Relatives turned away from Lia Akhedzhakova


Legendary actress Liya Akhedzhakova lifted the veil of his difficult personal life. It turns out that the 76-year-old actress has very difficult relationships with close people who refuse to share her opinion on matters of principle. Akhedzhakova generally got the impression that her relatives refused.

In contrast to personal life, in the professional field, the actress is fine. Recently, she was nominated for a premium of 150 thousand rubles for the play "The Game of Gin." In addition, Akhedzhakova received from the hands of the mayor of Moscow a prize for achievements in the field of literature and art in the current year.


Natalia 12/26/2016
I think she's lying ... they didn’t turn away, but they turned the conversation to a minimum ... unless of course there are relatives ... Just no one pays special attention to her ... so she launched the info about relatives ... God, They are the judge ... changeling ... people without a homeland ... eternal Jewish wanderers ....

Victoria 12/24/2016
Well, well, most of the society ignores, well, and the fact that friends turned away, but how it was necessary to spoil relatives, so that they sent ... Relatives, in most cases, should not be wrong .... And what, cry? Akhedzhakova also takes a "firm, civil position"? Must be a chest wheel, and she cried ... At random? Maybe someone will regret? No, this does not happen ... For me, very strange, such a position. Why, when in the 90s, the common people, as well as the majority of the population, were in fact not up to “positions”, and such “human rights activists” shouted at every broadcast, about some kind of “freedom”, “fresh wind of changes”, which turned out to be a little savvy, and none of these “creative elites” came to mind, how could there, common people, not breathe out all? But when, indeed, it was time to consolidate, where the creative potential had to uphold, defend the position of the country, as well as the common people, suddenly squealed at once, “Guard! Dictatorship! ”Without really going into the realities of the political life of the country? Yes, because they are particularly in the drum, how and how the country lives, glorifying at the same time, the fratricidal war in Ukraine, but not forgetting to spoil where it used to be, in the past, enjoyed the welfare and recognition of the masses ... Yes, in principle, to whom she needs her, to give her “free swimming”, and let herself “float” to where she will be so comfortable and comfortable. For example, let's say Akunin, who's stopping her?


Watch the video: Москва слезам не верит 1 серия (July 2024).