Karma of disease: where does heart disease come from


We all dream of good health. But not everyone is given it from birth, someone loses it by a stupid accident. Are these events related to karma and the destiny of a person? Let's figure it out.

Karma of heart disease - how to determine it

Diseases of the cardiovascular system today occupy a leading position among diseases of the 21st century. Yes, irrational nutrition, a low standard of living, and heredity are involved in their appearance. And it is the heredity of heart disease that is often the karmic problem of the genus.

This problem is based on a negative attitude of the family, on negative experience, working out past problems and actions of members of such a family. But how to recognize if heart disease is a karmic problem?

How to protect yourself from them?

It is believed that heart problems often arise due to anxiety, frustration, and restraint of emotions. But can ordinary stress lead to heart disease - no. Here the problem is completely different. Sometimes doctors themselves can’t correctly diagnose, I can’t explain for what reason a person has developed a disease.

It happens that heart disease progresses very quickly and is not amenable to medical treatment. Direct karmic dependence is already directly traced here. The thing is that restraining love, blocking positive emotions, hatred and envy, which were previously shown to another person, can ultimately lead to heart disease.

The heart of a person with such problems is closed, he is not inclined to give love, he only wants to accept it. Then there are heart diseases, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Also, karmic heart diseases have a generic character, that is, they are transmitted by genus and every baby born in such a family is doomed to illness.

Congenital heart disease, especially one that is diagnosed only after the baby is born, is the karmic practice of his parents, they owed love, they were too closed and thought only of themselves, and now such a baby can teach them love and care.

If heart problems appear after parting with a loved one - this is karma gained in this incarnation. So, you did not allow yourself to release your lover with peace and love, you harbored resentment and evil, and now you have to learn to give, not take, you have to learn to think about others, and not just about yourself.

Karmic heart diseases are often found in those who work hard. Especially for those people who because of work do not have a family.

A man eats himself from the inside, he does not give his love, does not let go of his emotions, does not express them. Sudden tingling, squeezing of breath, shortness of breath - all this is the first signal that a person will soon have great karmic health problems if he does not change his lifestyle.

Abrupt causeless heart failure is also a karmic problem that will have to be solved for a very long time, because it may not fully understand itself and take the necessary measures to solve it.

Karma of heart disease - how to avoid it

If a child with a heart defect, with other congenital heart diseases has appeared in your family, or in your family, you should seriously think about what exactly is in your family, in your family. Maybe:

  • In your family, abortion is not uncommon;
  • There were abandoned children in your family;
  • There were suicides in your family;
  • There were men in your family who left their children without care;
  • There were criminals in your family.

Children with such diseases require special attention and special care, therefore they appear in a family in which they devote little time to love and mutual understanding, in which they refuse to have family ties, and not only do it once, but do it regularly.

Do not consider yourself deprived of fate and those who are so unlucky to give birth to a child with heart disease. In fact, you need to be glad that life makes it possible to work out the problems of the past and get a completely different experience, to learn an important life lesson.

When do such children begin to recover? When parents are sincerely in love with them, when they try to fill the children's life with a fairy tale and sincerely believe in their endless possibilities. Then such children have a chance for a new life, and the family - for working off karmic debt.

If an inveterate hermit and bachelor finds out about heart problems, he urgently needs to fall in love. He really must change himself and his lifestyle beyond recognition, otherwise he will not be able to recover. He just needs to truly love.

And it’s not about family and wedding, but about love for one’s neighbor, for one’s relatives, about love for those who cannot find themselves in this world.

Only by understanding this, realizing - a person will be able to be healed. A person will be able to be healed if he begins to spend time not only on himself and his needs, but also on the desires and needs of the people around him. But what if a person constantly gives love, but he has huge heart problems? Here the problem lies in the constant desire for encouragement, in the desire for praise, in the need to be needed.

When these needs are met, then the physical condition of a person will improve. If the family dislikes between its members, and almost each of them has one or another heart disease - in this case, they will all have to come to terms with the shortcomings of the other. It is important. It is important to accept each member of the family, accept your kinship with him, accept his imperfection and allow yourself to love him and be loved by him.

Today, a huge number of therapeutic fairy tales, a huge number of meditation practices that allow you to restore love and trust in a family. Thanks to them, karmic debts are fulfilled and the person, the whole family gets the opportunity to recover from heart disease, or gets the opportunity to free their heirs from them.


Watch the video: Women and Heart Disease - Dr. Stacy Fisher (June 2024).