Learning to cook grog - the favorite drink of all sailors


Grog is an alcoholic drink mixed with water and sugar. It is made from cognac or pure rum. Up to the XVIII century, rum drank clean with nothing, not mixing, but in the XVII century, the drink was diluted with water. Everyone knows that rum was the favorite drink of sailors, and once Admiral Edward Vernon in order to avoid eternal drunkenness on the deck and to save his team ordered to mix rum with water or a weak beer. Since then, this drink has its own name, namely grog. In honor of the grogram cloak Admiral's robe.

There are simply innumerable different recipes for making grog. Your attention is provided one of the most popular.

Classic (or "Home") grog

  • Bring to a boil 600 grams of water.
  • Add in it three dried flowers of cloves, bay leaf, 6 grains of star anise, 3 tablespoons of tea, a few peas of allspice and black pepper.
  • Sugar is usually added to taste, but if you keep proportions, then ideally it’s 3 to 5 tablespoons.
  • Add a little cinnamon and just a little bit of nutmeg to add a delicacy to the taste of the drink.

After you have immersed all the elements in boiled water, dilute the mixture obtained with a bottle of pure rum and bring to the boil again. Immediately after the drink boils, you need to remove it from the stove and let it brew for 20-25 minutes. The resulting grog should be consumed only in the form of heat.

There is also a recipe for cooking grog without rum. To do this, you need to mix 700 ml of Arak and a quarter of a kilogram of sugar, diluting it all with juice from six lemons, put the whole mixture on the stove and heat it, without boiling. Then add 750 million of water and heat up. Cooking grog at home is very simple. You can connect your own imagination and come up with your own original recipe.


Watch the video: TIKI WEEK: Navy Grog Cocktail Recipe by Don The Beachcomber (July 2024).