What is a "spicy" diet?


If you want to get in shape in just a week, it’s enough to stick to a spicy diet. She is advised by American doctors as the most effective and effective diet that does not harm health.

How does a sharp diet?

This diet came to us from Taiwan. It was there that the secret of red pepper was solved, which, as it turned out, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body. By consuming a certain amount of red pepper every day, you can achieve a fast metabolism, and this is a guarantee of harmony.

The basic rules of an acute diet

The basis of an acute diet are the rules of healthy eating and daily consumption of red pepper. By sticking to the main menu during the week, you can lose weight from 3 to 5 kg. If there is a lot of excess weight in the body, then after 21 days you can go back to the diet again and devote 7 more days to it. Of course, between the "sharp" weeks you need to eat on the same diet as during the acute diet, only red pepper is excluded from consumption.

Daily need to consume:

- A spoon of red ground pepper (you can add it as a seasoning to salads, chicken, fish, make special homemade cocktails with it, etc.);

- Every day you need to drink 1 cup of low-fat yogurt or milk;

- Eat every other day one chicken egg;

- Be sure to eat about 250 grams of chicken fillet in boiled form;

- Consume more vegetables;

- Eat 500 grams of fruits and berries;

- Allowed one slice of rye bread;

- Replace sweets with natural honey (about 10 grams);

- Mineral and spring water, unsweetened coffee, tea are allowed from the liquid.

Pros and cons of a spicy diet

As a result of such nutrition, it is possible to quickly get in shape without bothering to fast. Burning adipose tissue occurs naturally, which does not cause shock in the body, and, consequently, gaining lost kilograms is almost impossible.

But the "acute" menu can hit the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate stomach diseases. Therefore, people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and similar diseases, such a diet is better to give up.

Sample menu and interesting recipes

In order not to wrestle with what to prepare suitable for this diet, you can use the already compiled sample menu.

Before breakfast, be sure to drink a glass of plain water. Then eat a 200 g piece of red fish and a vegetable salad. After half an hour you can eat a salad with red pepper. For lunch, fit chicken breast, seasoned with red pepper. In the afternoon, you can eat some seafood and salad with red pepper, for dinner, drink yogurt or eat low-fat cottage cheese.

Delicious and healthy salad can be prepared from Bulgarian and hot red peppers, beet tops, carrots and apples. You need to fill it with one tablespoon of honey. This salad can be eaten daily by adding or removing some ingredients.

An acute diet may seem too dangerous or difficult for someone, but in reality it is not. In order to eat in accordance with the rules of the diet, you only need to eat more vegetables, meat and fish. As a seasoning for dishes, use red pepper, and instead of sugar in tea, put honey.


Watch the video: What Is A Thot? Part 1 (July 2024).