How to massage a man and give an unforgettable experience. Learning the technique of erotic, wellness, sports massage for men


Here you look at a woman, and a clever woman, and a beauty, while her husband is still looking to the left. What is he missing?

By nature, men are males, people of another planet, for them the main thing is food and sex, but not naked, rude, but one that causes a constant thirst for intimacy.

People of the opposite sex want attention, tender touches not only during sex, but constantly. Try to change your behavior, begin to massage the man, and get a lot of love and devotion.

We get acquainted - various types and methods of massage for a man

In the ancient East, massage for a man arose as a procedure that brings relaxation and tranquility. Affectionate touch of gentle hands gave peace, relieve tension from the muscles, filled with energy.

Skillful female hand manipulations give pleasure. A man’s massage, made with love, will help him to live through an unforgettable experience not only for a short time, but also to make him a wonderful lover, loyal friend and caring owner for many years.

The time limit, natural laziness prevents a man from using the services of a massage room. In this case, the beloved woman comes to the rescue, because the massage to the man at home does not require special preparation. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the main types of massage, learn how to perform basic techniques, prepare oil with a favorite smell for a man, ventilate the room and everything, the process has started, you can begin.

The main types of massageThe simplest tricks that every woman should learn are:

• erotic - will make your sex unforgettable;

• restoring - relieve stress after a hard day;

• sports - helps to relax the muscles after workouts.

The main thing is to set a goal - to give pleasure to a man.

For this, first of all, you need positive attitude both partners.

Massaging a man at home does not require special knowledge and skills, it is enough to master the simple principles of each technique.

At the heart of each of these massages are classical massage techniques: ironing, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

- Ironing make open warm palms that move, as in all techniques, from the center to the periphery. Gently smoothes the skin, as if dispersing energy around, make circular movements, zigzag. On a fat, full-bodied body of a sports type, ironing can be done with cams or phalanxes of fingers folded into a cam.

- Many men get great pleasure from rubbing. This technique is performed at a fast pace, you can do a rubbing, circular movements of the palm or fists. Then we put the palms on the edge and intensively three skin, moving them one palm relative to the other up and down. After rubbing, the skin of the body becomes evenly pink.

- Pressing or kneading speaks for itself, with the help of this technique we make a deep study of each muscle. After grinding, the skin becomes soft and warm, so we put folded palms on it with a boat and make movements, as when kneading dough, raking from the edges to the middle.

Roller skin on the back roll bottom up or pinch it, pinching between the index finger and thumb.

If we stretch our arm or leg, it is enough to clasp the limb with both hands and do intense rotational motion.

Every massage for a man ends patting or vibration. On the worked surface can be patted with open palms or beat with cams. Finally we complete the whole process with gentle stroking.

Erotic massage, what is it?

Erotic massage to a man helps to increase sensitivity, is a gentle prelude to sex, which is the basis of strong family relationships.

Erotic massage differs little from the classic, although in this case stroking and kneading will be the main one. If in a classical massage it is enough to know the location of the main muscles, then manipulations in the style of eros require knowledge of the main erogenous zones of the man. Perhaps it will surprise you, but excite a man not only with manipulations with the genitals, but with buttocks, back and even ears. A loving woman must know the main erogenous zones of her lover.

Erotic massage to a man in the salons does not end with sex, which cannot be said about massage at home. Make a man a slave of your hands, and you will feel like a queen anytime and anywhere.

The main erogenous zones of men and the impact on them

There is an erroneous opinion that only genitals are the erogenous organs of men. Every male organism is individual to the perception of touch. In some men, the point between the shoulder blades is the erogenous zone, in others - the tailbone, and the third brings special pleasure to stroking the hips and upper legs.

Almost all men are delighted from ear massage.

To conduct a massage should consider every detail:

• find out what music your man likes;

• how it reacts to smells, candles;

• create intimate twilight in the room;

• ensure the absence of strangers in the whole apartment.

• If your goal is a stormy sex after a massage to a man, then hold a session in a semi-nude form.

Every man loves touching thighs and buttocks, with this and start erotic massage.

- We begin to massage the man with foot stroking from the tips of the fingers, slowly rising to the groin area.

Lying on his stomach, a man should feel calm.

- With warm hands, barely smeared with aroma oil, we begin stroking the buttocks from the spine to the thighs, making large circular motions, pulling hands down the hips and returning to the lower back. Gradually reduce the radius of the circles. We stroke our hands with our fists, as if accidentally touching the man with our bare thigh or chest.

When rubbing, try to convey your desires through the intensity of movement.

Turning to kneading, remember, during an erotic massage, a man should not feel pain, so we knead gently, deeply working through the muscles of the buttocks. We stroke the whole back and make a soft, playful pat on the ass of his beloved.

- We turn the man on his back and doing a belly massage. All techniques are carried out in a clockwise direction, from the navel to the thighs, dropping lower and lower, but without touching the genitals. Constantly keep the intrigue.

The abdomen of many men is covered with hair, so all the tricks are done with the help of rake-shaped fingers. Belly vibration is best done finger shower, quickly and gently tapping on the skin, as if quickly playing the piano.

- Having worked the stomach, if your massage is still not interrupted by violent sex, go to breast massage.

You can allow yourself to sit on your loved one's knees and start massaging his chest while bending low and touching his skin lightly with your bare chest. For the thrill of sensation, you can use a piece of ice. We work out all the tricks according to the scheme.

- Ear massage make the index and thumb. At a slow pace, rub and knead the ears, starting with the lobes and ending with the tips of the ears. Slowly iron in the middle, alternating ironing and pressing, the intensity of exposure. We finish the massage of the ears with our open palms, in circular movements from top to bottom.

Let all your fantasies come true!

Back and neck pain relieve wellness massage

A tired man will not be sensitive to erotic games if he has a back or neck pain.

To relieve pain in the lower back, a man should lie on his stomach. For this fit a hard sofa or a rug laid on the floor.

All techniques are performed from the spine to the thighs. Having performed ironing and rubbing from the bottom up, according to the scheme described above, we do kneading, carefully kneading each point, especially fix the effect on the painful area.

When making a back massage, we do a “herringbone”. To do this, we place our index fingers 1 cm from the spine and slide them upward like skates, bottom up, with one hand, then with the other, acting on each vertebra.

In case of back pain, we make vibration easily, tap it with our fingers, imitating raindrops.

With pains in the neck, we make all movements from head to shoulders. After stroking, we grip the neck with both hands and intensively rub, shifting the arms back and forth.

We knead with our index finger and thumb, grabbing the muscles that run along the neck, then stroke and make a Christmas tree.

We go through each method 3 - 4 times, we finish the neck massage with a light tapping, imitating playing the piano.

Sports massage with instruments

After the gym, our men very often need a relaxing massage, especially if there are spasms of the muscles of the arms or legs.

Not every woman can massage a man at home, but every loving girlfriend is ready to help.

Manual and electric massagers intended for mass use, they are available to all.

The easiest to use are plastic crab all kinds of configurations.

Sports massage of hands with the help of "crab" is done from the bottom up along the lymph, from the brush to the elbow, further to the axillary region. After having done the ironing, rubbing and kneading, we make the massager in circular and zigzag movements. Intense exposure will help disperse lactic acid, which causes cramps and is the cause of pain after exercise.

Plastic massager can replace wooden, rubber or electric.

Electric Massagers let out various types, with red radiation and vibration, various configurations and the prices available to everyone.

Be attentive to indications and prohibitions.

The healing effect of the massage opened many centuries before our era. Improving blood circulation helps relieve pain and spasms in such diseases:

• neuralgia;

• radiculitis;

• myositis; bursitis;

• osteochondrosis.

Whatever life-giving restorations do not massage the man, but there are a number of limitations.

It is strictly forbidden to massage with a tendency to bleeding, the presence of any type of tumor, hypertension 2-3 degrees. Skin diseases are also contraindications to massage.

But prostate disease It is cured much faster with a skillfully conducted massage. Visiting a urologist with her husband, ask the doctor to show you the simplest massage techniques for prostate. Remember that loving hands can save a man from surgery. Only 4 - 5 minutes a day and no thanks will be the end. To carry out this type of massage you need gloves, cream and knowledge of two or three methods.

Starting massage man, remember, the main thing - do no harm!


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