Unfairly banned foods: what you should not refuse while on a diet. How many potatoes per day can you lose weight?


It is widely believed that fatty and carbohydrate foods are the main enemy of a slim figure. Therefore, while dieting, many people attribute high-calorie goodies to the list of prohibited foods. In fact, many of these "exiles" not only do not contribute to increased body fat, but also help to lose weight.


100 grams of pearl barley contains a lot of kilocalories - about 330, but fiber is only 1 gram. Such indicators, naturally, do not have the best effect on the "dietary image" of this cereal. But not everything is so simple.

Firstly, in pearl barley there are many resistant starches that are not absorbed by the body, but are removed from it.

Secondly, this porridge is very satisfying, literally 30 grams of cereal is enough to satisfy hunger for a long time, and this is only 100 kcal.


There is a lot of fat in olives, but almost 2/3 of it comes from monounsaturated fatty acids. According to research, people who use foods high in these compounds weigh less than the rest.

However, do not forget about the sense of proportion. The daily norm is 5-6 olives (about 35 grams). It is advisable to add them to vegetable salads instead of butter.

Pine nuts

Cedar kernels are another unfairly forbidden product during the diet. Yes, they are high-calorie - almost 690 kcal per 100 g. But if you use only 20-25 grams of nuts per day, then they will not only not damage the figure, but also help to reduce weight.

The fact is that pine nuts are present in pine nuts, which effectively suppresses hunger. This fact has been scientifically proven by scientists from Liverpool.


Duck meat is very fatty, but even slimming people can eat it. True, the fillet must be pre-processed: remove the skin and remove fat. After that, only 140 kcal will remain in the 100 gram piece of duck breast.

In addition, there is more protein in the meat of this bird than in chicken. Therefore, it can be recommended to fitness lovers.


Potato contains indigestible starches. And more of them are in red root crops. It is advisable to eat potatoes chilled, so it will provide a longer feeling of satiety.

A day should eat no more than two medium-sized tubers. The best option is to eat in the morning in a boiled form.

Beef liver

The liver has many beneficial substances, including folic acid, biotin and phospholipids. With a deficiency of these compounds, metabolism slows down and obesity develops.

80-100 grams of beef liver per day is able to provide a person with the necessary amount of phospholipids. In addition, this product is rich in iron, the lack of which is fraught with lethargy and rapid fatigue.


The list of banned foods for losing weight includes beans. But American scientists have proven that it contains a substance that blocks the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of starch. That is, when you use beans, starch is not absorbed and does not turn into energy. However, you should not eat more than 40 grams of beans per day, still they are very high in calories.

If you want to lose weight, do not exclude from the diet all foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Some of them are of great benefit to the body. The main thing is to consume them in small quantities.


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