Firming hair masks: 10 effective recipes


The problem of weakened hair worries most modern girls. Weakened curls lose their luster, often fall out, split and look scruffy. At the first signs of weakened hair, it is necessary to resort to measures to strengthen, nourish the roots and prevent further loss.

Causes of loose hair

The causes of weakened hair can be both external irritants and internal - health problems. Among the main factors affecting the condition of hair and their loss, emit:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Intense feelings and stress;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Lack of iron in the body;
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea);
  • Frequent exposure to cold masses;
  • Taking medication;
  • Wrong and unbalanced nutrition;
  • Chemical effects (dyeing, curling, hair lightening);
  • Substandard cosmetics;
  • Deficiency of vitamins of groups A, B, E, C and PP;
  • Polluted environment.

Starting to eliminate the problem of weak hair should be at the same time from different aspects: switch to a healthy diet, compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body, avoid stress, sleep a sufficient amount of hours and, of course, use suitable hair masks.

Homemade masks to strengthen hair

Household masks have a number of advantages and advantages in comparison with purchased cosmetics. They are distinguished by naturalness, lack of preservatives and harmful chemicals.

Advantages of home masks:

  • Natural composition;
  • Help restore in a natural way;
  • Low cost and availability;
  • The ability to use components that are present in any home;
  • Environmentally friendly, no harmful chemicals;
  • Complex effect on the hair.

Unlike purchased masks, homemade can be prepared and used at any convenient time, at the first sign of weak hair. Their diverse influence allows you to simultaneously strengthen the hair, give it volume, make it smooth, docile and shiny.

Purchased masks, of course, also have a number of advantages, however, they contain substances that can adversely affect the skin and completely change the structure of the hair. Therefore, the choice of any means must be approached with all the responsibility and care, giving preference to the most natural options.

With egg

One of the most popular homemade masks for strengthening and restoring hair - with egg and honey. It helps to cope with the main problems of weak hair:

  • Brittleness and loss;
  • Weak, slow growth;
  • Abundant loss;
  • Split ends;
  • Dullness and excessive fluffiness of the strands.

The mask with egg and honey is considered universal, suitable for any type of hair. With regular use with it you can get rid of dry scalp, strengthen the roots and make each hair more elastic.

Firming mask for hair with egg helps active recovery of the strands after dyeing or perm.

It is quite simple to prepare such a mixture, for this you will need several eggs, depending on the length of your hair, from one to three, and floral or lime honey. Mask making recipe:

  • We get the ingredients out of the fridge in advance so that they are at room temperature;
  • Beat eggs with a whisk or a mixer;
  • Add honey: for short hair - one tablespoon, for medium - one and a half, for long - two;
  • Re-drive the mixture until a light foam is formed;
  • Apply the mask exclusively on dry hair, gently thinning it at the roots with your fingers, but not rubbing it into the skin;
  • We cover the head with a film or plastic bag for twenty minutes;
  • Wash off with warm, by no means hot water to prevent the formation of lumps;
  • Wash your hair as usual with shampoo or balm.

Better effect can be achieved if the mask is not washed off with plain water, but with herbal decoction of chamomile or calendula. The decoction will also help get rid of the specific smell of the components and will have an additional strengthening health effect.

There is another version of the egg mask, which includes the use of more components:

  • Two eggs;
  • A tablespoon of honey;
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • A teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • A few drops of rosemary and peach essential oil.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, apply the mixture to your hair and wrap with a towel for forty minutes. Rinse the mixture with shampoo, rinsing the hair thoroughly.

You can make a mask with an egg once a week, it is also allowed to alternately combine it with other more benign options, for example, with a mask of kefir or burdock oil.

Among the contraindications to the use of emit only the presence of allergic reactions to the components present in the mask.

With cognac

Not everyone knows that brandy perfectly helps to cope with the problem of hair loss. Homemade mask for strengthening hair based on brandy contributes to their rapid growth and eliminates split ends. This is due to the fact that cognac improves blood flow in the scalp, which helps the rapid penetration of nutrients to the hair follicles.

You can use pure brandy by rubbing it directly into the hair roots. However, this method has contraindications, in particular concerning allergic reactions and too sensitive epidermis. Therefore, the most effective and less traumatic masks will be those in which there are other components.

Most often in cognac masks for weak hair use:

  • Honey;
  • Eggs;
  • Olive oil;
  • Burdock and castor oil;
  • Herbal decoctions and tinctures.

The most popular recipe for a mask with brandy includes the use of all the listed ingredients. Prepare a home remedy step by step:

  • Step 1: making the mixture. Mix two tablespoons of brandy, honey, burdock and castor oil. Add two yolks and thoroughly stir until a homogeneous substance;
  • Step 2: heating. Place the mixture in a water bath, warming to room temperature;
  • Step 3: application. Apply on slightly damp hair, wrap with film and cover with a towel, leaving for an hour and a half;
  • Step 4: Rinse. Wash off with warm water or herbal decoction of calendula.

Perform the procedure is recommended no more than once a week. For preventive purposes - at least once a month.

With beer

Beer contains yeast, hops and malt, vitamins of groups B and C, as well as micronutrients that have a beneficial effect on the hair. Masks with beer to strengthen hair, cooked at home, can replace hair conditioner, make the strands more docile and shiny.

You can prepare a mixture based on beer with eggs, various oils, nettle and gelatin. Considered the most effective mixture with burdock oil. Recipe firming mask with beer:

  • Mix half a glass of beer with one tablespoon of burdock oil;
  • Add to the mixture a teaspoon of jojoba essential oil;
  • Stir and heat in a water bath for fifteen minutes;
  • Apply the warm mixture from the roots along the entire length of the hair, wrap it with a towel and leave for thirty to forty minutes;
  • Wash hair with warm water and shampoo.

The mask with beer increases blood circulation in the epidermis of the head, strengthens the roots and helps to get rid of dandruff. It is forbidden to use such mixtures for those who are intolerant of hops or malt, as well as for people with skin diseases.

With yeast

To ensure the hair proper nutrition and care, strengthen the growth and improve the structure will help mask for the hair roots of yeast. Yeast contains protein, trace elements necessary for hair, amino acids, minerals and vitamins of group B.

To prepare the mask, you can use both dry yeast and tablets, and it is recommended to dilute them with warm water, herbal decoction, milk or kefir. The only contraindication to such folk remedies is an allergic reaction to the composition.

Especially well strengthens hair herbal mask on yeast. For its preparation will need:

  • One egg yolk;
  • A tablespoon of yeast;
  • A glass of chamomile and sage herbal decoction;
  • One tablespoon of burdock oil;
  • Four to five drops of essential oil of jojoba or rosemary.

First you need to dissolve the yeast in warm herbal broth and leave for half an hour to infuse. After you need to add the remaining components and mix. The mixture is applied first to the roots, then spread along the length of the hair. Warm the head with a towel.

The mask is washed off after an hour, carefully washing the hair with shampoo. Repeated procedure is recommended to be carried out in a few days, in a course twice a week.

With olive oil

Olive oil is very useful for the beauty and health of hair. It can be used as a stand-alone tool and as part of various reinforcing masks.

The easiest mask recipe:

  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with two spoons of olive oil;
  • Beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth;
  • Add a teaspoon of jojoba oil;
  • Heated in a water bath;
  • Distribute the mixture from the roots to the tips of the hair and leave for half an hour;
  • Wash off with shampoo and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Masks with olive oil help to cope with excessive dryness or oily hair, effectively relieve dandruff and strengthen the roots, preventing hair loss.

Burdock oil

Burdock oil is considered to be one of the best means to strengthen weakened hair. Like olive, it can be used as the main ingredient of various masks or independently.

The mask with burdock oil for all hair types is prepared with the addition of egg yolk. For cooking, you need to warm up a little oil, and then pour the yolk into it until a thick foam appears.

The foam is applied to the roots and scalp with gentle massaging movements, then spread along the length of the hair and hold for forty minutes to an hour and washed off with warm water.

Another mask recipe includes:

  • Two tablespoons of burdock oil;
  • A teaspoon of jojoba oil;
  • A tablespoon of olive oil;
  • For greater efficiency, it is recommended to add solutions of vitamins A and E.

Apply the mixture for half an hour, wrap a towel, and then washed with warm water or herbal decoction. Also, this mixture can be used to massage the scalp. Do it once a week for several months.

With milk or kefir

Universal combination for weakened hair of all types - kefir and honey. That is why kefir masks are very popular and extremely effective. Preparing this tool at home is quite simple:

  • Mix half a liter of kefir with one teaspoon of honey, add a tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil;
  • Gently mix the ingredients, ensuring a uniform consistency;
  • Apply the mask on dry hair, cover with film and wrap with a towel, leaving for half an hour;
  • Shampoo my head, carefully washing the strands with warm water.

With the help of kefir mask you can get rid of dullness and brittle hair, as well as prevent their further damage. Another version of the miraculous mixture is prepared on the basis of one cup of kefir and four tablespoons of honey.

The mixture is applied to dry clean hair for ten to fifteen minutes, and then gently washed with warm water. It is important that the water is not hot, otherwise you can damage the structure of the strands.

Kefir mask should be made with a break of several days during the month to achieve the best effect.

Gelatin mask

The most popular option to strengthen and strengthen the hair roots - gelatin mask. Thanks to gelatin, each hair is covered with an invisible protective film that protects them from external influences. However, for the weak, it is suitable only in combination with other masks.

Make a gelatin mask for weak hair need a prescription:

  • Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with an equal amount of shampoo;
  • Add one yolk and four tablespoons of castor oil;
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath, stirring thoroughly;
  • Apply the mask on the wet strands, wrap with a towel;
  • Hold for twenty to thirty minutes and wash off.

To do this mask should not be more than once every two weeks. You can also add a bit of lemon juice to the mix, but this is recommended only for blondes or for those who want to brighten their hair.

Mustard mask

Mustard has an effect on hair growth, strengthens and nourishes the bulbs, adds shine and silkiness. Recipes for homemade mustard-based masks are pretty easy and quick to make.

The easiest and most popular recipe for a mustard mask:

  • In half a cup of kefir we part a tablespoon of mustard powder;
  • Mix a teaspoon of honey, preferably May or flower, with a spoon of burdock oil and egg yolk;
  • All components are mixed, add a few drops of lavender or peach essential oil;
  • The resulting mixture is applied to the roots, gently rubbing, and distribute over the entire length;
  • Keep the mask is recommended for about thirty minutes, but at the first manifestations of a strong burning sensation, it should be immediately washed off.

It should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for everyone, and before applying a mask, you should check your skin for allergic reactions. Also, mustard masks pluck the skin, which causes discomfort and burning sensation.

Onion mask

An onion mask on the basis of husk is best for strengthening weakened hair and for the loss of hair. Before you start making it, you need to cook a decoction. Onion Mask Recipe:

  • Onion husks pour water and bring to a boil;
  • Place in a water bath for twenty minutes, then cool and filter;
  • In the onion decoction add a tablespoon of olive oil and honey;
  • The mixture is slightly heated in a water bath;
  • Mask light movements rubbed into the scalp and wrap with a towel, leaving for an hour;
  • Wash hair with warm water and shampoo.

Mask with onion decoction is considered the most benign option than with onion juice. It is ideal for sensitive scalp and helps strengthen, prevent hair loss and accelerate hair growth.

Indications for the need for additional treatment

Treatment of weakened hair should be made in a comprehensive manner to prevent the situation from worsening. Sometimes the use of homemade masks and diet changes are insufficient and ineffective in this problem. In this case, you should contact a specialist.

Medical care is needed for symptoms:

  • Partial alopecia or profuse hair loss;
  • Discoloration of the skin on the head;
  • The appearance or presence of open wounds and eczema;
  • Burning, scabies, red rash on scalp.

A trichologist will help to help weakened hair and improve their condition. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination, and then write out a suitable course of treatment. Often, treatment includes:

  • Scalp massage using special preparations;
  • Prescribing an individual diet;
  • Taking the missing vitamins;
  • Mesotherapy, in which drugs are injected into the scalp.

Home masks in this case are a supplement, but their composition should also be discussed with a specialist to avoid hypervitaminosis and possible incompatibility of the components.


Watch the video: The Best Breast Firming Masks: 10 Masks Recipes That Work (June 2024).