Female opinion: giving gifts is as pleasant as receiving


They say that the more people give gifts and the easier it is for them to part, the faster the good that is returned to him. The tradition of giving gifts goes back thousands of years. People pleased each other on a certain occasion - a wedding, a religious holiday, the birth of a child. Gift exchange was also an important part of getting in touch with neighboring tribes and peoples in the open territories. In our time, a good tradition has remained, acquiring much more reasons. Although no one canceled the gift for no reason.

A survey of the Women's Opinion portal was designed to find out what is more pleasant for Russian women: to give gifts or receive them?

It turned out that more than half of the respondents - 53.4% ​​- are equally fond of giving gifts and receiving them. “I love giving and receiving. But in all cases I like the person to really need gifts, so I always ask everyone about this issue, to give it to be necessary,” one of the respondents said about this.

22.6% admit that they like to receive gifts more. Especially, of course, if they fall into place or, for example, are chosen by themselves.

And one in five of the women surveyed (19.6%) replied that she loves giving gifts more than receiving. The main reason for such altruism, they call the fact that so far no one has been able to give them something that would take your breath away. And of course, they just like to delight loved ones.

4.4% do not like to give or receive gifts.

Many respondents note that the surprise effect, which makes a gift such a unique moment in life, does not always work. Therefore, it is better to try to find out in advance what the gifted person would have liked, or to suggest what you yourself would like to receive. Let the present not be a surprise, but it will certainly please the new owner. This is better than an unnecessary thing, after some deliberation abandoned on the mezzanine.

The survey involved 3410 people from 149 cities of Russia. The age of the respondents ranged from 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: The Problem with Over-Friendly People (June 2024).