Rules of conduct for superiors and subordinates


A person spends the third part of his life at work among other people, the third part - in the family circle, and the third part - sleeps or rests. Work, perhaps, has the greatest impact on the behavior and mood of a person. His well-being and life prospects depend on this. If "problems" arise at work, the usual life support system collapses, you have to rebuild your schedule.

Invisible cog or ambitious careerist

The model of behavior at work is determined by the position for the positions and further career plans. If you have been doing a certain job for years and not counting on more, then you almost do not have to enter into a relationship with the "high authorities".

And if you are aimed at promotion and make enough efforts for this, then you have the right to count on material and moral encouragement.

When you are sure that you are right, contact your boss to discuss a new proposal, for this, formulate specific requests in advance.

A simple complaint “they pay me little” will probably be ignored, or they will get the answer “then add”. Compare your results not with others, but with your own. If you can say that "my sales figures have grown by 50%," this means that your salary should increase accordingly.

When you apply for another position, prepare a list of acquired skills and abilities, as well as list the job responsibilities that you are ready to perform.

Do not agree to combine the duties of a janitor, accountant and programmer for one salary.

Be prepared for increased requirements and increased responsibility in a new position. If necessary, seek help from the manual to prevent possible negative consequences.

Transfer all disagreements to the working plane without clarifying personal flaws and features. Politeness does not mean obedience; express your opinion politely, but confidently and firmly.

Basic rules of conduct with the boss

For effective career advancement, simple rules will help.

  • Observe dosed presence - contact your boss for a serious reason, do not try to constantly remind yourself. Understand that managers also need reliable, qualified employees, because "the king is made by his environment." Therefore, be patient, if you have real achievements, then you will definitely notice and appreciate it, otherwise it is better to change the place of employment.
  • Follow established hierarchy - if you have any questions, complaints, suggestions, please contact the nearest boss first. It is tempting to immediately rush to the "most important thing" and achieve the desired result, but in the future you will again have to cooperate with someone who is closer. For example, you were not given a bonus, you immediately complain about the director of the unit to the general, and then it turns out that this is simply an accountant's mistake.
  • Observe subordination at a certain point, for example, on a joint business trip or at a corporate party, it may seem that you have been brought closer to yourself. You will begin to trustfully share the details of family life or in the work team. And after a day the boss barely nods his head, and you will feel awkward. Try not to express your own opinion about other employees, it will be inconvenient if they find out, or turn out to be friends of the boss.
  • Be neutral, keep emotions to yourself, it’s easy to say, but forgetting what is said is difficult. Even if the boss is wrong, allows himself “strong expressions”, it is better to wait until he calms down. In a nervous, tense situation, he will not hear reasonable arguments, but he will understand that you are trying to “put pressure on him” and will remember this. And if after some time you return to the controversial issue, then most likely he will already change his mind and will be able to calmly discuss the problem.

Women and men - who is stronger

Heads in relation to subordinates must comply with the following rules:

  • criticize in private, and encourage publicly;
  • to resolve conflicts in a constructive way, to correct shortcomings, and not to punish the perpetrators;
  • treat everyone equally, do not distinguish “those who are especially close to the emperor,” all personal preferences should be shown after hours;
  • Do not be indignant and do not scold the higher authorities, in this way you can acquire cheap authority, but violate the mutual trust in the team, moreover, they can simply set you up;
  • always admit their own mistakes, the one who does nothing is not mistaken, the main thing is to correct it in a timely manner.

Often business relationships are complicated by gender attitudes and prejudice against "bitchy bosses."

  • Female bosses, do not expect special compliments, other women at work, most likely, do not trust you and will strive to remove you faster. And men are generally wary of superior females and may ignore your instructions.

During the experiment, men were assigned to do the same job under the direction of another man and under the direction of a woman. As a result, in the first case, the task was completed much faster, without additional calls. And in the second case, the workers spent more time and announced more difficult working conditions.

Strangely enough, do not try to rectify the situation by rough intervention; the same measures are perceived differently from men and women.

If the male boss reprimands, then he "tries for a common cause." And if a female boss, then "show off."

Men more effectively solve production problems in private with subordinates. And it is better for women to organize general meetings more often, so she will show confidence in the team and strengthen her authority.

  • Dear ladies, if you are subordinates! Do not complicate the life of yourself and others, do not flirt and do not flirt with the leadership. The fact is that it is very difficult to stop at a "safe" level, I want to move forward. It’s good if, after getting close to your boss, you get a higher position or an addition to your salary. But any relationship sooner or later ends, and what follows.

The rest of the employees will begin to blink ambiguously behind your back or intensely seek your favor in the background of a "relaxed" reputation.

At the same time, everyone will think that the boss "successfully seized the moment," but the woman is an immoral person who "dragged him to bed."

Success at work is a continuation of your character and abilities. Be friendly, responsive, persistent in achieving the goal and happily meet every working day.


Watch the video: Ethics Over-Easy #6: Superior-Subordinate (June 2024).