Nut Sauce - the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare a nutty sauce.


Nut Sauce - General principles and methods of cooking

Nuts are a very valuable and nutritious product. Walnuts, cedar, hazel, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, chilim - each of us has our pets, a handful of which we will chew on with pleasure at our leisure. They are widely used in cooking, adding to pastries, grinding into flour, making snacks, pastes, butter. And they make delicious nut sauces. They enrich the dish with a new, unusual taste, the body - with minerals, vitamins, and we enjoy the pleasure obtained from the delicious food. Just do not abuse the sauces - they are certainly tasty, but rather high-calorie. They are served with meat, more often poultry, boiled vegetables, seasoned salads or eaten with bread, spreading the sauce on top, like a sandwich.

Nut Sauce - Food Preparation

The basis of the sauce are nuts, which must be crushed into very fine grains. Sometimes they are crushed even smaller, grinding in a mortar before the release of oil. Then a thick nut mass is diluted with a liquid - water, broth, cream. The obtained semi-finished product is seasoned with greens, spices, vinegar, bringing the sauce to readiness and the desired taste.

Nut Sauce - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Nut Sauce

To diversify the lean dishes, spice up the vegetables and the original taste of the meat is to prepare a nutty sauce. Having a blender on hand to crush the nuts, it will take just a couple of minutes to prepare it. To get vinegar 3% concentration, you must dilute the usual six percent vinegar with water 1: 1.

Ingredients: a glass with a hill of walnuts peeled (200g), 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs and vegetable oils, 2 boiled yolks, regular ready-to-use mustard - 1 tea.l., 2 cloves of garlic, 3% vinegar - 200ml, to taste - salt, pepper and soy sauce.

Cooking method

Grind nuts, garlic, yolks and butter in a combine or blender. Add crackers and mustard, mix and begin to pour vinegar in portions. Immediately pour all the vinegar should not be, suddenly for you it will be too sour. It is better to try the sauce after each infusion and focus on your taste. Vinegar should be added, continuously beating the mass. In the end, also add to taste soy sauce, pepper and, if necessary, salt. The consistency of the finished sauce should be similar to mayonnaise or thick sour cream.

Recipe 2: Walnut Sauce for Vegetables

This sauce can be served with chicken, but it is especially good with boiled green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.

Ingredients: 100g peeled walnuts, a bunch of any greens, 1 small onion or green onion feathers, cloves of garlic, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar (wine, apple), spices: pepper and salt, chili or hot pepper.

Cooking method

Onions, coarsely chopped, put in a blender, add the same nuts and other components. Mix the sauce to a smooth consistency. Vinegar should be poured in parts, trying sauce, to the desired acidity.

Sample Walnut Sauce

Recipe 1: Pork in a peanut sauce with tomatoes

Although the name of the recipe mentions pork, you can take both veal and beef. Only that the meat was not old, otherwise the softness will have to wait a long time. Fresh tomatoes in the winter can be replaced canned in their own juice. The taste of nuts in the sauce is almost not felt, they give only a slight piquancy.

Ingredients: meat - 0.8 kg, a handful (50g) of peeled nuts, tomatoes - 0.5 kg, 2 large cloves of garlic, vegetable oil, black pepper and salt, according to taste.

Cooking method

Grind nuts and tomatoes separately. The fastest way to do this with a blender. Tomatoes must first remove the skin. Mix together, add chopped garlic and salt.

Cut into slices of meat and fry in butter. Salt, add pepper and tomato-nut mix. Simmer on low heat for half an hour. If the sauce turned thick and starts to burn, you should pour a little water from the kettle.

Recipe 2: Tongue in peanut sauce

It is rather a festive dish, but it is not forbidden to cook it on a weekday. At the same time, and you can practice. The sauce is obtained like Satsivi, it is desirable to use walnuts for them, they give a special flavor to the flavor. To reduce the cooking time, you can boil the tongue the day before and store it in the broth in the refrigerator. If vegetarians cook, the meat ingredient can be replaced with eggplants or mushrooms.

Ingredients: tongue (pork, beef) - 0.5-0.8 kg, peeled walnuts - incomplete glass, fresh mushrooms - 150 g, garlic - 1-2 cloves, 1 onion, fat sour cream or cream (20%) - 100 ml, salt , pepper, butter for frying - butter and vegetable, parsley, on request - a pinch of hops-suneli.

Cooking method

1) Boil tongue. To do this, it must be dipped in boiling water and cook for about 2-3 hours until it becomes soft. Put carrot, onion, salt for 40 minutes before the end of boiling, add peppercorns.

It is believed that if the meat is boiled for soup or rich broth, it is put in cold water, so it will give the broth more nutrients. If you just need to boil the meat, put it in boiling water so that it retains these same nutrients in itself, because proteins collapse in boiling water and do not allow valuable juice to migrate to the broth in full.

Ready tongue should be held under running cold water to make it easier to remove the skin. Return cleaned tongue to hot broth, so that it does not faint, let cool.

2) In a mold prepared for baking, put the tongue slices cut across, up to 1 centimeter thick.

Dissolve the butter in a pan, add a little vegetable, and fry the onion half rings. You can chop onion a little smaller, but do not need to chop at all. Remove the spatula bow and cover with slices of tongue. In the same oil, fry the mushrooms. They are cut into plates along or across. Hold in a pan until the moisture evaporates and they begin to brown. Then lay them in a layer on the bow.

3) Prepare the sauce. Chop nuts - in a combine, blender or in a meat grinder. Then put it in a mortar with chopped garlic. This is done in order to stand out peanut oil. Thrust easier parts.

4) Put the nutty garlic mass in a bowl, add cream, salt and pepper, sprinkle hop-suneli. If the mass is too thick, dilute it with milk or broth and pour over the tongue. Bake 25 minutes at 160C. Sprinkle with parsley.

Nutty Sauce - useful tips from experienced chefs

- To make the sauce more tasty, it is better to take nuts of special oily varieties with a white core.

- Peeled nuts can be kept fresh for several years by keeping them in the freezer.

- When you buy nuts in the shell, you must choose those that are the heaviest by weight. Do not take fruits with damaged shells, cracks and holes. Shake them - the core should not rattle.


Watch the video: African Peanut Sauce Recipe- Basic Peanut sauce - Jikoni Magic (July 2024).