Unusual wellness slab-free diet. Reduce waist, losing weight and cleanse the body on a slab-free diet.


Slags are harmful substances that accumulate in the body as a result of the use of low-quality products, dirty water and air.

It is believed that the accumulation of toxins leads to a deterioration of health, weight gain, the development of various diseases.

The essence of a slag-free diet

As such, a slag-free diet is not related to weight loss, although you can lose weight well on it. Rather, it is a dietary preparation for various medical procedures, which at the same time helps to excrete the breakdown of heavy protein foods from the body, excess salt and water, and normalize the bowels at the expense of plant fiber.

A slag-free diet is referred to as general health, allowing for the short term to bring the body to a normal state. The popularity of this diet is due to the fact that along with cleansing the body in one or two weeks, you can get rid of five pounds of excess weight. Some of them are accounted for by water and products of intestinal stagnation, but half are fat depots successfully removed from the body.

According to medical indications, the slag-free diet is resorted to in the following cases:

• The patient is prepared in a colonoscopy procedure. This is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to get a complete picture of the health status of the intestines, see with the help of the smallest optical device polyps, tumors, inflammation, bleeding. A special diet due to the maximum emptying of the intestines and the elimination of gas formation allows you to quickly and efficiently inspect;

• abdominal surgery was prescribed, therefore it is necessary to clean the intestines and esophagus as much as possible;

• serious examinations are required: MRI, ultrasound, abdominal CT, irrigoscopy, rectoromanoscopy.

However, a slag-free diet is good in and of itself, especially after heavy libations and long intestines that are heavy for the intestines. If there are constipation, heaviness in the stomach, signs of slagging of the body (chronic fatigue, gray dry skin, rashes), lung diet can help very well.

In addition, it is with such a radical cleansing of the body that you can begin your path to harmony. Having lost from a kilogram to five kilograms, having felt the lightness and emotional growth, a woman will enter into any other diet more easily and organically.

How does slagging of the body manifest itself

To suspect the presence of toxins, literally poisoning life, one can assess the degree of manifestation in life of the following points:

• abuse of fast food;

• poor ecology in the region of residence;

• binge eating;

• abuse of nicotine and alcohol;

• regular use of potatoes, semi-finished products, quick bag porridges, cheap soda, etc .;

• lack of sports and movement.

If all this is enough in life, you will most likely find yourself with increased fatigue, irritability, depression, insomnia, weakness. The intestine works poorly, often nauseous, dizzy, stalking acne, skin dry or oily, despite good care. The list of symptoms also includes problems with the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries), nasal mucosa (otitis, sinusitis, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis). The body is bad, and he signals this by all available means. If you ignore these signals, you can earn serious diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine nature, diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, including cancer.

Principles of food on a slab-free diet

Nutrition on a slag-free diet is aimed at maximizing cleansing of the intestines from baked feces, gases, facilitating the work of the excretory organs and the liver, and normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Before colonoscopy from the diet should be completely excluded meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, black bread, beans, pastries, cereals (barley, millet, oatmeal), nuts. For dinner, you can eat only dairy products, and in the afternoon you can eat fish, light broths, a little bran white bread, kefir, and natural yoghurt. Of the drinks, green tea is preferable.

Before operations, you can boil yourself some meat, preferring low-fat varieties, there is rice, boiled vegetables, bananas. Raw vegetables and fruits, dairy products, whole-grain products are prohibited. Twelve hours before the operation, the meal is stopped.

So that you can eat those who use a slab-free diet to lose weight?

The principles of nutrition are as follows:

• exclude high-calorie foods;

• do not combine incompatible products (eg rice and meat or fruit and kefir) in one meal;

give preference to raw, thermally unprocessed vegetables;

• use low-fat dairy products, cheeses and cottage cheese, lean meat and diet poultry varieties, lean fish;

• from carbohydrate foods into the diet of buckwheat, lentils, millet, brown rice, green vegetables, beets, turnips, carrots;

• eat any fruit, compotes, berries;

• do not limit yourself to vegetable broth, light soups;

• drink water, herbal and green teas, karkade;

• eliminate from the diet all fried, fatty, refined, sweet, rich, marinated, smoked, spicy;

• forget for the time of the diet about black bread, potatoes, milk cereals, borscht, carbonated drinks, kvass, coffee, black tea;

• drink plenty of water (recommended volume - one and a half liters);

• limit food intake after six in the evening. The best option is to drink a little kefir an hour before bedtime, treat yourself to herbal tea, rosehip decoction;

• completely exclude tobacco and alcohol.

Slag-free diet: menu for three days

The diet allows you to quickly evacuate perennial deposits of slag and toxins, cleanse the body, help it cope with some diseases caused by poisoning with toxins and slags. The proposed option is approximate and may vary, but must fully comply with the basic principles.


• Breakfast: a large glass of clean drinking water at room temperature.

• Lunch: large apple with peel and seeds.

• Lunch: a large glass of water, two medium bananas.

• Dinner: a large cup of any fresh or frozen berries (350-400 grams).


• Breakfast: a large glass of cool water, a large banana.

• Lunch: two hundred grams of berries, large apple.

• Lunch: two large sweet pears.


• Breakfast: apple, water.

• Lunch: two large pears.

• Dinner: four hundred grams of fresh or frozen berries.

Slag-free diet: weekly menu

A longer version of the slag-free diet is more effective for weight loss.


• Breakfast: two hundred grams of raw cabbage, water.

• Lunch: light vegetable soup without butter, boiled rice, decoction of dried fruits.

• Dinner: 150 grams of boiled fish with garnished with leaf lettuce.


• Breakfast: a large apple, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

• Lunch: two hundred grams of boiled veal or beef with a light vegetable salad garnish without dressing, a glass of fruit juice.

• Dinner: a cup of low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 150 grams), water.


• two hundred grams of fruit salad (apple, pear, orange), freshly squeezed orange juice.

• Lunch: 230-250 grams of boiled lentils in water, a portion of shredded cabbage salad with a slice of bran bread.

• Dinner: vegetable salad without dressing, green tea.


• Breakfast: apple, orange, green or herbal tea.

• Lunch: a portion of rice with boiled cauliflower (200 grams) and a slice of gray bread, an apple, water.

• Dinner: two hundred grams of baked without oil fish with a slice of bread, water.


• Breakfast: a salad of grated carrot (150 grams), seasoned with vegetable oil, a slice of bread, water.

• Lunch: vegetable soup without oil zazharki, a piece of lean boiled veal or beef (150-200 grams), vegetable or fruit juice.

• Dinner: two hundred grams of light vegetable salad without dressing, water.


• Breakfast: steamed oatmeal, pear, water.

• Lunch: light celery salad with carrots, cabbage and leaf lettuce (without dressing), a slice of bread, fresh juice of one apple.

• Dinner: leaf salad with a handful of boiled rice, a large grapefruit.


• Breakfast: 250 grams of fruit salad, water.

• Lunch: baked without butter or boiled fish, vegetable soup, green or herbal tea.

• Dinner: vegetable salad without dressing, kefir.

Important notes on a slab-free diet

Slag-free diet very hungry. If it is used for non-medical reasons, great will-power is needed to daily chew cabbage with water. In addition, the low-calorie diet will be perceived by the body as a shock, so weakness is guaranteed throughout the entire period. There should be no physical and intellectual burden.

Frequent companion weakness on this diet - headache. This is normal, even good, as it indicates that the process of removing slags is proceeding normally. Of course, such a state will not concentrate, so for the time being from the usual active lifestyle will have to be abandoned.

In exceptional cases, weakness becomes so severe that can lead to severe dizziness and even end swooning. If you exceed the allowable period of application of such a diet, the case can end very badly - exhaustion.

However, the reward for suffering is considerable. First, the real weight loss. Secondly, the withdrawal of excess fluid, and therefore, the effective fight against cellulite. Combining a diet with a strong anti-cellulite massage course, you can get rid of excess weight, and remove the fat "orange" bumps from your hips.

Particularly resolute followers of weight loss are carried out on such a poor diet. two weeks. It is quite dangerous precisely because of the extremely low calorie diet. Such stress to the body to anything. And the will power on such a marathon is hardly enough. A more realistic option - weekly diet. And effective, and safe, and good for health.

That is why a diet without toxins has practically no contraindications. Of course, pregnant, lactating women, weakened people and children are forbidden to think about any diet.

How to get out of a slabless diet

After a week of the strictest diet, the body will not only cleanse, but also forget about the usual food. Loading it immediately with heavy, high-calorie food is strictly prohibited. Very carefully, literally one product per day, you should return to the usual diet, trying as much as possible to keep within the framework of a healthy diet. If possible, within two to three weeks to comply with the principles of separate food.

To facilitate the work of the digestive tract, you need to eat fractional: five or six times a day in small portions. Still drink plenty of pure water without gas. Limit starch, sugar, simple carbohydrates (sweets, cakes), salt, preservatives, as well as all spicy, pickled, fatty.

You can repeat the extreme course in a month or two.


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