How to get rid of acne scars on the face


How to get rid of scars, scars and blemishes on the face worries everyone, because acne, acne is found in almost every person, at least in adolescence, and as a maximum they accompany their whole life, while leaving ugly traces even after their cure and on the face and on the back.

Without a trace, they do not pass, especially if you try to squeeze, scratch, pick up the eel yourself, while also neglecting the rules of disinfection.

How to get rid of red spots from acne on the face

Traces and stains remain after the procedures done in the cabin, if they are performed poorly or the person did not follow the safety rules, for example, after peeling, he went out into the sun. In this case, the spots will not only not disappear, but new ones may appear, and the old ones will become more visible.

Pigment spots can be on the arms, legs, on the head, on the face, on the whole body, as a result of:
• disorders of the liver
• from cuts
• from chickenpox
• against burns
• with age
• from herpes and other sores, including on the lip
• from ingrown hair removal, especially on the bikini line
• from scratching mosquito bites
• as a result of blade wound during shaving
• after piercing.

In general, the list of various reasons for the appearance of pigment spots is quite large.
The question arises: what to do, what is the treatment and methods to prevent the appearance of new spots and how to get rid of red spots from acne on the face)? It is a phenomenon like acne, a rash, in their place there is no more pleasant - a stain. How to deal with the consequences and is there a universal cure for such cosmetic defects?

After finding out the reason for their appearance, in addition to internal treatment in case of diseases, modern methods of their external elimination are proposed, which make the spots less visible, as well as recipes for home methods of bleaching traces on the skin. After all, regardless of whether a man or a woman, the presence of affected skin affects self-esteem, generates a lot of complexes.

There are many cosmetic procedures, both salon and at home, allowing to get rid of red, brown pigment spots. The difference of all the proposed procedures is in the intensity of the effect on the skin, the effect, the duration of the procedure and the restoration of the skin and, of course, in price.

Based on the above criteria, you can choose the most suitable for you, although it is better to entrust the treatment to a person with special education.
It should be noted that it is worth doing any whitening procedures in the period of late autumn - winter, an extreme case - early spring, when the sun is not so aggressive, will not harm the skin thinned by the procedures and will not interfere with the achievement of the final result. In the case of gentle whitening, you also should not go out on the same day and get under direct sunlight.

The most effective and fast, naturally, are salon procedures - laser removal, photorejuvenation, whitening peels, laser, ultrasound and chemical peels, as well as cryotherapy.
Laser removal is based on the destruction of the pigment spot, while healthy skin is not affected.

Photorejuvenation involves exposure to heat and light, which also helps to get rid of pigmentation.
The action of peels is based on exfoliating the upper layer of the epidermis and stimulating the growth of new healthy cells, as a result of which the skin becomes clean and the spots disappear. Deep and medium peelings give a good effect.

How to get rid of acne scars on the face at home

How to get rid of spots after acne on the face at home - information for those who can not afford salon procedures, who do not trust themselves in the wrong hands or who have contraindications to such effects on the skin. Home-made recipes and folk remedies will come to the rescue. They have a softer effect on the skin, more time is needed to achieve the result, and therefore the effect will have to wait a little longer, but it will, and above all, have healthy ingredients that will heal the skin as a whole, help rejuvenate and improve appearance, prevent subsequent eruptions.

From home remedies effective masks, compresses, lotions, lotions and home scrubs, peels.

Lemon, parsley, cucumber, as well as fresh berries with a high content of vitamin C (sour) - strawberries, currants are most famous for their whitening abilities.
Compresses are made from herbs, yogurt, kefir, lemon juice - soak the cloth and apply for 10-15 minutes.

The lotion also helps get rid of age spots. For its preparation use lemon juice, parsley decoction, cucumber juice.

Lotions made from blended or chopped parsley leaves, mashed cucumber or raw potatoes also help in the fight against pigmentation.

The masks of green clay with the addition of rosemary essential oil, honey and cinnamon in a ratio of 2: 1 have positively proven themselves, making it possible to lighten the spots and give a blush, masks of pounded berries.

They rather well cope with the task of a mask from bodyagi - a stronger effect, not suitable for owners of sensitive skin. It should be noted that masks from bodyagi are useful for eliminating traces left after wounds, from abrasions, cuts, corns, from bruises during varicose distension of veins, they dissolve spots and traces.

Do not forget about hirudotherapy - the treatment of blemishes with the help of leeches, which drink a part of the blood, preventing it from stagnating in this way, and the skin condition improves after a few procedures.

What to do to get rid of large scars

Acne, boils leave behind not only blemishes, but also scars. Large scars can be after surgery on appendicitis, from scratching cats, on broken knees, forehead and other parts of the body where they are most noticeable. Scars and scars can form for various reasons: on the abdomen after a cesarean section, postoperative, after tattoo removal or tattoos (for example, on the wrist). May appear in a child after stitching. And if on the head such scars and scars are almost imperceptible, then on the cheek, on the nose or on the eye, they deliver a lot of complexes.

The same defects can be attributed and stretch marks. Tears of the skin, damaged collagen fibers that lead to the formation of hollows of red, white, blue (purple) color. Obsolete extensions can be in the form of pits and tubercles of various sizes.

To get rid of scars, including atrophic, you can again with the help of salon procedures - peeling, grinding, laser, even skin transplantation, and you can use home remedies. It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​skin on which the scar, and, accordingly, select the method of elimination. After all, the fact that it is on the knee or on the eye, as well as the type and condition of the skin itself is of paramount importance.

It should be noted that fresh scars and scars are easier to remove. They have a light pink or red color, over time they acquire a blue tint, and then brighten, become white.

Well from scars after furuncles, post-acne and other origin, the same badaga has proved itself, there are many positive reviews about the blue clay mask with rosemary oil, as well as the mask of crushed nutmeg in combination with honey or milk. A good fighter with scars is an onion, its extract is included in many expensive scars ointment. Aloe vera extract moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

Quite effective is rubbing the oil solution of vitamin E into the scar.
In addition, in pharmacies are sold creams and ointments for scars, which help to effectively get rid of cuts.

How to quickly get rid of dark spots after removing moles

Remove spots after removal of moles on the body can be the same methods as skin pigmentation. After removing the mole, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor and avoid sunlight. The injured site should not initially be subjected to aggressive peels. You can pick sparing oils, vitamin E, aloe extract, which contribute to the regeneration of epidermal cells.


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