The amazing benefits of mint for men: treat your beloved with mint tea! Attention: what you need to know about the dangers of mint for a man’s health


Plants that can replace mint can not be found in the world. Rarely what herb is so appreciated in cooking and herbal medicine, it has not only characteristic aroma and taste with cool freshness, but also useful properties. And men can benefit from peppermint.

What is known about mint, its benefits for men and the composition of the plant

Among the more than 20 wild-growing and actively cultivated (including ornamental) species that are more than 20 wild and actively cultivated by humans (the Yasnotkovye family), the most widely used species is the cultural hybrid from wild aquatic and spiky mint - peppermint.

Aromatherapy, cosmetology, pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine and other areas - peppermint is in great demand.

But as for the significance in the gastronomic sense, here the peppermint is crushed by spiky (other names - garden, curly), from the time of Ancient Rome known as spice for dishes and flavoring for alcoholic beverages. The first dishes and snacks, vegetable pickles, pasta, desserts, as well as meat, which is surprisingly good (especially lamb) to serve mint sauce. They even make jam from mint.

If we talk about drinks, then for tea you can take at least peppermint, at least curly, but the taste qualities of the latter are considered by many people higher.

Use for these purposes you can mint dry and fresh, which, incidentally, is well preserved in freezing.

Herbal tea with mint can be supplemented with other plants and even tea with green or black, and coffee lovers can add, for example, in latte, mint syrup.

The energy value of mint should not be taken into account - less than 70 kcal per 100 g, and in addition, mint is never consumed much.

And in order to fully appreciate its beneficial properties, it is enough to drink 1-2 cups of tea with mint per day.

Talking about any specific benefits of peppermint for men is not easy, the vast majority of the plant's properties have a positive effect on the health of both sexes.

But, looking at mint, you can find something that is of particular importance to men.

And for an example, you can refer to its composition:

• Vitamin A improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head, which work more intensively in men than in women;

• Bioflavonoid rutin is important for the prevention of prostate diseases.

A significant proportion of the positive properties of mint is created by essential oil, more precisely, its main element is menthol. It is he who underlies the mint smell and taste.

The oil content in leaves and stems (depending on the type of mint) is 1.3-3.75%, in inflorescences - up to 6%.

And plants are harvested at a time when the concentration of essential oil in the grass reaches its maximum - on the eve of flowering and during it.

And mint is not much more difficult than dill or onions can be grown on the windowsill.

Mint fiber does not differ in its ability to influence digestive processes, but it absorbs toxic substances, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides to remove from the body.

It is noteworthy that the plant, called lemon mint, is actually a lemon balm, generally belonging to another genus (Melissa).

Misconceptions and confusion stem from some similarities in the appearance and aroma of herbs, but their biological characteristics, as well as useful with harmful properties, are different.

What diseases will benefit from peppermint for men?

Mint heals the cardiovascular system, normalizing the rhythm and strengthening the heart muscle, exerting a vasodilating effect and preventing the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

Due to the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of mint, it can be recommended for a variety of diseases and disorders, for recovery periods after injuries and operations, as well as for the time of intensive training and physical labor.

Peppermint has an excellent effect on the gastrointestinal tract and its properties, which are noticeable not only during the period of use of the plant, but for a long time after stopping its use, include:

• normalization of intestinal motility;

• reduction of fermentation processes;

• a decrease in the reaction to nutrition, causing flatulence;

• relief of symptoms of heartburn;

• arousal of appetite;

• stimulation of the production of gastric juice;

• Improving the digestibility of heavy, fatty and fried foods.

How else is the benefits of peppermint for men

The property of peppermint to freshen breath is well known and this occurs as a result of not only blocking an unpleasant odor with cool freshness, but also due to the ability of peppermint to destroy bacteria that cause a bad smell.

But not only therefore, the plant can be found in toothpastes and mouthwashes, chewing gums.

Mint is also able to strengthen tooth enamel, prevent tooth decay, and reduce bleeding gums.

Men, like women, should pay attention to the popular drink of mint, ginger root, honey (to taste, replace cane sugar) and lemon.

The complex of biologically active substances contained in it:

• activates fat burning;

• speeds up metabolic processes (including energy production from food);

• serves to prevent vitamin deficiency;

• acts as an antioxidant;

• improves oxygen supply to the cells.

All this together logically leads to weight loss and brings the desired results of sports and fitness training.

It is important to note the property of peppermint to positively affect the digestibility of protein meat food and the digestibility of vitamin D from plant foods, which is necessary for building muscle mass.

Also, regular use of peppermint helps:

• lowering blood pressure;

• relief of symptoms of osteochondrosis and radiculitis;

• normalization of blood coagulation.

Mint perfectly relieves nausea of ​​any origin, and its fresh smell eliminates dizziness and is even able to prevent fainting.

Plant extract is often included in the composition of anti-kinetosis preparations (painful motion sickness or motion sickness), and with regular use, it is worth hoping to improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, which can be very important for drivers, fans of horse riding and skiing.

In the summer heat, chilled tea with mint and ice cubes not only quenches thirst, tones and refreshes. It protects against overheating and dehydration, stimulates the sweating necessary for natural cooling and improves the respiratory system with stuffiness, high humidity.

In winter, hot peppermint tea reduces the risk of getting sick as a result of hypothermia.

If the disease catches up, mint can be used to:

• churning heat (it is recommended to brew with linden);

• relieve chills;

• reduce swelling, pain, and sore throat.

Peppermint essential oil is used for inhalation in order to cleanse the lungs and bronchi, with menthol there are many candies and lozenges for coughing.

Mint has a good effect on the nervous system, stabilizing it after tiring mental work and stressful loads. The plant is effective for insomnia and disturbing dreams.

According to psychologists, thanks to mint, you can get rid of the neurosis and chronic fatigue, often accompanying senior positions with great responsibility.

What is the harm of mint for men

It is widely believed that the harm of mint for men is expressed in violation of health in the intimate sphere, which can lead to impotence and even infertility.

Recent research by scientists, unfortunately, partly confirms this.

The fact is that on the one hand, mint contains a significant amount of phytoestrogens, which are analogues of female hormones, and on the other hand, the plant lowers the level of testosterone, the hormone responsible for many male features - especially the physique, voice and widespread hairline.

In addition, the calming effect of mint can be expressed, as already mentioned, in a certain inhibition of the psychoemotional state, which can affect the decrease in sexual desire.

However, in no way can mint make a person barren.

But the harm of mint for men is manifested only with prolonged use in large quantities, in other words, if you don’t drink 5 cups of strong mint infusion daily for a couple of months, nothing bad will happen.

And what's more, due to the plant’s properties, it can treat blood circulation disorders and relieve nervous tension and fatigue, often responsible for erectile dysfunction, men can count on the positive effect of mint on intimate abilities.

But an overdose of peppermint is harmful not only for this and not only for men, but also for women.

Usually, following its excessive use, a number of symptoms follow:

• dizziness;

• severe weakness;

• nausea and sometimes vomiting;

• rashes on the skin.

In this case, you just need to give up mint in any form for several days.

Due to pronounced sedative properties, there is harm to men for men spending a lot of time behind the wheel of a car engaged in dangerous, requiring an increased reaction speed and concentration of attention work, it can not be accepted by those who are passionate about extreme sports.

If we are not talking about minimal mint additives, for example, as a flavoring in gingerbread cookies or toothpaste, but about using it for medicinal purposes, for example, in the form of tea, then after 2-3 weeks it is worth taking a break for 1-2 weeks, because with prolonged use, the body gets used to it and so the effectiveness of the properties of the plant decreases.

Also, contraindications to the use of mint are:

• a number of gastrointestinal diseases with increased acidity of gastric juice;

• obesity 2 and 3 degrees;

• hypotension (a long time low blood pressure);

• varicose veins on the legs.


Watch the video: Fireside Chat. Talks Machina (June 2024).