Will Yoga Cure Your Spine? Training Rules


Yoga is the oldest wellness practice for the body and mind. One of the branches of this culture, namely Hatha Yoga, is aimed at developing the physical abilities of the body, further preparing it for meditation and the so-called enlightenment. Practice does not imply the study of philosophy, the singing of mantras, which repels many from visiting yoga.

The goal of this direction is the development of flexibility and health of the whole organism, its physical improvement. Indeed, only in a healthy body can a healthy mind be. Is it worth it to practice to improve the back or joints that are already experiencing pain with instability of the musculoskeletal system, will yoga harm this case? Let’s figure out how to train correctly if the problem already exists.

Safe Training Rules

To begin the knowledge of yoga, you should evaluate the state of your physical health.

If back pain, joints have not previously occurred, then any adequate load will not harm.

If the problem is present, do not let everything go by itself, thinking that the problem will be solved on its own after performing certain exercises to stretch the spine.

This is far from the case, and the training itself does not mean just stretching.

Yoga is a complex of asanas that develop the whole body symmetrically, developing not only flexibility, but also strengthening muscles in a static or dynamic load.

How to protect yourself from the negative effects of stress?

Getting rid of back pain through yoga rests on the study of the root cause of pain. In order not to aggravate the problem, it is necessary to fulfill some requirements before starting training:

  1. Consult a doctor. If back pain or joint pain is still present, consult your neurologist, neurologist, or general practitioner for the right specialist. After passing certain tests, you can identify the true problem, which in the future will show whether it is possible to train, and how to do it correctly. In the case of a diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a certified specialist in yoga, and show the results of the examination, so that the instructor assesses readiness for classes, the degree of load and indicates limitations.
  2. Choose classes according to the level of physical fitness. Even a completely healthy body needs the right approach to stress. You need to begin to master yoga gradually, further bringing the muscles and joints ready for more complex asanas. To do this, start by attending classes for beginners. After some time, the instructor or your own body will tell you what to do next, and whether you need to go to the next level.
  3. Choose the right yoga mat. An equally important condition for safe training is the choice of non-slip karemat. Many sports brands produce sports mats specifically for yoga, providing good adhesion of the hands and feet to the surface. Non-slip rugs help you choose the right pose, and hold it without sliding for the required amount of time. It is also an effective way to prevent injuries and falls.

What diseases of the spine yoga is allowed?


This disease is associated with dystrophic disorders of the integrity of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. The cause of the occurrence may be insufficient nutrition of the cartilage, leading to degeneration, poor posture caused by a change in the correct pattern of movement and rest.

For example, an incorrect position of the back, sitting at a desk or in front of a computer, a position when driving, carrying heavy weights on one side.

The usual pattern brings the muscles that stabilize the spine into asymmetry, due to which osteochondrosis can develop with further complications.

Since the disease can develop in any part of the spine, during classes it should be borne in mind that when working with an unstable section, attention should be paid to its extension and the static strengthening of the muscles that stabilize the spine.

Scoliosis and pinched nerve endings

Scoliosis is a violation of the correct position of the spine due to asymmetric muscle work.

Curvature of the posture is not a disease, but can lead to serious consequences and impaired integrity of the intervertebral discs.

More often scoliosis can lead to pinching of the nerve muscle endings, and acute back pain can occur.

Yoga classes in this case will help to tone the muscles, and performing poses to stretch the spine and the muscles holding it will help reduce or completely get rid of pinching muscles and pains.

Intervertebral disc protrusion

Usually, protrusion is preceded by osteochondrosis, its complication leads to dystrophy of the intervertebral disc, in which it protrudes, but the structure of the fibrous ring is preserved. As a result of such a violation, pain appears in a particular section of the spine, but also pain can occur in the limbs or internal organs.

Many people mistake protrusion as a problem of internal organs or limbs, not understanding the root cause.

In this case, yoga is allowed for therapeutic purposes, it is important to avoid excessive pressure on the protrusion area. It is forbidden to perform compression of the spine in this part of the spine, including inverted poses - racks on the shoulder blades, head and hands are undesirable. More attention should be paid to stretching and strengthening stabilizer muscles.

Intervertebral hernia: is yoga forbidden?

Although hernias are more often a contraindication to any compression loads, even yoga classes, in fact, the correct distribution of the load will not aggravate the problem, although complete healing is possible only with the help of surgical intervention. But hernias are not a sentence; it is not forbidden to lead a healthy lifestyle and engage in healing yoga.

The main thing is to take an X-ray of the problem department, the specialist will determine which way the hernia goes, this is necessary to determine the permitted asanas.

A competent trainer will be able to correctly determine the load. If the hernia of one of the sections extends towards the abdominal cavity (inward), in this case asanas with deep slopes in a particular section of the spine are forbidden, in which the hernia contracts even more. And if the hernia comes back, then strong bending of the spine in an unstable region is prohibited.

ATTENTION! With hernias, it is also forbidden to perform inverted poses.

Introductory video of simple yoga exercises for beginners

Conclusion: is it possible to do yoga with back pain?

Definitely, with the help of yoga you can achieve improved mobility of the spine, joints, strengthen muscles and even get rid of pain, but only if the problem is correctly diagnosed and an individual set of exercises is selected.

Consult a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Only a set of measures will help solve the problem, extend the health of the spine, and, accordingly, all organs and systems.


Watch the video: Core Exercises for Spinal Fusion and more!. FemFusion Fitness (June 2024).