends a little rest in such a difficult period.

Now we will understand what was forbidden to a girl or woman during menstruation.

  • You can’t look at a naked person unclean. It was believed that after this his skin was covered with a rash and ulcers. Perhaps this way the ancestors tried to ban intimate relationships these days. Later, even bathing the child was delegated to one of the less dangerous family members.
  • There was a ban on entering the church these days. This was justified not by the fact that the woman was considered unclean, but by the fact that it was forbidden to shed blood of any origin in the temple.
  • It was forbidden to cook food, as it would turn out tasteless. And this is due to physiological reasons. The woman in this period is somewhat scattered and tired. In addition, due to changes in taste, it can undersalt or salt.
  • So that your periods do not become prolonged, it was forbidden to cut and gut the bird.
  • It was forbidden for a woman to participate in sowing and plowing at the time of menstruation, since it is able to take power from the earth.
  • Believed that the thread woven during this period will be weak, will tear quickly.


ATTENTION! Modern doctors are not superstitious, but they firmly know that during this period you should not do surgery and tear your teeth.

The fact is that during menstruation women have poor blood clotting, which can lead to severe bleeding both during surgery and after completion.

So some prohibitions, as we see, still need to be adhered to.


Watch the video: Carnivore Diet Myths about Meat  Phil Escott  WHIS 2018 (July 2024).