November horoscope for those who make repairs.


Repair in our time is a very complicated undertaking. Someone turns it into reality in a couple of weeks, someone has been doing repairs for years. What does November promise to those who make repairs?

November horoscope for those who make repairs - the basic principles

November is a rather difficult month for new beginnings, and if you decide that it was time in November to start repairing, postpone this idea for the next month.

The influence of planets on people's lives in November is not destructive, but it helps to slow down many things, worsen well-being, and reduce finances. Do not panic and abandon the planned affairs. It’s better to plan everything so that you don’t waste time.

What is this about? The fact that if you started a repair, then buy everything you need for this in advance. And do not save on trifles and details. It is in November that you can be let down by employees whose responsibility and honesty you so hoped for.

ATTENTION! If you are waiting for an answer from the repair team, when exactly can you start the repair - the solution to the issue may drag on indefinitely. Those who are actively engaged in repairs in November and December can find many shortcomings and errors.

It is better now to pay attention to the little things, to cooperate only with trusted people. The most favorable period from the point of view of astrology for repairs is from the 20th to the twenty-third of November.

During this period, you can plan the most necessary and major purchases for the implementation of the planned repair. If you are waiting for the supply of raw materials and materials - they are likely to happen in this period of time.

Do not be surprised if after the twenty-fourth of November the repair process slows down a little, or you cannot agree on its beginning during this period.

The waning moon contributes to the delay in the implementation of projects, the breakdown of agreements. During this period, the cleansing of space, the release of garbage and trash will become successful. You can plan redevelopment of rooms for this period. It will be very successful and less costly.

If you plan to just start repairs, or start developing a project plan, read the article further and find out what November promises you in implementing these projects.

November horoscope for those who make repairs for a long time

Already doing repairs, or did it drag you out? Don’t worry - soon everything will end positively. But not in November. Most likely, you will simply stagnate in the same place. Try not to borrow money for repairs this month, because it will be very difficult for you to return them.

Only rely on your own strengths and do not complain to anyone that you do not have enough time and resources. They will not support you; rather, they will condemn you and will not allow you to do business normally.

Do not try to spend a huge amount of money in November - try to get extra income to realize what was planned in the coming months.

The end of November may be marked by a freezing repair. You can even think about completing it completely. At the stage at which he is. Astrologers believe that canceling projects in November can be fatal.

It’s better to just postpone the completion of the repair and not pay attention to the problems and disorganization of November.

Do not panic if everything seems to be gone. Be more persistent and demand more from life. Only those who stand their ground will achieve something in November.

If you still decide to start repairs in another month, you can plan your spending today. But count everything according to your abilities, do not borrow money, do not lend.


Watch the video: New Moon In Scorpio November 7 2018. Deep Soul Healing, Restoration & Planetary Trauma Repair (July 2024).