Reasons why a cat eats badly. What to do if a cat eats poorly: methods that work


Cats are known for being sometimes too selective, turning their noses even from the most expensive and elite foods. But if you suddenly find that your cat is eating poorly, you should not automatically blame it on her stubbornness - this may be a symptom of the disease. There are other reasons why a cat may lose its appetite, so don’t start to worry right away.

Possible reasons why a cat eats poorly

Non-medical reasons that are common enough.

· Psychological problems

Cats suffer the same stress as humans, although they do not have the same effective mechanisms for overcoming this stress. If your cat's source of stress can continue, his condition may worsen when he stops eating. If your cat stops eating, take the time to identify any potential sources of stress, and then talk with your veterinarian to see if something can be done with them.

· Changes in everyday life

If your cat suddenly stops eating, think about what has changed recently. Perhaps a family member moved or you brought a new pet. Such things can cause a negative psychological reaction in some cats, which can lead to loss of appetite.

· New feed

Quite often, pet food manufacturers make small changes to their composition. Many cats have sensitive digestive systems, and even a small change in diet can cause digestive upset, resulting in a cat eating poorly.

· Monotonous diet

This does not apply to all cats, but some cats do need a varied diet. Some pet food brands offer feeds designed for a balanced, varied diet.


As your cat gets older, her metabolism slows down and she no longer needs as many calories as before. Most cats regulate the process of eating food pretty well, so don't be surprised if an older cat eats poorly.

Medical reasons that are not so common, but they must be borne in mind.

Dental problems

Diseases of the gums and teeth cause not only bad breath, but also long-term side effects. Without treatment, periodontal disease can lead to infection, pain, and tooth loss - all of this can affect your cat’s ability and desire to eat. If your pet looks healthy and does not show any other changes in behavior, but continues to eat poorly, check her teeth.

Gastrointestinal problems

There are a number of gastrointestinal issues that can contribute to your cat’s lack of appetite, including intestinal parasites, colitis, and gastroenteritis. Any of these conditions can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


This is a common cause of lack of appetite. May also cause dehydration and weight loss. Pancreatitis can be caused by excessive use of certain medications, infection, reaction to surgery, or abdominal trauma.

Kidney disease

Kidney disease is more common in older cats. One of the main symptoms is nausea, which makes the pet eat much less.

· Reaction to vaccination.

Cats need annual vaccinations to protect them from certain infectious and fatal diseases. Unfortunately, some cats react negatively to vaccines that are supposed to protect them. If your cat suddenly stops eating after receiving the vaccine, this can be a side effect. Fortunately, loss of appetite as a result of vaccination reactions is usually mild and short-term.

What to do if a cat eats badly?

If your cat eats poorly, take some time to think about what might cause this change in behavior. Try to determine if your pet stops eating after a certain event or only with certain ailments. The more carefully you can observe the behavior of your cat, the more information you can give your veterinarian to help him make an accurate diagnosis.

· Make sure your pet is healthy. If the cat refuses food, this can be a sign of illness, especially when it lasts more than one day. Be sure to contact your veterinarian.

· If you bought dry or wet food, canned cat food of only one specific company, try choosing other brands.

· Heat feed. If you store cat food in the refrigerator, before giving it to the cat, heat it in the microwave (from 5 to 10 seconds) to body temperature. The smell will become more attractive. If you don’t have a microwave, try adding some warm water to your food instead.

· Add something delicious to your cat’s food. Any special goodies that the pet likes.

· Keep your bowls clean. This is especially important if your cat eats canned or raw food, because microbes can start to grow in pieces of leftover food and cause illness. If a cat eats poorly, it may not be a matter of disease at all, but the purity that they love so much. If you use plastic bowls, replace them with metal or ceramic, because they are easier to wash.

· Try lower bowls. Some cats do not like deep or narrow bowls. Pets with a flat face, such as Persians, Himalayans and exotic shorthair cats, will not be able to reach food at all.

· Do not try to give medicine by hiding it in food. The drug may be bitter. And after this bad experience, the cat may refuse to use this food.

· Diversify the diet. Even if you like pizza, you will get tired of it if you eat it every day throughout your life. Cats need some variety in their diets, just like us.


Watch the video: Cat: Ill and Severely Dehydrated (June 2024).