Unrefined flaxseed oil: benefits and harms of the product. Why should you be careful when using it?


Many vegetable oils from seeds of various, not even oilseeds - cotton, mustard, sea buckthorn, walnut, sesame, flax and others - have special useful properties due to their unique chemical composition. Flax - a true Russian culture, has long been widely cultivated in Russia, and 2-3 centuries ago, linseed oil was a common product. In Soviet times, its industrial production was considered unprofitable and for a long time forgot about this unique product.

In the last couple of decades, thanks to innovative medical research on the chemical composition of flaxseed oil, its unique properties have been rediscovered, which can equally benefit and irreparable harm to the human body. Therefore, when consuming flax seed oil, you must strictly follow the rules and some precautions.

The unique composition of flaxseed oil: the benefits and harms nearby

Flaxseed, as well as flaxseed oil, is the only plant product containing polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 (60%), 6 (20%), 9 (10%). If omega-6 and omega-9 are also present in other vegetable oils, the essential omega-3 fatty acid is found only in marine fish and linseed oil. Fatty acids are indispensable because the human body is not able to independently synthesize these substances. For the full work and functioning of all organs and systems, omega-3 is a necessary component of a healthy diet.

In terms of the content of PUFA, omega-3 linseed oil is ahead of fish oil. The specific taste and smell of both fats are due precisely to the presence of omega-3 acids.

In addition to fatty acids, the composition of flax seed and oil from it include:

Monounsaturated fatty acids - alpha-linoleic, linolenic, oleic;

· Organic acids;

· Protein (proteins) - 21%;

Vitamins - A, E, B-1,2,6, C;

Trace elements - magnesium, zinc, copper; potassium occupies a special place - its content is greater than in bananas, and potassium is indispensable for the work of the cardiovascular system;

· Fiber (microfibers) - 28%, indispensable for the work of the intestine, digestive system;

Ash - 4%;

· Carbohydrates - 6%, including sugar, aromatic acids, lignins.

Lignins are powerful antioxidants that can prevent the development of certain forms of cancer, effectively fighting viruses, bacteria, and infections in the body. The content of these substances is 8 thousand (!) Times greater than in other plants.

Such a composition of linseed oil is undoubtedly unique and very useful for humans. Unfortunately, flax seed contains cyanogenic glycosides, which decompose into fractions under any, even the most insignificant thermal effect, releasing cyanide - the strongest poison, albeit in scant doses. Its accumulation in the human body leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland and the development of criticism.

In addition, linseed oil oxidizes very quickly in the light and in the air. During oxidation, fatty acids decompose with the formation of free radicals - strong carcinogens that provoke the formation of cancer cells in the body. Thus, all the beneficial substances of linseed oil when heated turn into extremely harmful. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to cook on linseed oil, it can be consumed only cold in its pure form or added to salads and cold (!) Dishes, dairy products.

After consuming linseed oil, hot foods and drinks should not be consumed for 1 hour.

What are the benefits of unrefined oil?

Crude oil is the product of the first cold pressed. Since flaxseed cannot be subjected to heat treatment, it is unrefined flaxseed oil that is a useful product and, if used properly, cannot harm the human body.

It is best to buy a product from a trusted manufacturer, be sure to pay attention to the production method - cold pressed, release date and composition: the package should contain an omega-3 fat content of at least 60%. The bottle should be tightly corked, only of dark glass, the contents - with a specific smell of fish oil. After uncorking, unrefined linseed oil must be used within 1 month. Store the product in a dark, cool place (you can in the refrigerator), in tightly sealed containers.

Why it is useful to use linseed oil

The unique composition of the product makes it useful for all human organs and systems, but, first of all, omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain. Daily use of only 1 dessert spoon of unrefined linseed oil allows you to:

· Reduce cholesterol by dissolving cholesterol plaques and increasing, while increasing the level of "good" cholesterol;

· Reduce the risk of blood clots, cleanse blood vessels, strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

· Reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, as well as their recurrence.

For weight loss

The intake of easily digestible polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body helps to normalize fat metabolism - burning internal fat, normalizing weight and losing weight. This ability of flaxseed oil is even considered a “side effect” of use. Due to the high fiber content, intestinal function improves, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, which also contributes to weight loss.

Flaxseed oil has a mild laxative effect. Taking one teaspoon or dessert spoon on an empty stomach (to enhance the effect, you can drink a small amount of cold water), you can quickly cleanse the body.

Benefits for women

Flaxseed oil is especially useful for women after 40-45 years. The high content of omega fats helps restore hormones, prevents the development of breast and rectal cancer.

The use of the product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair, helps increase brain activity, improve memory, attention, and the nervous system. Omega-3 PUFAs are necessary to maintain visual acuity, part of the fiber of the eye.

Harmful of linseed oil

A useful product can turn into poison and harm the body if you do not follow the rules of storage, use. In addition, linseed oil contains substances that require additional metabolism in the liver and carry a significant burden on the organ. Therefore, people suffering from liver diseases, it is necessary with great caution to approach its use.

In case of pancreatic dysfunction, it is also better to refuse flaxseed oil: it promotes increased production of bile, which clogs the channels in the pancreas and leads to exacerbations of the disease.

Unrefined linseed oil can harm pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as when taking antidepressants, antiviral agents.

Flaxseed oil is a very useful product, but you can not forget about contraindications, the rules of storage and use, so that it does not harm your body.


Watch the video: Udos Oil 3-6-9 Blend with Founder & CEO Udo Erasmus (June 2024).