Cooking hot sauce №1 - light tomato for the winter. The most famous recipes for tomatoes for the winter


Speaking about the spicy seasoning of tomato light for the winter, different people will call it differently. Someone got used to the name Gorloder, others know it as horseradish, horseradish or horseradish snack, the third one is more familiar with the name adjika of tomatoes with horseradish. In Siberia, you can hear the name - Cobra.

Invariably one - spicy taste and tomatoes as the main ingredient.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - the general principles of cooking

The recipes for cooking are different, but it’s common to use a meat grinder (mechanical or electrical) to grind ingredients. There are two fundamentally different methods - without cooking and with heat treatment. It depends on whether the seasoning is stored exclusively in the fridge or in a sufficiently cool dark place. More vitamins are stored, of course, in the "raw" seasoning, and after cooking - it is stored longer. On the mandatory occurrence of tomatoes in the dish has already been said. Garlic, horseradish root, bitter (hot) chilli pepper, ground black pepper, or a mixture of different ground peppers are used for spice.

It should be noted that when cooking seasonings without heat treatment, vegetables and greens, well washed under cold running water, should be dried with paper towels to prevent moisture ingress, which may contribute to fermentation during storage.

Tomatoes (Tomatoes) for cooking must be ripe, but firm, with dense flesh, without white veins. The best are considered famous varieties of tomatoes - Abakan and minusinskie. But, of course, all others will do. You can use both peeled tomatoes and skin, if it is not dense. It is advisable to remove the green-yellow parts under the stem and, of course, the stem itself. Before grinding the tomatoes are cut in half or in 4 pieces, if they are large.

Horseradish root from the "grandmother's garden" is best suited. It is the one that grows by itself, like a weed. His fortress will be the greatest. Roots need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned with a sharp knife to a light color, cutting off dark bumps. The root should be cut into small (8-10 cm) pieces for further processing.

Garlic gives the dish a sharp taste. Garlic can be put in a little more or less than what is indicated in the recipe. It depends on taste preferences. Teeth should be cleaned of dense skin and peduncle.

Bitter peppers can be of any size and varying degrees of sharpness. Its amount in seasoning depends on the strength of the stomach and individual taste preferences. Also, the use of pepper seeds is at the discretion of cooking. We must remember that it is the seeds that exacerbate the taste of seasoning as much as possible.

Salt it is better to use stone or coarse grinding.

Ground black pepper not used in all recipes. It is advisable to use pepper more coarsely ground.

Sweet (Bulgarian) pepper when cleaning it is required to cut, remove from it seeds and partitions. Some people prefer not to remove partitions, considering that this adds a great piquancy to the taste of seasoning.

The finished seasoning is laid out in sterile jars, sealed and stored in the refrigerator, cellar or a cool dark place. Banks and covers must be used after their sterilization. It is better to put in small jars (up to 0.5 l), because it is more convenient to use and will allow to store seasoning longer.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 1 (classic horseradish)


kilogram of tomatoes

two cloves of garlic;

about 100 grams of horseradish root;

sugar and salt to your taste;

Cooking method:

In the prepared vegetables twisted in a meat grinder we put salt and sugar. It is also possible to fuck grate, if you dare. We put in sterile jars, cover with sterile lids and store in the refrigerator or in a cool place in the dark.

A tomato flame for the winter - recipe 2 (with walnuts)


tomatoes will need about a kilogram;

about twenty peeled walnuts;

two pods of burning red pepper;

five sweet red bell peppers;

on a quarter of a kilogram of horseradish root and garlic;

fifty grams of parsley and dill;

one or two tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;

two tablespoons of sunflower refined oil;

a teaspoon of salt;

two tablespoons of sugar

Cooking method:

Skip the components in a meat grinder. Pour salt and sugar, pour in vegetable oil. Add vinegar. We put in jars and will be stored in the refrigerator. If your taste seasoning turned out extremely spicy, then, serving on the table, mix it with sour cream.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - a recipe 3 (with vinegar)


five kilograms of ripe solid tomatoes;

fifty to one hundred grams of hot peppers;

about two hundred garlic;

five tablespoons of nine percent table vinegar;

ten to fifteen teaspoons of salt;

a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Pre-prepared tomatoes, garlic and pepper must be grind in a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mashed figurative mass. Put sugar and salt in it. To soften the taste and conservation pour vinegar. Put in jars and store in the refrigerator.

A tomato flame for the winter - recipe 4 (with bell pepper)


per kilogram of tomatoes and sweet peppers;

one hundred grams of garlic;

two or three teaspoons of salt

Cooking method:

Grind in a meat grinder pre-prepared vegetables and salt. Decomposed seasoning in jars is stored only in the refrigerator, since this method of preparation does not contain preservatives. The taste is tender, and even children can try such a treat.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 5 (with eggplant)


one and a half kilograms of tomatoes (preferably "cream");

a kilogram of eggplants and sweet peppers;

three hundred grams of garlic;

three pods of bitter pepper;

one hundred milliliter table nine-percent vinegar;

a glass of refined sunflower oil;

salt - as you like

Cooking method:

All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. Pour in vegetable oil and salt. Boil in a saucepan for about an hour. Add vinegar at the end of cooking. Roll in prepared jars. Store in a cool place in the dark.

A tomato flame for the winter - recipe 6 (with spices)


It will take ten kilograms of hard ripe tomatoes;

three or four cloves of garlic;

a pound of onion (preferably blue);

three hundred milliliters of table nine-percent vinegar;

seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar;

one hundred grams of salt;

0.01 grams of cloves, cinnamon, black pepper and allspice;

half gram of mustard powder

Cooking method:

The recipe is somewhat different from traditional cooking. Ripe tomatoes are placed in a saucepan or basin and first pour boiling water, then cool under running cold water. Cut the tomatoes in the form of slices, cutting the stalk. Onion cut into rings. Put the tomatoes and onions in the pan and cook until the volume is reduced by half. Garlic with salt fray. Fold the cloves, cinnamon, ground pepper, mustard in a bag of gauze and throw in a boiling pan. Salt, pour sugar and put the ground garlic about fifteen minutes before the end of cooking. Pour into hot cans and sterilize. It takes a quarter of an hour to sterilize half a liter cans, and half an hour liter. Store in a cool place in the dark.

A flame of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 7 (fermented)


five kilograms of very ripe tomatoes;

eight heads of garlic;

twenty sweet red bell peppers;

eight pods of hot peppers;

a glass of grated horseradish root or skipped in a meat grinder;

salt - as you like

Cooking method:

Mince the ingredients skipped in a meat grinder and leave for 10 days to ferment in a large enamel saucepan. Twice a day, mix. Then put in jars, corked and stored in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes for the winter - recipe 8 (with fruit)


three and a half kilograms of cream tomatoes;

a kilo of carrots, sweet red bell peppers, not very sour apples, white onions and plums;

one hundred grams of garlic;

half a cup of sunflower oil;

according to your taste salt and black pepper;

Cooking method:

Prepare the vegetables for twisting in a meat grinder: we cut the tomatoes in half and remove the stalks, remove the bones from the apples and plums, remove the partitions and seeds from the pepper, peel the carrots and onions. We twist the vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder. Pour butter into an enameled wide saucepan, spread mashed potatoes into a mass, bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is necessary to mix the mixture with a spatula made of wood. At the end, add garlic squeezed through garlic, salt, pepper and mix well. Hot-laid in the prepared banks, corked and wrapped until completely cool. Store in a cool place in the dark. Such seasoning turns out not sharp, with pleasant fruit aroma.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 9 (with a 3-hour exposure)


three kilograms of tomatoes (ripe and elastic);

a glass of nine percent table vinegar;

a glass of peeled garlic cloves;

two pods of bitter peppers;

at your discretion salt

Cooking method:

We grind the ground mass at a usual temperature (not in the cold) for three hours, stirring occasionally to dissolve the salt. We put in jars. Tightly close. Keep in the fridge.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - a recipe 10 (with greens)


take a kilogram of selected juicy tomatoes and sweet peppers;

one hundred grams of green cilantro and dill;

three hundred grams of hot pepper and garlic;

to your taste of salt

Cooking method:

Washed vegetables thoroughly wipe from the water with a paper towel. In tomatoes, remove the skin, incised and holding in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Cut the tomatoes in half or 4 parts (if large) and remove the stem. Sweet peppers remove seeds and partitions. In bitter it is optional: if you like a more spicy seasoning, you can leave the seeds. The dish with them looks more appetizing. Grind all the ingredients. We salt. Let stand for a little more salt to dissolve. Fold in sterilized jars. We are closing. Keep in the fridge.

A flame of tomatoes for the winter - a recipe 11 (complex)


It takes two and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

a kilo of carrots, sour apples and sweet bell peppers;

two hundred grams of garlic;

one hundred grams of hot pepper;

two glasses of refined sunflower oil;

half a cup of five percent vinegar;

tablespoon of black pepper;

a quarter cup of salt;

a glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Tomatoes peeled from the above method using boiling water. Grind the first peeled carrots on the smallest grid. Put a lot of carrots in a large saucepan and cook over a small fire. Then grind the Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes and apples and add to the pan for cooking. We salt, we put black pepper, we pour sugar, we pour in vegetable oil. Grind garlic with bitter pepper separately from the rest of the vegetables. We add them after 1 hour and 40 minutes from the beginning of boiling to the boiling mass. Pour vinegar. We continue to boil. In total we boil on a small fire for 2 hours and 30 minutes. Hot-laid in sterilized jars and close the lids. The oil gathered at the top of the cans will serve as an additional protection against fermentation during storage.

Fire for tomatoes for the winter - recipe 12 (home)


three kilograms of tomatoes;

one hundred and fifty grams of hot pepper;

kilogram of sweet bell pepper;

three hundred grams of garlic;

five tablespoons of nine per cent vinegar;

tablespoon of sugar;

three tablespoons of salt

Cooking method:

Vegetables are minced with the smallest grill. Grind the last bitter pepper. Pour the mixture into a stainless saucepan, add salt, add sugar and pour vinegar and leave until morning, when the mixture settles. The liquid formed from above can be drained into bottles and used as a spice for the first dishes. The remaining mass is laid out in glass jars, close the lids and leave for storage in the refrigerator.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 13 (with tomato paste)


half a kilo of bitter red pepper;

one hundred and fifty grams of peeled walnut kernels;

three hundred grams of garlic;

a pack of condiments "Hops-suneli";

half a kilo of tomato paste;

seventy grams of salt

Cooking method:

The peculiarity of this recipe is to use tomato tomatoes instead of tomatoes and more thorough preparation. Twist the bitter pepper in a meat grinder. Nuts and garlic three times in a meat grinder. Add hops-suneli. Then put the tomato paste. Salt and mix well. Arrange in jars. We will store in the refrigerator. Well this light is combined with pasta and meat.

Spark of tomatoes for the winter - recipe 14 (horloder)


take a kilo of very ripe tomatoes;

one or two pods of bitter red pepper;

head of garlic;

two to three teaspoons of black pepper and salt;

Cooking method:

Tomatoes and pepper grind in a meat grinder. Squeeze garlic on garlic. If there is no bitter pepper, you can add garlic. If you want to achieve sharpness "tear out the eye", the seeds from the hot pepper are not required to be removed. Salt, pepper and mix well. Store only in the refrigerator, spreading the jars and carefully closing them with lids.

Fire for tomatoes for the winter - recipe 15 (cobra)


prepare a kilo of tomatoes;

pod of bitter red pepper;

one hundred grams of garlic;

to your taste black pepper, salt and sugar (if sour tomatoes)

Cooking method:

Peel tomatoes and stalks. Skip in a meat grinder. Salt lightly and bring to a boil over a fire. Boil until thickened, not forgetting to mix. The structure and color of the mass changes. If not long storage of seasoning is necessary, then five-minute boiling is enough. For harvesting for the winter will take more time to boil. Squeeze the garlic into the tomato mass with the help of the garlic and pepper. You can use black pepper, you can - a mixture of different ground peppers or a single pod of chili. Stir, add to the desired taste. If the tomatoes are sour, add sugar. Bring to the boil again. Pour hot in jars, close the lids and leave for storage in a cool place.

A Spark of Tomatoes for the Winter - Tricks and Tips

• Usually, when cooking tomatoes from the fire for the winter requires a significant amount of garlic. There is a little secret for its quick cleaning. It is necessary to cut the peduncle at the garlic head with a knife, put it on a wooden chopping board and strike it four or five times with the edge of the palm. Then put the garlic in a saucepan with a lid and shake well.Most of the husk will separate, and the rest will be easily and quickly removed.

• For quick peeling of tomatoes from the skin, cut each tomato from the opposite side of the stem with a sharp knife. Fold all the tomatoes in a large container and pour boiling water for five to seven minutes. After drain the water. Allow to cool. Hitting the place of the cut with the tip of the knife, it is easy to remove the skin with four light motions.

• Horseradish before cleaning, hold well in water. In this case, the earth will fall off, horseradish will be easier to clean. It is possible not to scrape the skin off thin roots (0.5-0.7 cm thick), but only to wash them very well with a brush.

• When grinding horseradish in a manual meat grinder, you must put a plastic bag on the meat grinder itself. This will reduce or even avoid rezi in the eyes and other discomfort. Horseradish is better to grind last, as he slaughters the meat grinder badly. It is advisable to take horseradish 10-15 grams more, as part of it will remain in the meat grinder.

• Do not forget, when handling hot peppers, to wear rubber gloves to prevent hands from getting hot. Be careful not to accidentally touch your eyes, lips, nose, forehead.

• When choosing between a mechanical and electric meat grinder, it should be understood that products are cut in the electric one, and they are ground in the mechanical one, which is much preferable when cooking tomatoes from the fire for the winter.

• Better to store seasoning use small jars up to 0.5 liters.

• There is a simple way to sterilize cans in the microwave. Pour 50-70 ml of water into washed jars, set them in a microwave, turn on the microwave mode. When the water has evaporated, remove the jars. When cooled, they will become dry.

• Metal lids for sealing cans for the purpose of sterilization is sufficient to boil for 10 minutes.

• By mixing a ready-made tomato light with mayonnaise, you can use it as a pizza sauce.

As you can see, most of the recipes for tomatoes for the winter do not take long to prepare, and the benefits and pleasure of this seasoning will undoubtedly make it indispensable on your table!


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