Jewelry will tell about the character of a woman


People rarely think about what information their favorite jewelry and accessories carry. But they can tell a lot about the nature of their owner. Some ladies prefer gold only, others believe that it is possible to limit oneself to no less worthy jewelry and thereby save.

Psychologists have figured out how the choice of jewelry is related to the character of the woman.

Why do ladies love jewelry?

A woman seeks to add decorations to her image under the influence of certain motives:

  • The desire to protect and protect themselves.
  • The desire to add to the image of prestige.
  • The pursuit of sexual irritation.
  • Thirst for beauty.

Precious metals

Gold jewelry prefer natures balanced, but conservative. They appreciate elegance and restraint.

Silver choose romantic and honest ladies.

If women are in the wardrobe diamonds, it speaks of her high self-esteem, rationality and emotional independence.

Bright accessories

If a lady with great pleasure puts on shiny and bright ornaments of precious metals or their "substitutes", then she is a brave person. Such a woman prefers to be the center of attention and has good willpower. Bright accessories show that their owner is confident and not afraid, do not like others. She enjoys life and is independent of other people's opinions.

Fans of spectacular jewelry is important depth of feelings in a relationship.

Unusual decorations

If the lady chooses big earringsit means that she is not influenced by the people around her and she always has her own opinion.

Thundering bracelets and original pendants prefer women who love to provoke people. Plus, they always want to be the center of attention.

Frilly and creative decorations characterize the creative nature of their owner. Such women are unpredictable and do not want to be "like everyone else."

Body piercing always makes a person stand out from the crowd. Girls who pierce their nose, eyebrows, lips and other parts of the body, subconsciously rebel against social norms. Such decoration reflects the personality of a person who does not care what other people think of him.

Multi Level Bracelets, Necklaces hide the flimsy lady faults appearance. With their help, a woman strives to draw attention to a certain part of the body in order to divert from other parts - the "imperfect." In her heart, the owner of such jewelry always listens to her heart and tries to show herself in a more favorable light.

Fans retro accessories different sentimentality and femininity. In this way, they are trying to give their image a beautiful and touching look.

Classic costume jewelry

Ladies who choose classic jewelry, have good organization and discipline. They appreciate career achievement. Many of them are constantly striving for perfection.

Pearls choose women who adhere to traditional values. They love elegance, classics and style.

Jewelry from plastic wear open and practical ladies.

Wooden accessories like inquisitive women with a flexible mind.

Glass ornaments love windy, but flirtatious personages.

If a woman does not like jewelry at all, perhaps she does not believe in love, became disillusioned with men, was deceived by them, or makes high demands on men.

Features wearing jewelry

To understand what traits a woman has, you should take a closer look at how she wears jewelry.

  • The chain bordering the ankle is a sign of a sexually liberated person.
  • The ring on the index finger expresses the will, initiative and desire to lead.
  • Ladies with a ring on the little finger are capricious and peculiar.
  • The bracelet, dressed above the elbow, is designed to draw attention to the bust, and characterizes the passionate character of its owner.

Any decoration is designed to aesthetically decorate a woman, and therefore it needs to be properly combined with clothes and other accessories.

Text: Svetlana Ahi


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