Hair loss: a new medicine has been discovered that accelerates hair growth.


Hair loss is a common occurrence in older men. According to recent scientific work, a drug for osteoporosis helps to grow hair in just a few days. In various laboratory experiments, the therapeutic effect could be observed in experimental animals.

What results did scientists get?

Researchers from the University of Manchester have found in a study that a remedy for brittle bones is effective in treating hair loss. Doctors published the results of scientific work in the English-language journal PLOS Biology.

Hair loss affects many men, and it is still difficult to treat.

In the UK, there are currently only 3 different treatments for hair loss, experts say.

The first two options are the drugs Minoxidil and Finasteride. The third and more expensive option is a hair transplant. The clinical efficacy of the three treatment options is in doubt.

WAY-316606 helps with hair loss

Scientists have found a third drug that seems to help against hair loss. The drug has the generic name WAY-316606. According to doctors, the medication can eliminate baldness in just a few days, and does not cause severe side effects.

Finasteride acts only in men and, like minoxidil, causes some side effects. WAY-316606 promotes hair growth on treated hair follicles in just 2 days.

In light of the new discovery, scientists are now planning to conduct clinical trials on men to carefully study the effectiveness of the drug. If WAY-316606 acts properly and is approved, it can be a solution for all bald people.

WAY-316606 was conceived as a cure for osteoporosis, not baldness

WAY-316606 is a drug originally developed to treat osteoporosis: a disease in which the bones become weaker. As a result of severe fragility, the probability of bone fractures increases.

Laboratory tests of WAY-316606 resulted in a significant increase in human hair growth in just 2 days. WAY-316606 is a compound known as an inhibitor because it inhibits the action of a natural protein. Doctors explain that a protein that is blocked is involved in the destruction of hair growth and is associated with the formation of male pattern baldness.

Cyclosporin A allows hair to grow back

Researchers have found that the drug targets the same protein growth as a cancer drug called cyclosporin A. An immunosuppressive drug is used in medicine to suppress transplant rejection.

However, cyclosporin A has a large number of unpleasant side effects - hypertension, headache, kidney problems, nausea and vomiting. These adverse effects make the drug unsuitable for treating hair loss.

If WAY-316606 undergoes further clinical trials and is safe, millions of men will be able to recover from baldness. Further research will focus on the long-term effects of the drug.

Why is hair falling out?

Main reasons:

  • menopause, birth control pills, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance
  • thyroid problems;
  • medicines;
  • exposure to heavy metals or toxins from paints, varnishes, adhesives, solvents, drugs, insecticides;
  • radiation;
  • chemicals in traditional hair care products;
  • infectious diseases;
  • unilateral diets.

Both endocrine disorders and hereditary factors simultaneously contribute to severe prolapse. Since the usual diagnoses and orthodox therapy do not lead to a satisfactory result, there is a suspicion that there are other reasons.

Lack of nutrients and minerals, high acidity and disturbance of the intestinal flora burden the whole body and, therefore, organs. Therefore, as scientists conclude, it is recommended not only to take drugs, but also to exclude serious diseases.


Watch the video: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Emerging Treatments for Hair Loss (June 2024).