Bruise on the face: ashamed, painful and offensive. What to do to quickly get rid of a bruise on your face


Bruise on the face - a rather unpleasant phenomenon, and it looks very unaesthetic. It can appear for various reasons.

In some cases, a bruise on the face may indicate pathologies of the internal organs. In this case, he appears suddenly, for no apparent reason. This situation should not go unnoticed. Set aside all matters and follow your doctor to a consultation. Perhaps he will find an explanation for your problem.

Causes of bruises on the face

As already mentioned, bruises on the face sometimes occur due to some diseases. What exactly and why we analyze further.

The main cause of bruises on the face and body is the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. Even with the slightest pressure on a certain part of the body, they burst, which is externally manifested by bruising. This is due to the following factors:

1. Avitaminosis. Often, insufficient intake of vitamins P and C in the human body contributes to the development of bruises, because it is these substances that affect the elasticity of blood vessels. With their lack of capillaries become very fragile and easily injured, resulting in the flow of blood into the tissue.

2. AIDS. This is the most serious disease in which a similar problem may appear. In this case, the bruises have a crimson color and do not disappear with time.

3. Vasculitis This is a serious allergic pathology, in which the body begins to destroy itself as a result of a malfunction and leads to the destruction of the walls of all blood vessels. Against the background of this disease, bloody spots appear even with the slightest pressure on the body. In this case, you should not think about how to remove the bruise on the face or other area, but you should immediately seek help from a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.

4. Liver dysfunction. In addition to the fact that this organ is actively involved in the digestion process, it is responsible for such a property of blood as clotting. In cases where this function is impaired, dark spots or hematomas may appear on the body. Also indicates a similar disorder and the difficulty of stopping bleeding with wounds, cuts. This can occur for various reasons. For example, the toxic effects of drugs, hereditary predisposition, chronic pathologies. If the bruises on the face and body arise for the latter reason, this indicates an exacerbation of the process.

5. Taking certain medications may also cause bruising. This is explained by their effect on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which the latter lose their elasticity and become thinner. These include Plavix, Curantil, Aspirin and other medicines. Most often, such a manifestation occurs during prolonged use. In addition, some drugs contribute to hormonal changes, as a result of which bruising can also be detected. How to get rid of bruises on the face and body in this case? You should stop taking the drugs that provoked this problem, and consult a doctor so that he can adjust the appointment.

Ways to deal with bruises on the face

To eliminate such an unpleasant problem will help both pharmacy and many recipes of alternative medicine. But before raising the question of how to remove a bruise on the face, one should think about the true causes of this phenomenon. The easiest option when a dark spot appeared due to mechanical stress. But if the bruising arose for no apparent reason, it is worth contacting a specialist in order to exclude or state a pathology that may manifest in this way.

If you suspect a disease, you need to stop self-medication and conduct timely diagnostics to prevent a transition to a more severe form. Only the necessary therapeutic methods will eliminate the pathology and consequently prevent the occurrence of abrasions.

What can you do yourself?

Apply any medication is only by appointment of a specialist. Independently you can adjust your diet. Diversify your daily menu with foods rich in vitamins, especially P and C. These include bananas, herbs, broths of wild rose, cucumbers, salads, citrus fruits, black currants.

If you associate the appearance of bruises with the use of drugs, stop using them and consult a doctor.

First aid

Sometimes the cause of bruising can be the usual fall, a fight and other similar cases. In such situations it is worth resorting to the following recommendations. They will help reduce the appearance and quickly get rid of the bruise on the face.

1. Make cold compress at the site of injury or abrasion. To do this, ice cubes or a towel moistened with cold water, a napkin are suitable. Replace and hold for at least 10 minutes as it warms up.

2. Grind cabbage leaves to a mushy state and attach to a sore spot. Hold for about 15 minutes.

3. If a bruise is applied to the forehead or cheekbone, an elastic bandage can be applied. This will help reduce the spread of hematoma.

The above methods will significantly shorten the healing process. After the first aid steps, apply on bruise anti-inflammatory drug (Rescuer, "Troksevazin", bodyaga and others).

Drug treatment of bruise on the face

Today, the pharmacological market presents a lot of tools that allow you to get rid of abrasions quickly and effectively. Let's look at the most common.

Troxevasin. Strengthens and improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, tones their muscle layer. Available in gel form. It is used to treat abrasions, edema, pain, and the effect manifests itself very quickly. This drug does not have adverse reactions and is contraindicated only with individual intolerance.

Hepatrombin Gel, Fastum Gel, Butadion Ointment have the same properties as the previous drug.

Rescuer. Available in balm. Designed to treat injuries and inflammations. Accelerates the process of cell regeneration due to its composition, in which there are natural essential oils, vitamins, components of beeswax, naphthalene microdoses.

Comfrey Ointment. This herbal preparation consists of comfrey extract, hydrastis, tea tree oil. Due to this, promotes rapid healing. After applying the product, it is impossible to cover a part of the body with an airtight material, and also to apply to treat injuries (wounds, scratches, cuts).

Indovazin. Combined drug consisting of indomethacin and troxerutin. It improves blood flow in the affected parts of the body, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and reduces their fragility, relieves pain, inflammation and swelling.

Iodine. To remove the bruise in 1 day will help the mesh, which must be done on top of the bruise on the face.

Arnica tincture or ointment. Promotes rapid resorption of hemorrhages, eliminates inflammation. Apply 2-4 times a day. May cause an allergic reaction.

Do not forget that any of the above drugs has side effects and some contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Folk remedies to eliminate bruises on the face

You do not know how to quickly get rid of a bruise on your face? try to do it with the help of folk remedies. They also help to cope with this problem.


This tool is the most common. Tramp is a sponge that lives in fresh water. Can be used as a powder or ointment. In the first case, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of the substance and mix with water until gruel forms, and then add a small amount of vegetable oil. Stir and use to rub in until a slight tingling sensation appears. A bandage can be applied on top, and after drying it is worth rinsing with water.

Such a tool is used 2 times a day, since an overdose can provoke the development of dermatitis. Do not let badyagi on mucous membranes.

Compresses from medicinal plants

  • Prepare a decoction or freshly squeezed wormwood juice, mix with a small amount of honey and apply on a bruise on your face. Leave for an hour and then rinse.
  • Immediately after the injury, scarlet juice or gruel from the leaves of this plant can be applied to the damaged area.
  • Pour the leaves of the gastrocosts with a small amount of water and boil for 15 minutes, then insist a third of an hour. After this time, place the cooked mass on a napkin and apply to the abrasion for 2-3 hours. Repeat several times for effectiveness.
  • Chop the onion until gruel, put on a napkin and place on an abrasion.


Mix 1 cup vinegar with 1 tablespoon of salt, mix until completely dissolved. In this product, moisten the bandage and apply to the bruise on the face, leave until completely dry.

You can also use lotions from tincture of calendula. You can use a ready-made tool purchased in a pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. To do this, take 100 ml of 70% alcohol, fill it with 20 g of plant flowers and leave for 14 days. Then strain.

Vegetable compresses

1. To remove a bruise on the face will help black radish. Grind it until juice is released, place it in a tissue bag and attach to the problem area for 30 minutes. Use this product twice a day.

2. Dilute the potato starch with a small amount of water so that the consistency resembles thick sour cream. Apply to the bruise area, cover with a piece of cloth on top and leave for 40 minutes, then rinse. It can be repeated several times a day.

3. Finely chop 6 teaspoons of garlic and mix with 200 ml of table vinegar. Stir and let stand 24 hours. The resulting solution is applied to bruises on the face 5-6 times a day.

How to draw a bruise on the face?

If the funds you used did not help remove the bruise in 1 day, and you need to go to an important meeting, sketch it with a concealer. In the form of a cream, this product is suitable for masking a bruise under the eye, and in the area of ​​the cheeks, chin, forehead, it is better to use a stick. Also consider its shade and color of the abrasion.

The yellow concealer is used for purple bruises on the face, blue for red, and orange is used to mask greenish spots.

After treating the heel with a concealer, apply a foundation under makeup, foundation or just powder.

A bruise on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon, but before eliminating it, try to find out the cause of its occurrence in order to identify possible diseases in time that can provoke its appearance.


Watch the video: I hurt myself. (July 2024).