Bankruptcy karma


Money loves an account. This is well known to those who have a large business. Bankruptcy, does it overtake everyone? Or is it karma? Let's figure it out.

Bankruptcy karma - what is it?

Karma is our debt for past misconduct, for mistakes. Karmic debt could have arisen in our past incarnations, could have arisen in this incarnation, but both options have negative consequences.

How can one earn bankruptcy debt, what actions, or what inaction could lead to it?

In the beginning, let's understand the nature and energy of money. It is believed that money goes well into the hands of those who treat them with respect and respect. But putting them in first place in your life is clearly not worth it, so you can only lose them, because money without movement is "dead" money.

When a person begins to think only about how to earn money, how to accumulate a huge amount and begins to refuse everything, then the money simply leaves his hands. When a person scatters money and spends on completely useless acquisitions - money eventually leaves him.

When a person endlessly counts other people's money and envies him, he spoils himself, covers up the financial flow.

In order for finances to flow in a large, stable flow, it is necessary not to earn negative cash karma, bankruptcy karma. The above are examples of how we develop it for ourselves, it happens that the karma of bankruptcy is also gained through negative thinking about money.

So, for example, if you constantly save money, you don’t allow yourself anything that you really want, and at the same time you get very angry. You are building up your karma of bankruptcy, because in the end, you simply will not have money.

The events of your life will be such that in the end you will spend all the money accumulated with anger on something extra, vital for you.

For example, you will be seriously ill and you will have to restore your health for a long time, or the bank in which your savings were stored will simply burst. If you earned by deceit, at the expense of other people, sooner or later your family will also overtake the karma of bankruptcy. Everything received in this way from you will go away very quickly, and will make your heirs fight debt for a long time in order to ensure a decent life for themselves.

Greed, pincerity in money matters is often a source of negative karma, which leads to bankruptcy, as well as the desire to brag about money, reproach others for not having such income.

If you are deceiving your partner in money matters, then soon someone will deceive you too.

But what if we are talking about a large business that you do not conduct yourself, but with partners? Is it possible that it is you who will go bankrupt, although negative karma lies precisely with your partner? Rather, yes. Because you are engaged in a common business and your energies create a single financial flow. It is important to understand if you see that your partner is unlucky that he is drowning a business - divide things, withdraw your money and create something of your own. Create what you are responsible for.

Many millionaires who have an open cash flow and a favorable karma of finances are very careful about the selection of personnel who will be involved in maintaining their financial statements. They try not to employ those who once had problems with loans, who unsuccessfully played on the stock exchange, who once went bankrupt. They are right in that if a person went bankrupt once and did not draw conclusions, he will repeat his bitter experience and harm the financial situation of other people.

The karma of bankruptcy - how to get rid of it?

If your business, or your business suddenly fails, if you are close to collapse - well think about whether the unfavorable situation in the country, high loan rates, or did you make an excessive contribution to the destruction of your own business? Perhaps you spent money uncontrollably on stupid, unnecessary purchases? Gambling? Give away money? Spent uncontrollably and stopped doing business?

It would seem that everything is simple here - you need to be interested in business and affairs again and everything will be fine. But not everything is so simple, if the fate of a person is controlled by the karma of bankruptcy, no matter how hard he tries, he will only waste time. Financial channels will be blocked and a person will lose their last savings until he realizes that you need not to take and demand finances, but give them back.

In such situations, it is very important to repay debts with gratitude that people at one time went to meet you and borrowed money. Gratitude may not have a monetary equivalent, or it may be verbal, you can change the act, you can just do it mentally, but in order to change the situation in the financial sphere, you need to establish a connection with yourself.

Often those who are angry at their work, at their employees and superiors simply lose their jobs, not even realizing what he did wrong.

A person just at one moment begins to get nervous over trifles and makes mistakes in his work himself, substitutes himself. Then karma accumulates in a negative lump, because a person continues to be angry. But, if the anger goes away and the understanding comes that we are responsible for finances, we ourselves attract them, we build our own business and we take them from ourselves - then everything is solved much easier. Karmic nodes are untied faster and easier.

What to do if your husband has negative financial karma and you are tired of pulling the whole family on yourself?

You need to start working on relationships and accustom him to a respectful attitude to money.

Of course, if your husband simply does not want to work, although he recently had a strong business, then you are unlikely to make him change.

But you can develop financially yourself, giving him an example of the right attitude to money and the right attitude to the people with whom you work.

Gradually, after thinking about your mistakes, your husband can get out of financial stagnation.


Watch the video: Evictions & Credit Reports - 2019, Bankruptcy, MyFICO, UltraFICO, CreditKarma (June 2024).